News and articles

OKISZ General Assembly: perceptible development of SMEs is needed

The General Assembly of the Hungarian Industry Association (OKISZ) Wednesday called for the perceptible development and support of SMEs and the creation of the conditions for wage convergence. Vadász György,...

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By 2020 all L’Oreal products would be made from renewable raw materials

As one of the leaders in the cosmetics and beauty industry, L’Oréal’s new sustainability program has determined that by 2020 all of the company’s products will be made from renewable...

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AI creates jobs, yet talent crisis remains, according to EY poll

Business leaders are optimistic about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on job creation, according to a poll by EY conducted at the EmTech Digital Conference, produced by MIT Technology...

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KSH: earnings grew by 12.4 percent in the first quarter

With the 11.3 percent increase in March, earnings grew by 12.4 percent in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period of last year – the Central...

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CO-OP Hungary Zrt. raises capital

The CO-OP Hungary Zrt. focuses on its IT developments, therefore decided to raise capital at the company’s general meeting on Wednesday. At the event it was said that the COOP...

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The Sága Foods Zrt. gave new image to all of its products

In order to increase brand image and to the better access for consumers, the Sárvár-based Sága Foods Zrt. appeared on the market with new packaging. In addition, the company has...

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Auchan is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Hungary this year

A fundamental change occured in consumer habits since the first Auchan opened it doors to the Hungarian consumers: Quality-oriented consumers, consumer friendly services – soon in Sopron and Zalaegerszeg. Twenty...

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The price of pálinkas may increase by 10 to 20 percent because of the NETA

If the public health product tax (NETA) should also be extended to these products it would increase the consumer prices of pálinka and herbal sparkling liquors by ten to twenty...

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Nespresso Professional coffee pads can come alive again

Nespresso’s domestic recycling program came to another milestone. From May this year, the Nespresso Professional coffee pads can be returned. Recycling is provided by Nespresso Professional’s exclusive distributor, the Lyreco...

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A new fruit processing plant was handed over in Berkenye

A new fruit processing plant was handed over by the Village Cooperative of Berkenye in Nógrád County. MTI Photo: Komka Péter The co-operative has processed 2800 tons of goods last...

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Tesco fights food waste by taking out the best before date label

Tesco has made an unusual decision: in the UK stores, they will take out a best before date label from about 70 pre-packaged products, mainly from fruit and vegetable commodities...

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Production of oilseeds is good for Ukraine

The area of sunflower growing in Ukraine is growing steadily, approaching the technologically possible ceiling. However, there is still a potential for growth in yields. The ripening of the rape...

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Nébih closed an illegal pizzeria in Gödöllő

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) closed an illegal pizzeria in Gödöllő, the business was operated without tax number and without permission, without the respect of technical hygiene and...

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Starbucks is expanding in China

Starbucks plans to raise its sales revenues to more than threefold in China by 2022 – wrote. The world-wide popular coffee chain will also open a number of new...

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China can be self-sufficient from pork soon

It is not too good news for the German and the Hungarian pig-market players that the number of pigs that are released in China increases by 4-7 million every year...

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Weak fruit production is expected due to spring frosts

The spring frosts mostly damaged the apricot, and it is estimated that due to the significant sprout damages, only relatively weak yields of between 10 and 20,000 tonnes can be...

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Magazine: They dare to innovate

According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers (MSSZ), members sold 2 percent more beer in 2017 than in 2016. Sales of cheap beers kept decreasing and mainstream beer sales grew by...

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Varga Mihály: competitiveness and productivity improvement is the most important task of the coming years

Improving competitiveness and productivity in the coming years is the most important task in Hungary – Varga Mihály appointed Finance Minister told, adding that the competitiveness of the Hungarian small...

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ÁSZ: economy in Hungary is becoming whiter

The sustainable process of whitening the economy is taking place in Hungary – Domokos László, Chairman of the State Audit Office (ÁSZ) told M1 news channel on Tuesday morning. According...

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The Heineken Zrt. supports the revitalization of hop production with 30 million HUF

The Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Organization and the Heineken Hungária Zrt. signed a strategic co-operation agreement to revitalize Hungarian hop production. The company supports the program with 30 million HUF –...

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The cherry season has begun

Because of the warm spring weather, the harvest of the early cherry types has begun. This year the volume of fruit can reach 20,000 tonnes – the National Chamber of...

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Nearly 100 participants will come to the General Assembly of European Food Banks

Almost 100 participants from thirty countries, including food business leaders, lawmakers, experts and multinational companies, are coming to Budapest for the Annual Meeting of the European Food Banks Federation (FEBA),...

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Hungarian cyclists “reached the Moon”

A total of three thousand bicyclists took part in Hungary’s largest cycling tour the McDonald’s BringaMania Tour de Balaton. The distance they traveled together is nearly 393,000 kilometers. It would...

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Most of the Hungarians want a better job

The overwhelming majority of active job seekers still have jobs, but they are constantly monitoring the offers and if they find an attractive opportunity the go for it –

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The Food Chain Management fee can be declared without sanctions until the end of May

The food chain operators can declare the Food Chain Management fee until 31 May – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws attention on its website. The announcement reminds...

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Wine celebration to be held for the first time in Debrecen

A wine celebration festival will be held for the first time in Debrecen between 31 May and 2 June. The program series will be expanded to a regional, then a...

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The revenue and profits of the Lego Manufacturing Kft. has increased

The net sales of Danish-owned Lego Manufacturing Kft. increased last year by about 10 percent and 3.1 billion forints, and after-tax profits increased by 40 percent, with 354 million forints,...

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The energy sector, construction and hospitality among the most turbulent sectors

“In some sectors, hardly 80 percent of firms operate for a year, indicating that the domestic companies are still far from equilibrium” – Pertics Richárd, Opten’s Corporate Information Director said....

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The Germans can expect a great malting barley season

The prospects for malting barley in Germany are so positive – wrote. The 28 percent area increase will be coupled with improved yields this year, so a total of...

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Magazine: Large companies also contribute to the digitalisation of the SME sector

How can large companies support SMEs in going digital? István Király, Vodafone Hungary’s enterprise business unit director told our magazine that they offer tailor-made solutions to business partners, made available...

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