Market News

KSH: 60 percent of the country's agricultural land is used by individual farmers

Hungary has 6 million hectares of productive land area of which 4.5 million hectares are farmlands, of which 60 percent is used by individual farms – the Central Statistical Office...

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Shared property, shared reviews

Although we got not much closer to the concept of community / share -based economy, in recent years this economic model is gaining ground, not only internationally, but also in...

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Drought causes forty billion HUF damages each year

The drought causes about forty billion HUF damages everyyear in Hungary – Láng István, Technical Deputy Director General of the National Directorate of Water Resources told M1 news channel. Láng...

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The Santa Claus Factory’s collection point was opened in the Lurdy House

The Santa Claus Factory’s collection point in the Lurdy House was opened on Tuesday. The Santa Claus Factory awaits the durable foods, good quality clothing and toy donations for the...

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Expanding Hungarian business opportunities in Bangladesh

More than 100 domestic and Bangladeshi firms participated at the Hungarian National Trading House’s Hungarian-Bangladesh Business Forum held on November 29 in Budapest. There is a demand for Hungarian technological...

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VSZT: the use of certified seeds is still a requirement

The use of certified seeds is still an obligation for farmers who want to use production grants – the Seed Association informs. Only way to contain the necessary supporting simplification...

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Neither agree, nor disagree

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The agricultural sector is characterized by high investment activity

The majority of the decision-makers of agricultural businesses expect improvement in their management environment in the next twelve months – according to the Agricultural Economy Mood index of the Savings...

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GKI: growth can be around 2 percent this year

The GKI confirmed its expected annual 2 percent growth forecast for the whole year, after the 2 percent increase of this year's third quarter. Thanks to the re-start of the...

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FM: a Hungarian authority can grant the permission of the Hungarian meat plants to export to Israel

Hungary received the right to name, which meat plants can export to Israel – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Friday. The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) pointed out...

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The volunteers of the Food Bank Association collected 226 tonnes of durable food products

The Christmas fundraising campaign of the Hungarian Food Bank Association – that took place during the weekend – was successfully completed. The fundraising campaign took place in nearly 120 settlements...

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Macedonia regards the Hungarian hungaricum law as a model

Szakáli István Loránd Deputy Minister of State responsible for Agricultural Development and Hungaricums discussed about the experiences in connection with the hungaricum law and about country image-building potential opportunities in...

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MFB expands its network and product portfolio

Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt. (MFB) is speeding up the building of the MFB Point network: by the end of October all 442 MFB Points will be up and running in...

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State buys Mezőhegyes Horse Farm

Hungary’s government decided to buy the Mezőhegyes Horse Farm Zrt. in order to establish a National Horse and Experimental Farm. The Prime Minister’s Office will pay HUF 2.1 billion for...

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European funding for Hungarian agricultural SMEs

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and the Agricultural Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund (Avhga) signed a cooperation agreement for motivating Hungarian SMEs to take out loans. Within the framework of the...

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Hantech expands production capacity in Csorna

Csorna-seated agricultural machinery manufacturer Hantech Zrt. expended its production capacity from a HUF 350-million budget. Thanks to this development the company, which sells practically everything it manufactures to foreign partners...

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The agriculture and market services contributed most to GDP growth

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the agriculture and market services contributed to the 2 percent GDP expansion in the third quarter in the greatest...

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OKSZ: it is questionable, whether the demand was assessed properly for the Black Friday

According to the National Retail Federation, it is questionable, whether the demand was assessed properly for the Black Friday in online trade. Vámos György told M1 news channel on Saturday...

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Less than average walnuts grown this year

The nut producers could harvest only half of the average yield this year. Mainly the late spring frosts are responsible for the poor yield, but an insect specie also damaged...

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NÉBIH: a growing number of European countries are affected by the epidemic

The European bird flu pandemic is affecting a growing number of countries: in recent days after Austria, Germany, Croatia, Denmark, the Netherlands, the presence of the disease was detected in...

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The cross-border training program of the Hungarian National Trading House continues in Szabadka

The Hungarian National Trading House’s cross-border training program series – aim to provide professional training for the Hungarian entrepreneurs accross the border – to continue in Vojvodina. At the MNKH...

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The dietary supplement market players reacted favorably to the self-regulation

The dietary supplement market industry welcomed the self-regulation that helps the legal and safe products to gain ground – Ilku Lívia, director of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association said on...

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Working together

In October customers had the chance to taste Hungarian apples in 30 Tesco stores. The retail chain realised this campaign in cooperation with Szatmárkert-Hodász Cooperative. Almost 90 percent of the...

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New farmers’ market opens in Szolnok-Szandaszőlős

The new farmers’ market is the result of cooperation by NAK’s Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Directorate and the Szandaszőlős House of Culture. At the opening shoppers were happy to buy premium category...

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It is everyone’s interest to sell Hungarian milk in the domestic market

After harmonisation talks with retail chains, dairy farmers and processing companies, NAK announced that it is everyone’s interest to sell Hungarian milk in the domestic market. Stakeholders agreed that they...

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NAK member among Europe’s best women agri-innovators

A NAK member farmer, Olga Cser won a prize in the European Parliament’s innovation competition: from the 33 entries her project made it to the top 5. Ms Cser established...

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KSH: growth in retail sales accelerated in September

The volume of retail sales increased by 5.1 percent in September, compared to the same period of last year, according to both the raw and calendar effect adjusted data –...

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Strong investment activity among the agri businesses

The majority of the agricultural business decision-makers expects an improvement in their management environment in the next 12 months – according to the Savings Group’s Savings Agricultural Economy Mood index...

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FM: the harvest results are very favorable

This year's summer harvest and autumn harvest results are outstanding in case of a number of crops, such as corn – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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European Commission: the EU dairy sector package will improve the position of dairy farmers in the supply chain

The situation of the dairy farmers within the supply chain can be improved with EU-wide measures – Phil Hogan European Agriculture Commissioner said in Brussels on Thursday. It is more...

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