News and articles

Mastercard: adventure gifts gaining popularity for Christmas

According to a Mastercard’s survey, 8 percent of the Hungarians start Christmas shopping in September, with nearly one in two adults shopping for the holidays in November. This is due,...

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ITM: action against product presentations that were misleading the customers was successful

Action against misleading product presentations was successful; As a result, the number of complaints has fallen to a fraction: only two were received, compared with an average monthly 43 in...

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GfK: German consumer sentiment index improved

Instead of the expected stagnation, the Nuremberg-based GfK Economic Research Institute’s German consumer sentiment index rose slightly in October, while consumers’ willingness to buy and economic expectations improved, but their...

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GKI: Forecast for 2019-2020

The Hungarian economy grew by 4.9 per cent in the second quarter of 2019, faster than expected. This was the highest growth rate in the EU. However, the slowdown, if...

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Hello Food: New ready meal available in Hungarian retail trade

Due to the socio-demographic changes of recent years, convenience foods that can be prepared in a microwave oven have appeared on store shelves. Europe Gastro Kft. (a member of the GASZTVITÁL group...

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Co-op the 1st UK signatory of UN’s climate change campaign

The Co-op has been unveiled as the first UK retailer to become a signatory of the UN’s Our Only Future campaign at its Climate Action Summit in New York. The...

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FMCG giants commit to restoring biodiversity at Climate Action Summit

Leading FMCG companies including Nestlé, Kellogg Company, Danone, Mars and Unilever have formed a new coalition aimed at protecting and restoring biodiversity within their supply chains and product portfolios. The...

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Luxury ‘bespoke’ KitKat candy bar to be sold in the UK for up to $17 each

Nestle is launching what it describes as luxury, hand-crafted KitKats in the U.K. market, with the custom-made chocolate bars set to cost up to 14 pounds ($17.40) each. The range,...

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Magazine: Sustainability in business and everyday life

According to a recent online survey by Nielsen, consumers all over the world are the most concerned about air and water pollution. At a global level, 73 percent of consumers would...

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New brands testify the excellence and environmental friendliness of the products

The Hungarian Product Nonprofit Ltd. has created new trademarks to certify product excellence and eco-friendliness, while Hungarian manufacturers can apply for the Excellent Product and Eco-labels – MTI announced on...

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Financial research may continue to hold the momentum of the economy next year

According to the latest analysis of the Pénzügykutató Zrt., the momentum of the economy may continue next year, but the growth rate will decline from the 4.7 percent of this...

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Minister of Agriculture: farmers must be supported to be able to handle climate change well

Minister of Agriculture Nagy István pointed out at the meeting of EU agriculture ministers that farmers should be protected and supported in order to be able to respond adequately to...

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The NAIK invites young agricultural researchers to apply

The National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAIK) is announcing a call for PhD students and young researchers in the field of agriculture, known as the National Agricultural Talent...

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Wine Filter St. Michael’s Feast in Ópusztaszer

Honey-sweet Hungarian grapes, freshly pressed musts, cultural programs and presentations of traditional crafts await those who visit the Wine Filter St. Michael’s Feast on Saturday at the Ópusztaszer National Historical...

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Employment Service: the number of job seekers fall in August

The number of jobseekers dropped by 2.4 percent in August, compared to the same period of the previous year and by 1.1 percent, compared to July. At the end of...

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The success story of a family

Kunság-Szesz Zrt. is 25 years old in 2019. László Nagy, CEO of the Kiskőrös-based family business – one of Hungary’s biggest spirits company – answered our questions. How would you define the...

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The government will continue to take action to exempt the distillation of pálinka

The government is taking action in every forum of the European Union (EU) to re-exempt the production of pálinka – Tállai András told Magyar Nemzet. The parliamentary Minister of State...

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Consumer confidence in the United States deteriorated more than expected in September

Consumer confidence in the United States decreased in September, much more than analysts had expected. The Conference Board Economic Research Institute said on Tuesday that the consumer confidence index fell...

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New industrial site to be built in Medgyesegyháza from almost half a billion forints

About eight hectares of new industrial space will be created in the inner city of Medgyesegyháza – the Medgyesegyháza Industrial Park Investment and Development Nonprofit Ltd. announced on Tuesday. Within...

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IKEA is approaching its energy goals

By the end of this year, IKEA is expected to exceed its renewable energy target of producing as much energy as it consumes – origo wrote after reuters. By the...

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China’s adds more bricks-and-mortar stores to supply chain to speed up deliveries

Online shopping giant is targeting delivery times of as little as 30 minutes across China by using various offline retail outlets, including Walmart, to directly get products to customers....

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Coca-Cola To Introduce Cardboard Packaging For Multipack Cans

Coca-Cola has announced that it is to replace plastic shrink-wrap from multipack beverage cans in Great Britain with cardboard packaging in the next 18 months. The new packaging will be...

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Tesco Launches New Plant-Based Food Range

Tesco has announced that it has launched a new range of affordable, plant-based food items. Branded as Tesco Plant Chef, the range includes butternut cauliflower macaroni pasta, breaded soya goujons,...

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Magazin: Emberszámban

Két számjegyű az állateledelpiac bővülése, ezen belül látványos a diszkontok előretörése. A csatorna jó lehetőséget lát a kategóriában, folyamatosan fejleszti, így növekszik a modern, kényelmes eledelek penetrációja. Ami viszont csatornafüggetlen: egyre...

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GKI: economy is growing at an annual average of 4.3 percent this year

GKI Economic Research Co. has raised its forecast for economic growth this year, expecting 4.3 percent instead of the 4 percent forecasted in June – Vértes András, GKI’s president said...

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Machines are behind the growth of the commercial sector

The turnover of domestic stores is constantly breaking records: according to the latest data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the volume of retail trade is 6.4 percent higher...

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Aldi is building a new cold store and expanding its capacity

Aldi Magyarország is building a new 8,800 square meter cold storage warehouse in Biatorbágy and will expand its warehouse staff by fifty – the company told MTI on Monday. According...

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NAK: 150-200 thousand hectares are irrigated in Hungary

Irrigation is practiced in Hungary on about 150-200 thousand hectares, which is comparatively small compared to the Hungarian possibilities, because there would be a demand for irrigation on 400 thousand...

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Nébih found everything all right when examining VinAgora’s medalist wines

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) found everything okay when examining VinAgora International Wine Competition’s medalist wines – the Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Nonprofit Kft. (Hungarian Wine Culture Nonprofit...

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Opten: the company establishing practice is changing

Only one in four start-ups starts with a clean slate, 75 percent of fresh start-ups are still linked to previous companies, but changes to come in the Hungarian company formation...

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