Market News

NAK: V4 agricultural chambers jointly urge the reform of several EU regulations

The Chambers of Agriculture of the Visegrád Countries urged the reform of several EU regulations and the maintenance of a favorable EU agricultural policy at their meeting in Poland on...

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Apiary Association: price of honey decreased by 20 percent in one year

Honey prices have fallen by 20 percent in one year, and over the past ten years decreased by sixty percent in euros – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping...

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KSH: the neumber of employees remains over 4.5 million people

The average number of employees in the August-October period was 4 million 520 thousand, 18 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of 15-64 year-olds rose to 70.3...

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Hungary continues to support the FAO’s objectives

Hungary is ready to continue its successful cooperation so far with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its offices in Budapest to achieve the goals...

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AM: 2.4 billion HUF grant has been decided for the enclosed garden program

Great interest surrounded the tender for the development of the infrastructure of the closed gardens this year again. The Ministry of Agriculture will increase this year’s support to 2.4 billion...

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Tax evading grain traders have been charged with commodity traders in Komárom-Esztergom County

The Komárom-Esztergom County Public Prosecutor’s Office accuses a Komárom-Esztergom County prosecutor of two hundred million VAT fraud of building a corporate network to issue fictitious invoices, thus reducing his tax...

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Winter is Coming: 18,000 dogs are in danger

Most Hungarians are aware of the tough situation of animal welfare workers. We often see the problems caused by careless animal husbandry: stray dogs, cats (45%) and irresponsible pet care...

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GfK: consumer sentiment improved in Germany in December

Contrary to expectations, last month’s consumer sentiment in Germany improved slightly, according to a December survey by the GfK Economic Research Institute. The December consumer sentiment index increased by 0.1...

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Increasing cooperation – ÖRT and Beer Association

A higher level cooperation agreement has been signed between the Association of Hungarian Brewers and the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board, according to which the Association and its members will cooperate in...

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The Minister of Agriculture urges European cooperation for beekeepers

Due to environmental challenges and the emergence of Asian competitors, the Minister of Agriculture called for cooperation at EU level for beekeepers in Budapest. At the event organized by the...

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The Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Slovak Chamber of Agriculture jointly address a number of issues

Strong EU regulation is needed to reduce the risk of African swine fever; there is a need for increased controls on cereal imports from Ukraine, and the management of the...

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283 tons of durable food will help the needy as part of the Food Bank Christmas Fundraising Campaign

During the weekend action in more than 200 locations across 120 municipalities around the country, the Hungarian Food Bank Association collected about 283 tons of durable food with the help...

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Nébih: a bakery in Csepel was closed

A bakery had to be closed for the second time in early November, due to serious deficiencies – – the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) told MTI on Tuesday....

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The new cargo handling center of the Budapest Airport was inaugurated

Cargo City, the new cargo handling center of the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport was inaugurated on Thursday. At the opening ceremony, Magyar Levente the Parliamentary Minister of State of...

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Exports and consumption driven the German economy in the third quarter

Contrary to gloomy forecasts, the German economy expanded in the third quarter. According to the second estimate released by the Federal Bureau of Statistics (Destatis) on Friday, recession was avoided...

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FAO: Empowering farmers through innovation is key for sustainable development

It is fundamental to support smallholder and family farmers by enhancing their access to innovation for sustainable food systems and to foster sustainable development, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said today....

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Magazine: So many good things

The praline category continues its good performance, with sales growing about the confectionery market’s average.   We learned from Orsolya Elek, brand manager of Storck Hungária that value sales had...

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The price of winter salami increased significantly

In a single week, a big price increase was recorded in the domestic stores in case of winter salami – wrote after the Market Price Information System of the...

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Nagy István: beekeepers will receive 25 percent more support from 2020

As part of the national apiculture program, beekeepers will receive 25 percent more funding from 2020 – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said in Gödöllő on Sunday. At the 11th...

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AM Minister of State: agricultural productivity and profitability need to be increased

The performance of Hungarian agriculture has increased significantly in recent years, but there is still a significant lag in productivity and profitability – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the...

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Expert: 5 billion HUF is spent on online shopping in Hungary in a single year

In one year, online shopping in Hungary amounts to 5,000 billion forints – Rajnai Zoltán, Hungary’s cyber coordinator told M1 news channel. The expert said it is worth visiting well-known...

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Notary: you can stop the online shopping process even if you do not like the product

Even if you do not like the product, you can stop the online shopping process – Böröcz Helga, notary told M1 news channel on Monday. According to him, online shopping...

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A business is making steaks without meat using a 3D printer

An Israeli startup that produces food using 3D printing technology promises the same quality, or even indistinguishable, plant-based meat steak – origo wrote after Bloomberg. Redefine Meat founders were motivated...

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Biometric fingerprint reader on credit cards

Swiss-based payment technology firm Cornèrcard, Gemalto and Visa have developed a credit card that already has a biometric fingerprint reader – origo wrote. As stated on Cornèrcard’s official website, “With...

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Business sentiment in Germany improved slightly in November

As expected, business sentiment in Germany improved moderately in November, according to a survey conducted by the University of Munich’s Ifo Economic Research Institute. Ifo’s November business sentiment index increased...

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Record growth in European smartphone sales in the tirrd quarter

The European smartphone market achieved the highest 8 percent third-quarter sales growth in its history – according to a survey by market research firm Canalys. With its eight percent growth,...

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Magazine: What an experience!

Mastercard has prepared a customer experience study in connection with the Retailer of the Year 2019 award. The company wanted to find out what Hungarian retailers can do to win...

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New markets may open up for Hungarian poultry, according to the head of the product board

New markets may open up for Hungarian chicken and turkey farmers in Europe, so the sector needs to be developed from EU and state sources – the President and CEO...

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Consume fish during the Advent period

A marketing campaign to promote fish consumption awaits the visitors to the Advent Feast at the Basilica at St Stephen’s Square in December. The marketing campaign offers visual cuisine, recipes,...

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ITM: some kind of infringements were found at 90 percent of the checked web stores

Some kind of infringements were found at 90 percent of the checked web stores in recent years, – Keszthelyi Nikoletta, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and...

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