Market News

Only drinks became more expensive

According to Privátbanká’s food basket prices have been decreasing for the third month, but drinks are getting more expensive. The September Privátbankár food basket survey shows, that prices were 0.2...

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Hungarian geese liver will be again on the shelves

Although there is no agreement with the Négy Mancs animal rights organization, at the Hungerit Ltd. of Szentes the cut continues, such as last year, before the scandal. The majority...

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U.S. consumers still do not spend

Not much more to reassure the U.S. economy is not in an encouraging postion.The most recent consumer credit datas shows a significant decline. After the 10.3 billion USD fall of...

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Meat can be brought to slaughterhouse without qualification

The requisite amendment of the Ministry of Agriculture dismissed smaller slaughterhouses under the obligation of operating, if they obtain the meat from a livestock plant within 50 kilometres and market...

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More than half of the firms gives fringe benefits

Publicus Research asked the leaders of 500 domestic companies on the general impacts of the crisis, including the cafeteria and about the future of the fringe benefits after the introduction...

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Dairy producers can only receive help on national level

Hungary will take all steps that the EU rules allow, to cure the problems of the dairy sector – said Gráf József Minister of Agriculture after failed to agree on...

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The foreign trade turnover between January and July 2009

According to the estimations of the Central Statistical Office; Hungary’s export reached 1388 million HUF, while imports reached 1242 billion HUF. Calculated in euro, exports decresed 18, imports by 32...

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Tea can become more expensive in the next 12 months

The lack of global tea stocks can be 10 percent higher than this year's level for the next year. It can cause a price increasing effect on the market. The...

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Romanian retail trade fell in the last twelve months

According to the Bucharest statistical office; because of the the drastic decline in demand, Romanian retail sales fell by nearly 14 percent in July, compared to the same period of...

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The triumph of supermarkets continued, lively shoppings decreased

According to GfK Hungária’s first half-year report of 2009 on domestic retail; households purchased significantly lower quantity. Similar to last year, this year also the supermarket channel has reached the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture starts an offensive before the collapse of the grain market

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture tries to draw the antention in letter of the High Commissioner for Agriculture of the EU, Gráf József, Minister of Agriculture and the largest advocacy...

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The financing of the mall constructions was not profitable for the banks

One of the largest mall in Germany, the 120 thousand square meters A10-Center in Berlin, reported bankrupcy. It is not yet locked up, even considering its expansion, but it is...

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Hungary and Germany are among the biggest losers

According to the study of German Deka Bank, comparing 31 developed and determined country; Hungary and Germany are among the biggest losers of the economic crisis in Europe. The experts...

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Extra tax can hit the carbonated soft drinks in the U.S.

There is a growing demand in the United States, that the federal government should impose a special tax to reduce the excessive consumption of junk food and carbonated soft drinks....

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Hungary’s food retail increased in value, but decreased in volume

According to Nielsen market research company; the amount of food retail turnover in the second quarter in nine developed European countries as well as in Hungary, had been reduced, compared...

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Low wheat prices

According to Vancsura József, President of the National Association of Cereal Growers the wheat prices are 20-25 percent lower, compared to the same period of last year. In addition, there...

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Nielsen’s Consumer Confidence Index repeated its July results

According to the survey of Nielsen Market Research Company; In August, the consumer confidence index retained its highest level this year, the 48 points of July. After the March nadir...

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KSH: Faster decline in imports than exports

According to the Central Statistical Office (KSH), during the 2009 January-June period, the volume of exports decreased by 20 percent of imports by 25 percent, compared to the period of...

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Seeking for cheaper products in a growing number of businesses

According to the joint study of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and GfK Hugária; Hungarians adapts to the economical crisis a special way, so the Hungarian market, therefore, should be managed...

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Eurozone retail trade fell unexpectedly in July

Based on the data released by Eurostat, during July retail sales decreased by 0.2 percent within the euro area, after the stagnation of June. Analysts expected a 0.2 percent increase....

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More food is imported each year

According to Agrármonitor; In recent years the proportion of imported food has significantly increased in Hungary, so the experts are now estimate that it is exceeds 30 percent. Between 2000...

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The 500 largest companies of the region – the Hungarians are in better position

Manager magazine publishes – with the contribution of Coface Hungary – the list of the Top 500 Central and Eastern European companies.The Top 500 list publishes the ranking of the...

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Conscious nutrition for healthy aging

Various studies show, that a huge number of pensioners living in retirement homes do not receive age-appropriate, balanced diet and many have not taken the recommended daily amount of energy....

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports efficient irrigation

From the autumn, non-refundable support can be be requested for water-saving irrigation technologies – appears in the ruling of the Minister for Agriculture. In the case of irrigating from layer...

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The purchasing manager index has improved after one and a half year

The total performance of the manufacturing industry has improved in August, in the United States. This is the first month, during the past year and a half, when the sector’s...

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Dairy producers contemplating an EU-wide strike

Dairy producers could decide European Union-wide strike, if there will not be favorable decisions on next week's meeting of agriculture ministers of the member states – announced on Tuesday by...

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Deposit could also be chargeable to chocolate paper

One large supermarket chain charge 5 HUF deposit in the prices of the most beverage products. When the buyer returns the bottles to the store, they got the deposit back....

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The confidence of the people and businesses is to raise

The August 2009 economic index of Ecostat increasing since February, with varying intensity. The rate of improvement excessed of 7 percentage points. Besides the strenghtening public optimism, the confidence of...

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German retail re-started again

Retail sales in Germany increased again in July, after June’s decline. The increase can be linked to the activation of the customers due to the falling prices and the improving...

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The question is whether there will be suppliers law in the autumn

It remains an open question, what will be with the law about the unfair trade practices, against agricultural and food products suppliers. The legislation was sent back by President László...

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