Market News

The product range of the zobacco shops may expand

In the future, tobacco shops can sell chewing gums, mints, public transport tickets, and the buyers can upload their mobile phones as well in the tobacco shops – according to...

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The Adecco’s new research will help in job market entry

Adecco’s first global study reveales the most important research results related to job search, digital reputation, manpower search in the era of the social media. Adecco Group, the world's leading...

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Can nice people find jobs easier?

Nine out of ten jobseekers would be satisfied with less imaginary salary, while slightly more than half of the submitted applications contain statements that do not correspond to reality. The...

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Debrecen will have its own wine

Debrecen will have an own wine again: the red and white wines that can bear the Wine of the City title will be presented at wine muster that will be...

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Only consumption growth can save apple farmers

Hungary’s Interprofessional Organisation for Fruit and Vegetable (FruitVeB) suggested several solutions how to increase apple sales. These could raise the currently 15kg per capita annual apple consumption level by 10kg....

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Winemakers want higher alcohol content

The National Council of Wine Communities would like the European Commission to authorise Hungarian winemakers to increase the natural alcohol content of wines with sugar, by 0.5 percent abv in...

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The CBA, Coop and the Reál are supporting the Sunday shop closure

The CBA, Coop and the Reál have the highest turnover (combined revenues of 1,441.4 billion HUF in 2013, 77,000 employees) among the chains in Hungary. Now these three Hungarian owned...

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The sales of daily consumer goods would be prohibited for the large loss making companies

From January 2018, the government would prohibit the sales of daily consumer goods for the big companies that have zero or negative net income in two business years in a...

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Stronger consumer demand for quality food products

The demand for high-quality, healthy products is becaoming stronger with conscious consumer behavior – said Helik Ferenc, head of the Board of Directors of the priority issues at the National...

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KPMG: the corporate debt market can switch to a higher gear

Banks are more optimistic in relation of the future prospects of the corporate debt market – the KPMG sets in the sixth edition of its Corporate Lending Sentiment Index publication....

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More and more people would be their own bosses

The flexible forms of employment are given a larger emphasis in Hungary, such as self-employment. Not only globally, but entrepreneurship is getting stronger in Hungary as well: although we have...

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Several dangerous food products were banned

The National Public Health and Medical Officer Service (ÁNTSZ) prohibited the distribution of a number of so-called special nutritional food products – was said on the organization's website. The alleged...

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GfK: the domestic market of technical products grew in the third quarter of 2014

The sales of long-term technical products increased by 9 percent, in the third quarter of 2014, compared to the same period of 2013. Despite the fact that the market is...

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Optimism in Europe's strongest economy

The sentiment index for the assessment of the economic outlook of the Mannheim-based ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung) increased much stronger-than-expected in November, while the assessment of the current business...

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NAK and the Medicinal Plant Association and Product Council cooperate

The storage room was redesigned, the old drying room was modernised and a new drying room was built at Herbária Zrt.’s plant in Székkutas. The Ministry of Agriculture, the Medicinal...

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Concentration in winemakers’ revenues

A recent analysis by Bisnode reveals that the HUF 4.3-billion combined revenue of the ten biggest grape growers represented one third of the sector’s HUF 12.5 billon revenue in 2013....

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Drying with subsidised gas

Since the autumn has been wet, certain crops – corn, sugar beet, soya bean, sunflower, potato – are still being harvested. Corn, sunflower and soya bean have higher humidity content...

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Hungary’s fisheries sector on a growth track

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian Association of Fish Farmers and Fisheries Water Management (MAHAL) signed a cooperation agreement in Kisbajcs. NAK president Balázs Győrffy told that...

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Record turnover of sweets in December 2013

Food retail achieved a record turnover from selling sweets last December. People spent more than ever 2.7 billion HUF to around 650 tonnes of sweet gifts – the Nielsen Retail...

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The foreign trade surplus of the euro zone has increased

The foreign trade surplus of the euro zone has increased in September, thanks to increase of export growth. According to the the first estimate, the 18-member euro zone's trade surplus...

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The Dutch bird flu can be transmitted from animals to humans

A strain of bird flu which can be transmitted to humans has been detected on a farm south of Amsterdam, prompting Dutch authorities to ban the transport of all poultry...

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Almost half of the corn has been harvested in Zala County

Forty-five percent of the corn is harvested in Zala County, the average yield is 6.98 tons per hectare – Süle Katalin, county chairman of the National Association of Agricultural Economics...

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MasterCard is working with Visa on an online payment simplifying standard

The MasterCard and the Visa are working together on an online payment simplifying standard. The single-use passwords and biometric data will play the main role in the new standard –...

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It will be easier to trade with China

The euro zone's first clearing platform calculating in Chinese currency started operations in Frankfurt. With the platform, operated by the Bank of China it is possible to carry out trade...

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Low-grade seed sold without permission was seized by the NÉBIH

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized a total of 600 kilograms – about 14 bags – of unknown origin oak seeds from vendors in the Biharnagybajom and Nyírbátor...

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P&G among the leaders in the Chinese FMCG market too

According to AdvertisingAge (USA), since 2012 Procter & Gamble’s second biggest market has been China. P&G is the country’s biggest advertising spender and is the market leader in basically all...

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Drugstores dominate

Decorative cosmetics retail sales exceeded HUF 5 billion between January and August 2014. Value sales augmented by 10 percent and volume sales rose 2 percent, according to the Nielsen Retail...

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Body care when it is cold outside

Economic recession and changing consumption trends made great changes in the body care market in the last few years – Katalin Rosta, junior shopper & customer marketing manager of Unilever...

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The legal requirements for invoice issuing have changed

Until 15 November 2014 enterprises must report data on the invoicing software they use to the tax authorities. Data to be reported: a) software name and ID, b) name and...

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What is on the packaging: from manual labels to two-dimensional barcodes

Packaging – be it consumer, collective or transportation packaging – plays a crucial role in every point of the product and information flow. Information is carried by text, pictogram or...

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