News and articles

Dm has won awards for both personal and electronic customer service

ClientFirst Consulting, which tests more than 1,500 stores and customer service points and reviews 6,500 customers, has announced the winners of this year’s Customer Service Excellence Awards. Of all the...

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AM Secretary of State the new wine regulation is favoring producers

The new regime of wine regulation will provide producers with a predictable and supportive environment to work on their most important task, the creation of good wine – the Secretary...

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Eco-friendly cleanliness brings a quick payback

One of the fastest-paying investments is the introduction of eco-friendly cleaning systems – was said at the conference of Assist-Trend, a member of the Magyar Piszke Csoport in Budapest. Service...

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Make personal contact with the NESCAFÉ 3in1

It’s better in real life! – a message from NESCAFÉ 3in1. The campaign created by HPS Communication focuses on misunderstandings stemming from online conversations. Tamáska Gabi joined this line with...

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A new market hall opens in Tiszafüred

The new market hall will open in Tiszafüred on Wednesday – the mayor of the town told MTI on Monday. Ujvári Imre (Fidesz-KDNP) said that the Market Hall was upgraded...

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KSH: transport sector showed a modest growth in 2019

The volume of goods transported rose by 2.1 percent to 312 million tons last year, the transportation sector’s performance was 1.5 percent higher than a year before and 58.6 billion...

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The Night of Companies is postponed to September

Originally scheduled for the beginning of April, the Night of Companies is postponed to September 24 due to health risks, and the event will be held in Hungary for the...

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Moody’s is sure that the epidemic will slow down the growth even in the second quarter

It now seems certain that the negative global growth effects of the new type of coronavirus epidemic will extend to the second quarter, even if it does manage to stopthe...

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The Sentix Eurozone Investor sentiment collapsed in March

The euro area investor sentiment index of the Sentix Frankfurt economic research institute dropped dramatically in March as a result of the rapid global spread of the new coronavirus, and...

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Shell enters the e-mobility sector in Hungary

The transportation sector is responsible for 30 percent of the world’s energy use. Shell is investing in low-carbon fuels and e-mobility to help reach the climate goals agreed on in...

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Henkel launches growth agenda

Setting future direction with new strategic framework Rigorously shape a winning portfolio Accelerate impactful innovations with increased investments Boost sustainability based on strong track record with ambitious targets Transform Digital...

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Time is money with new Ikea payment pilot

According to Forbes, the Swedish home furnishings giant is piloting a program called “Buy With Your Time” at its three stores in Dubai. The offering enables customers who visit an...

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Amazon Launches Business Selling Automated Checkout To Retailers Inc on Monday is set to announce a new business line selling the technology behind its cashier-less convenience stores to other retailers, the company told Reuters. The world’s biggest web retailer...

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Colruyt Launches Basil From Its Own Vertical Farm

Belgian retailer Colruyt Group has introduced basil grown in its own vertical farms under its Boni Selection store brand. The herb is available in 31 Bio-Planet stores and online via...

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Magazine: Waiting for a breakthrough

In Hungary online FMCG sales are way below the international average. Online FMCG retail started in 1998-1999 in Hungary and shoppers could only choose from the product selection of a...

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The appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary did not cause any commercial shock

As the population was prepared earlier, the announcement of the coronavirus in Hungary did not cause much shock to the trade – the National Trade Association reported to the Hungarian...

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FruitVeB: good fruit harvest is expected, but mild winter and spring frosts risk

More risks for an unusually mild winter fruit crop, earlier bud budding, stronger infections, and possible spring frost can significantly affect this year’s currently promising fruit crop – FruitVeb with....

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The industry has committed itself to versatile portrayal of people in advertising

Under the auspices of the ÖRT, about thirty member companies and two professional organizations have committed themselves beyond the Code to promote human dignity in advertising. Signatories are committed to...

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A cooperation agreement was signed between the Egri Borműhely and Erste Bank

A financial agreement has been signed between the Egri Borműhely (Eger Wine Works) and Erste Bank to support the development of the wine region – the financial institution told MTI....

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Unilever achieves gender balance across management globally

Unilever announced today that it has achieved gender balance across management globally, a year ahead of the target it set itself. With a higher representation of female managers than ever...

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A multi-billion HUF baking plant will be built in Hatvan

The Lipóti Bakery, Tóth Péter and Paár Attila’s bakery builds a baking plant in an industrial park on the outskirts of Hatvan – wrote. The baking plant of the...

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Hungarian women earn 11 percent less than their male counterparts

For International Women’s Day, Eurostat has published the latest figures on the gender pay gap by country – index reports. The bad news is that in most countries the pay...

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Wine tasting of female winemakers

The Wine Tasting of Female Winemakers was organized for the third time on International Women’s Day, on Saturday, at the Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge Hotel, where visitors could enjoy 123...

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Danish fish crab contaminated with nematode has withdrawn from the market

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) has withdrawn the Twist branded fish crab from Denmark for filament nematode contamination – the agency announced on Friday. According to the information,...

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Grain dealers in Tatabánya are accused of three billion HUF damage

The Tatabánya District Prosecutor’s Office accused two executives of a Tatabánya district prosecutor’s firm who entered into contracts despite the company’s insolvency and caused damages to 191 people – the...

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Real wages increased by 4.2 percent last year in the Czech Republic

The average wage in the Czech Republic at the end of last year was 34,125 crowns (443,625 forints), which is an annual increase of 7.1 percent, compared to the end...

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China’s exports dropped significantly in the first two months of the year

China’s exports and imports dropped significantly in the first two months of the year as a result of a new type of coronavirus. According to Chinese Customs data released Saturday,...

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Vodka is not for hand disinfection

An American handmade vodka company has been forced to respond to misleading information on the Internet that its product is suitable for hand disinfection in the fight against the new...

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Comfort or protection?

The ideal situation is if the question above doesn’t have to be asked when discussing workwear. All kinds of work clothing should be in accordance with the given season, take...

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What is Nestlé doing to tackle plastic packaging waste?

Our vision is that none of our packaging, including plastics, ends up in landfill, in oceans, lakes and rivers. We are working hard to deliver on it and help achieve a...

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