News and articles

Henkel Makes Beauty Care More Sustainable

As part of a relaunch of the beauty care brands Nature Box, Gliss Kur and Syoss, the packaging portfolio will also be made more sustainable. For example, the use of...

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Magazine: Sustainable, personal, and healthy – this is what we want from groceries in 2021

Does milk grow on trees now? 2020 was a year when safety became the driving force in shopping practically overnight. Such technological transformations occurred in just a couple of weeks...

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Shopping streets will focus on domestic customers

The pandemic is transforming the offer of shopping and themed streets. In the future the importance of services and product mix with the local market will increase, and the new...

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The median wage has risen by 91 percent since 2010

In ten years, the average wage and the median wage also increased strongly in Hungary – the Vice-President of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) told MTI on Tuesday. Windisch László...

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SPAR helps to protect the health of its employees with useful advice

  With the help of health care professionals, the store chain has compiled a guide helping more than 13,000 employees to protect their health. The guide provides advice and basic...

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New gamer energy drinks from HELL: the HELL Gamer Edition product line has arrived

HELL ENERGY is launching a new product line. Its latest family of energy drinks, the HELL Gamer Edition is specifically for video game enthusiasts. The game-evoking name and design, 3...

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Nestlé is expanding its portfolio with vegan and vegetarian meat alternatives

Nestlé’s plant-based Garden Gourmet product line is also available in Hungary: the delicious, quick-frozen meat alternatives will be available for the first time in the non-household segment. Garden Gourmet products...

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P&G launches coronavirus-killing Microban 24 in the UK

Procter & Gamble is broadening the rollout of a hit brand of 24-hour disinfectant that saw surging sales during the pandemic. In the first market expansion outside the U.S., the...

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Hungary will remain an attractive investment destination in the coming years

Encouraging investment and development is at the heart of the government’s Economic Relaunch Action Plan – Varga Mihály said at a meeting of the heads of mission of the Ministry...

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You can already buy from an online salesman in person at Extreme Digital

Extreme Digital’s Szent István körút store has been hosting an online sales and consulting counter since the beginning of the second wave of the pandemic. A salesman logging in to...

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Gallicoop has never been unprofitable

The most important slogan in this sector is “develop or get out,” – Erdélyi István, former CEO of Gallicoop Zrt., told Agrárszektor. The former head of the company, which will...

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Peach pálinkas were examined by NÉBIH

From the point of view of food safety, 23 peach pálinkas tested by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) complied with the regulations, but two products were withdrawn from...

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Freshwater fish are dying dramatically

A report on the “catastrophic” species extinction of freshwater fish has been reported, with 80 species of the world already extinct, 16 of them last year in a single year....

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In Russia, bird flu has spread to humans

The new avian influenza type A (H5N8) has spread to seven people in southern Russia, Chief Medical Officer Anna Popova, head of the Russian Consumer Protection Inspectorate (Rospotrebnadzor) said at...

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Bravos celebrates 30th anniversary

In 1991 the first pack of Bravos coffee was produced by Mocca Negra Zrt. and the story of a leading Hungarian coffee brand started, which is unique because the whole...

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How can you advertise on TikTok?

You can find out everything about it at this free webinar on the 24th of February, at 2pm, Alexandra Mezei, social media expert at Growww Digital is going to explain...

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The domestic food industry can develop from thousands of billions of forints

The population is committed to traditional products, so alternative sources of protein, such as artificial meat or food insects, are subject to serious scrutiny by the National Food Chain Safety...

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A new level of food delivery with automatic refund with a few clicks

It is the first time that a food retailer , automatically refunds the price of products rejected by customers. The customers can also choose the option to use that...

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Costa coffee is 50 years old

On February 19, 1971, to the delight of coffee enthusiasts, Costa Coffee embarked on a world-conquering journey. Did you know we owe webcam to coffee? London taxis have started delivering...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index declined slightly in February

Although GKI’s economic sentiment index declined slightly in February, both business and consumer expectations remained more favourable than at the end of last year. Ac-cording to a survey conducted by...

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NAK helps Hungarian food companies to enter the halal and kosher products market with publications

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has produced a publication for food businesses, which deals with halal and kosher certified food production and sales requirements. There is a high demand...

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The proportion of inactive among temporary workers is around 5 percent

The number of temporary workers increased to 180,000 by February, and the proportion of inactive workers fell to a lower level than before the pandemic, to 5 percent, the Hungarian...

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Takarékbank has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with field machine manufacturers

The National Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Takarékbank concluded a co-operation agreement on more favorable financing of the purchase of machinery by Hungarian farmers. In addition to exchanging information...

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New developments can help plant growers combat climate change

Swedish scientists would monitor the sugar levels of plants in real time. Researchers at Linköping University have developed biosensors that can measure sugar levels in real time in plant tissues....

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Five thousand boxes of untaxed cigarettes were found by financiers among the bushes

Five million boxes of untaxed cigarettes worth more than six million forints were found by financiers in a bushy area between Barabás and Beregdaróc in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. Together with the...

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The biggest challenge in its history is maritime freight transport

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have drawn attention to the importance of maritime freight worldwide. The shipping of huge cargo containers is one of the most important engines of...

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Business sentiment in Germany improved beyond expectations in February

In February, business sentiment among German companies improved more than expected, according to a report published on Monday by the Munich-based ifo Institute for Economic Research at the University. Thanks...

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The Gulfood 2021 food industry exhibition was opened with Hungarian participation

Gulfood 2021, the leading food and catering trade fair in the Arab region. has opened; The Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) will represent Hungary with a 156-square-meter stand with the participation of...

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New packaging for toilet cleaners: less plastic and more recycled material

With a new, global packaging concept for toilet cleaner bottles Henkel is underlining its commitment to sustainable packaging and the promotion of a circular economy. The amount of recycled polyethylene...

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