Market News
The Hungarian chewing gum is fifty years old
Date: 2020-07-31 11:20:41
Archaeological finds prove that humanity has been chewing for at least five thousand years. The oldest monument to date, a piece of tar made from birch bark and containing traces...
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Analysts: the resumption of the economy may improve employment
Date: 2020-07-31 11:20:10
The moderate increase in the unemployment rate is treated with caution by analysts because a significant proportion of those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic situation could not...
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Több száz kilogramm lejárt élelmiszert vont ki a forgalomból a hatóság
Date: 2020-07-31 11:05:53
The Pest County Government Office withdrew more than 360 kilograms of unfit, unhealthy food from the market during an inspection of a grocery store and canteen in the capital, the...
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Retail sales in Germany were mixed in June
Date: 2020-07-31 11:05:25
On an annual basis, retail sales in Germany declined in a month-on-month comparision in June. The German federal statistical office Destatis annpunced on Friday that retail sales in Germany fell...
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A válságálló családi vállalkozások három stratégiai összetevője
Date: 2020-07-31 10:16:09
Bár sokszor hasonlítják gazdasági szempontból a jelenlegi koronavírusjárvány-helyzetet a 2008-as válsághoz, a családi vállalatoknál az látható, hogy az akkori, illetve a jelenlegi krízis lényegesen más helyzetben érte a cégeket. Mennyire...
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The Bread of Hungarians starts: 15 million wheat grains program
Date: 2020-07-31 10:10:01
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Hungarian Bread – 15 million wheat grains program. In the Year of National Cohesion, in 2020, Hungarian farmers also joined forces to...
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What changes does the coronavirus pandemic bring to agriculture
Date: 2020-07-30 11:50:22
The emergence of the coronavirus has severely affected agriculture in developed and developing countries. It can already be seen that the demand for perishable products will not recover soon, and...
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Very few apples and pears will grow this year according to the profession
Date: 2020-07-30 11:45:11
40 to 50 percent fewer apples will be produced this year than average due to spring frosts and drought; the pear was weathered even more, and farmers can harvest up...
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The total value of online purchases increased by more than a third, according to a survey
Date: 2020-07-30 11:30:15
Compared to the same period of last year, the amount of online purchases in Hungary increased by 34 percent in the second quarter and reached 188 billion HUF, according to...
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Seed Association: good quality cereal seed can get into the fields in the fall
Date: 2020-07-30 11:25:14
The Interprofessional Organization and Product Council of the Seed Association announced the indicative price for autumn cereal seeds at 107,000 HUF net. As President Takács Géza said: there is a...
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The second phase of the National Food Crisis Management Program was also successfully completed
Date: 2020-07-30 11:20:27
Two of the three phases of the National Food Economy Crisis Management Program developed by the Ministry of Agriculture have already been successfully completed. As previously reported, a total of...
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They fight against plastic contamination with banana fiber masks
Date: 2020-07-30 11:06:18
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for disposable masks has doubled. Just imagine what it would be like if they weren’t all made of plastic – wrote after...
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Lead was detected in Parisian honey due to the fire in the Notre-Dame
Date: 2020-07-30 11:05:08
Elevated levels of lead have been detected in honey samples collected from hives in the path of smoke rising from the flaming Notre-Dame Cathedral three months after last April’s fire....
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Economic sentiment improved in June in the euro area and in the EU
Date: 2020-07-30 11:04:14
The economic sentiment index for the euro area and the European Union rose more than expected to a four-month high in July, in parallel with governments’ further easing of measures...
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The government has announced that for now, we can say goodbye to big festivals
Date: 2020-07-30 11:01:56
Today, Gergely Gulyás, the Prime Minister, announced what the festival organizers and their guests were most afraid of: from August 15, it will not be possible to organize musical and...
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Magazine: The world has turned upside down: How has the pandemic affected consumer behaviour?
Date: 2020-07-30 07:04:24
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has been different on different types of retailers. Obviously the operators of physical stores suffered a drastic sales loss, while those with an online...
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Credit card: small shops can count
Date: 2020-07-29 11:36:43
Payment by credit card is more convenient, but in 30% of the service places, at least 60 thousand places it is not possible to pay with them. Why is that?...
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Hungary ranks 19th among EU countries in the MNB’s competitiveness ranking
Date: 2020-07-29 11:27:36
Hungary finished 19th among the countries of the European Union in the competitiveness ranking of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) with 47.4 points, which is slightly higher than the average...
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The Chamber of Agriculture is waiting for proposals for EU food hygiene regulations
Date: 2020-07-29 11:25:13
The food hygiene regulations of the European Union will change in the near future, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is waiting for the opinions and suggestions of the food...
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KSH: 103 thousand less people were imployed worked in the second quarter than a year ago
Date: 2020-07-29 11:22:39
In the April-June period, the average number of employees was 4,408,000, and the employment rate for those aged 15-64 was 68.7 percent. The number of employees decreased by 103 thousand...
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The tobacco harvest has begun, and the sector expects a weaker crop
Date: 2020-07-29 11:19:21
This year’s extreme weather put Hungarian tobacco plantations to the test, which is why the yield is expected to be of lower quality and lower than last year – was...
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Declining bee populations threaten food supply
Date: 2020-07-29 11:14:15
A drastic decline in pollinating insect populations could have serious consequences for the global food supply, quotes from a comprehensive international study. The study was published in Proceeding of...
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The Tisza PET Cup will start for the eighth time
Date: 2020-07-29 11:11:14
The traditional, Upper Tisza-Rural rowing, long-distance river boat race will not be missed this year either. Due to the viral situation, community river cleaning will be carried out in a...
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New holiday is the “Self-Care Day”
Date: 2020-07-29 11:04:45
The pandemic-inspired “Self-Care Day” is on July 24, Friday this year. Some FMCG companies, including Mars Wrigley, have also made it in the U.S. to bring smiles and joy in...
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More than 4.7 billion crowns are the loss of Czech brewing industry and trade as a result of the pandemic
Date: 2020-07-29 11:03:14
Czech brewing and trade informed about losses of more than 4.7 billion crowns (63.45 billion HUF) in March, April and May as a result of government measures imposed due to...
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Organic gardening in the Seoul subway
Date: 2020-07-29 11:01:35
An underground farm was built at one of the stations on the South Korean subway to provide food to the population in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way – origo...
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A series of investments of more than twenty billion forints will start at Homokhátság
Date: 2020-07-28 11:20:01
A series of investments of more than twenty billion forints will be launched at Homokhátság, from which irrigation and infrastructure development will also take place, the Minister of Agriculture announced...
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Consumer confidence in the United States deteriorated more than expected in July
Date: 2020-07-28 11:03:07
In July, consumer confidence in the United States deteriorated more significantly than expected by analysts. According to data posted on the website of the Conference Board non-profit economic research institute...
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Sustainability professionals can reform the fashion industry
Date: 2020-07-28 11:02:25
Students graduating from the latest, Sustainable Fashion Brand Management at the Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) will work on the modern challenges and sustainable practices of the fashion industry. The renewal...
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China has become the largest importer of Russian meat
Date: 2020-07-28 11:02:09
Russia has increased its meat exports 2.2-fold in the first half of the year, with China as its biggest buyer, Russian economic daily RBK published on Tuesday, citing an analysis...
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