Market News

FM: spring seasonal food chain tests have started

The spring seasonal food chain control, in which traditionally consumed and seasonal foods will be tested by the National Food Chain Safety Officers (Nébih) was launched on 1 March –...

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The financial expectations of the SMEs is on an eleven-year summit

The financial expectations of SMEs have risen to an unprecedented level. They expect a revenue growth of 9.5 percent and a profit growth of 5 percent this year – according...

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MLBKT: February’s PMI has decreased but indicates a stable growth

The purchasing manager’s index (PMI) seasonally adjusted value for February was 57.4 points, lower than the January value of 61.1 points. However, compared to the previous February, this year’s February...

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Advertising Association: Last year, 241 billion forints were spent on advertising

The Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) estimates that the 2017 advertising spending was 241 billion forints, 11.5 percent more than a year before, but excluding the state spendings, but the market...

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The range of protected geographical indications has expanded with another seven members

The range of protected geographical indications has expanded with the Csopaki wine, the Sikicarp of Akasztó, peaches from Budaörs, the Black Cherry from Szomolya, sour cherry from Újfehértó, Nagykun rice...

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KSH: investment grew with a record extent in 2017

Investments grew with a record extent with 16.7 percent in 2017 after a 16.0 percent drop last year. The volume of investments in the fourth quarter was 14.4 percent higher...

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The Hungarian National Trade House finished its star tour

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) has completed the Carpathian Basin star tour, where over the past two months, the joint work was evaluated with nearly 300 companies at seven...

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EU payments are close to 1000 billion HUF

So far, the European Commission paid all performance-based payments to Hungary in the 2014-2020 cycle – Világgazdaság Online wrote. With regard to the projects of the 2014-2020 EU development cycle,...

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Seventy thousand new jobs have been created in agriculture in the past 7-8 years

About 70,000 new jobs have been created over the last seven to eight years in agriculture in Hungary, the majority of them in Zala and in other counties of Transdanubia...

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KPMG: this year, many acquisitions are expected in Hungary

As in the past two years, many acquisitions are expected in Hungary. The sale of Telenor is imminent, and if it is completed this year, the Hungarian company acquisition record...

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The new one thousand HUF banknote to come from Thursday

The new one-thousand HUF banknote will be launched on Thursday, March 1 – said Gerhardt Ferenc vice president of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) at a press conference in...

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Magazine: E-commerce: shopper scene redrawn

Nielsen’s global report ‘Digital Era’ analyses retail trends in an environment that is becoming more and more digital. First and foremost, thanks to the internet, the buying procedure has become more...

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(HU) A TRUMF, mint adu

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(HU) BENU Franchise Hálózat – A siker receptje

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Foreigners love pálinka

Budapest’s tourists spent record number of pálinka at the weekend, although it is well-known that Hungaricum is considered to be too strong to the foreigners. The unusual popularity is due...

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Madosz: tobacco production and crops increased in 2017

In Hungary 6802 tons of tobacco was produced on 3380 hectares of cultivated land in 2017. Compared to the data of two years ago, and the volume of crops and...

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Diplomats are drinking Tokaji

The Tokaj wine region is the leader in the 2018 wine selection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KKM). The selection is made for foreign missions and diplomatic events –...

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OECD expects the wage convergence in Hungary

The increase in earnings was the second highest last year in Hungary among the 28 member states of the European Union – Szalai Piroska, advisor of the Ministry of National...

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KSH: 4 million 436 thousand was the average number of employees in January

In the November 2017 to January 2018 period, the average number of employees was 4 million 436 thousand, 35 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the...

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The inspectors of Nébih detected illegal cattle slaughtering

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Officers (Nébih) detected illegal cattle slaughtering in a meat plant where 500 kilos of unmarked products were found. According to the communication...

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Romanian milk processing plants favor Hungarian milk

The Romanian milk processing plants buy only the quarter of the milk produced in the country and almost half of the imported milk comes from Hungary – the website...

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The webshops see serious opportunities in rural buyers

Although domestic online sales continue to grow at a triple speed, compared to traditional retail, the customer circle appears to have reached its ceiling – Népszava Online wrote. Currently, about...

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Home-made pálinka was really popular last year

The distilleries produced 8.8 million liters of fifty percent pálinka, while many have decided to produce their own pálinka at home with their own pots – Magyar Idők Online wrote....

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Cash accumulation is slowing down

Cash accumulation of the households has slowed down somewhat last year, due to the decline in savings in foreign currencies – Világgazdaság Online wrote. However, the volume and proportion of...

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ClientFirst Consulting: A satisfied customer spends up to two and a half times more

The ClientFirst Consulting that surveys more than 1,500 businesses and customer service points and evaluates the opinion of 6,500 customers, handed over this year’s “Excellence in Customer Service” awards –...

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FM: Hungarian wheat exports to Egypt can start

Negotiations on the approval of wheat export to Egypt were successfully concluded with the Egyptian plant health authority – the Ministry of Agriculture informed MTI. The ministry said: As a...

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KSH: the online questionnaire for fruit plantation census can be filled out until Thursday

The farmers can fill out the online questionnaire for fruit plantation census of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) until Thursday – the KSH said. The Office announced on Monday that...

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Europe began year 2018 with declining inflation

In January, inflation declined on a monthly basis in the euro area and in the European Union. Eurostat announced on Friday that the annual inflation in January fell to 1.3...

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(HU) A csúcshoz képest is emelkedett a GKI konjunktúraindexe

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Eighty billion forints for agricultural machinery buying

The Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) starts a programme that finances the buying of machinery. Farmers can apply for loans with favourable interest rates from a HUF 80-billion budget. Both agricultural machinery manufacturers...

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