Market News

No more fake reviews

Fines for mischief in several countries will jump. Cheekiness (forgiveness, dishonesty) is also punished. There will be a ranking rule as well. The search for goods cannot be a false...

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CAP: Europe turns green

The new cycle of the Common Agricultural Policy can bring significant changes, with a focus on sustainability measures, such as Biodiversity and the Farm-to-Table strategy. At the same time, the...

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Large domestic companies remain pessimistic

Domestic companies remain pessimistic. The value of the K&H corporate growth index has not changed compared to the previous quarter, and is currently at -2 points. Companies see their own...

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This is how to upgrade boring snacks!

School children and their parents are beyond an extraordinary period, as after an absence of nearly six months, they had to find their way back to everyday life. Keep an...

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Consumer confidence deteriorated in the United States in October

Instead of the improvement expected by analysts, consumer confidence in the US economy deteriorated in October, mainly due to another wave of the coronavirus pandemic, which led to an increase...

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Orbit helps dating

Orbit has created a “Parent Sitter Pack” to help ease dating for millennials who have moved back home with their parents. The effort seeks to “babysit” parents so they will...

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Magazine: A greater focus on wine

Trade magazine asked wine retailers about the quality of Hungarian wines and recent trends in the domestic wine market. Lidl is proud of its unique wine range including affordable Hungarian...

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The number of job seekers is constantly declining

Thanks to government measures, the number of jobseekers is steadily declining, falling to close to 300,000 in recent days, the Secretary of State for Employment Policy of the Ministry of...

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Varga Mihály: The Ministry of Finance is working on a proposal to help financial reorganization and growth

The ministry is working to regain the country’s growth momentum, and a proposal for financial reorganization is being developed, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály said at his annual hearing on...

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More and more Hungarians are buying from foreign webshops

The number of online purchases and customers in Hungary is growing year by year, 3.3 million of the adult population buy online and more than 2 million of them have...

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Media consumption in the light of motivations

With the help of Ipsos, Atmedia, a multimedia trading house, conducted qualitative research on various consumer insights related to media types. The research was conducted during the curfew restriction period,...

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Huge amounts of elderberry can be found in Hungary

It is native to many parts of the world, but only in and around Hungary is it grown in large quantities, from which tea, syrup, but even special wine is...

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With the toy market growing this year as well, the holiday season can boost it even more

While this year’s Christmas season will be quite special around the world, toy manufacturers and retailers aren’t discouraged: they’re expecting big revenue in the final months of the year. The...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungarian farmers have successfully coped with the difficulties

Hungarian farmers were able to cope with the extraordinary natural and environmental conditions – the Minister of Agriculture said at his annual hearing before the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture on...

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Growth in the Conference Board’s U.S. macroeconomic index slowed as expected in September

As expected by analysts, the growth of the Conference Board Institute for Economic Research’s forecast of U.S. macroeconomic developments for 3-6 months slowed in September. The institute said the Leading...

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Crabs in the rice field

For a long time, China has been fighting all possible means to fight poverty and food shortages in different parts of the country in different ways. One of the latest...

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Fewer tenders at a higher level

Trade magazin asked the chair and members of the jury about the applications received and the values the award represents: Antal Szabó, managing director of Poli-Farbe Vegyipari Kft. saw a...

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GKI business expectations improved slightly in October, while consumer expectations deteriorated

GKI’s economic index improved slightly in October, but still did not reach its level in July, business expectations moved in a positive direction, while retailers have been deteriorating for the...

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The Minister of Agriculture announced a drought situation

The Minister of Agriculture has announced a drought situation for the 2020 year for the entire territory of the country – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI on Monday....

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NAK draws attention to the difference between Halloween pumpkins and pumpkins

Pumpkin consumption is becoming more and more popular in autumn and Halloween pumpkin carving at the end of October, while while the former are delicious delicacies. But not all pumpkins...

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Plant-based foods have won the battle

Based on the decision of the European Parliament, names and terms that have previously been specifically associated with meat and meat products can also be used for plant-based foods. In...

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The market of technical devices decreased significantly

The market for IT and telecommunications articles fell by 30 percent in traditional stores in the summer and autumn months – wrote. The pandemic has shaped one’s shopping habits...

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A company in Nagyvárad sells bottled mountain air

A company from Nagyvárad sells air from Biharfüred, and the profit of the first year is already almost 10 thousand euros – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. That the distribution of...

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Pork supply in China has improved

The supply of pork in China, which had previously stalled due to the African swine fever epidemic, has improved thanks to measures to stimulate production and increased imports – the...

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In Slovenia, most shops closed on Saturday, part of the service industry and tourism shut down

In Slovenia, most of the shops closed on Saturday, part of the service industry and tourism came to a halt, while the previous peak in the number of new infections...

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In Italy, they are being tightened further, with restaurants having to close early in the evening

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced at a press conference on Sunday a further tightening of the restaurants, closure at 6 p.m. The new measures took effect nationwide from midnight...

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In October, economic performance in the euro area declined

The euro area economic performance declined in October, following minimal growth in September. According to preliminary data from a survey conducted by the IHS Markit Institute for Economic Research in...

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Heinz ketchup challenge

Heinz is challenging TikTok users to share videos of their Halloween preparations for a chance to win a bottle of its limited-edition Heinz Tomato Blood Ketchup. The Kraft Heinz-owned brand...

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