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(HU) Figyelem! Ideiglenes munkaerőt toboroz a!

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Itt az OKSZ legújabb felhívása

Az Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség (OKSZ) tagjai az elmúlt napokban számos megkeresést kaptak önkormányzatoktól, helyi intézkedéseikről. Erre reagálva a szövetség ma közleményt adott ki – olvasható az origo-n. Az OKSZ rendkívül...

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Rapid tax policy measures are needed against mass layoffs

The economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic is not yet measurable, but it is already clear that a major downturn is expected in all industries. The primary reaction of the...

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ITM: Consumers Be Aware!

Consumers should be aware, stand up for themselves and others and dare to complain, the Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) said at a...

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SPAR is asking its customers not to accumulate huge inventories

After several chain stores and a trade association, Spar has published its advice and ordering rules for the epidemic – origo wrote. The company asks that no one should accumulate...

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Mobile operators: data traffic jumped due to distance learning and teleworking

Mobile data providers in Hungary have experienced increased data traffic due to the distance education ordered from Monday and the introduction of telework in many places. Magyar Telekom told MTI...

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MNB: use of payment cards is increasing abroad and on the Internet

With the development of the payment infrastructure, the penetration of touch technology has continued, with touch cards accounting for 85 percent of all payment cards at the end of last...

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More than ten tons of fish have been planted in the Tisza

More than ten tons of carp have been planted in the Tisza by the Association of Central Tisza and Region Fishermen’s Association. Fialka György the president of the association told...

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The freight corridors have been designated

Freight corridors have been designated for trucks passing through Hungary to neighboring countries, – the state secretary responsible for information and international representation of Hungary said at a meeting of...

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ZEW’s German economic sentiment index declined to an eight-year low

The economic sentiment index plummeted to an eight-year low in March, according to a survey released on Tuesday in Germany by the ZEW Economic Research Institute in Berlin. Euro area...

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Retail sales in the United States fell in February

Retail and hospitality sales in the United States declined in February, probably due to the increasingly stringent measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. The...

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Amazon would hire 100,000 people

Amazon plans to hire 100,000 people and raise workers’ wages worldwide. The company plans to increase staff salaries by 2 USD in the US, by 2 pounds in the UK...

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Adidas stores are closing

One after another, sportswear manufacturers decide to close their stores, now Adidas has announced the closure – wrote. German sportswear manufacturer Adidas has announced that it will close its...

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FAO: Food and agriculture in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are global objectives that succeeded the Millennium Development Goals on 1 January 2016. The SDGs will shape...

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Magazine: Face mask: Care that the skin is grateful for

According to Bianka Tóth-Perge, trade marketing manager of L’Oréal Magyarország Kft., last year face mask was the fastest developing segment in the face care category. The face mask trend originates...

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The borders of Hungary are closed, with most shops only open until 3 pm

On Monday, Orbán Viktor’s speech on the agenda began the session of Parliament. The Prime Minister has announced that due to the coronary epidemic, Hungary’s borders will be closed to...

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The trade association does not support the mayor’s proposal to close the stores

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) does not support the proposal of Mayor Karácsony Gergely about closing certain stores. On Sunday, Karácsony Gergely initiated an initiative for the government to allow...

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Tesco is looking for temporary workers

Help us provide food for everyone, ”the index quotes Tesco’s Facebook call. The company is likely to need new employees to help meet the increased demand due to the spread...

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ÁSZ: we should consider taxing digital commerce

Hungary needs to deal with the taxation of digital commerce – according to a recent analysis by the State Audit Office (ÁSZ), which highlightsthe dilemmas of digital taxation. ÁSZ analysts...

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Opten: epidemic does not affect different sectors of the economy in the same way

The coronavirus will not affect different sectors of the economy in the same way, there will be companies that will not survive, and insolvency will continue to spread to the...

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The Market Hall in Szombathely to be renewed

The plans of the completely renewed Market Hall in Szombathely have been finalized. Construction is about to begin – wrote after Preparations have been going on for years...

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MKB Bank donates one billion forints to fight the coronavirus

At the initiative of Dr. Balog Ádám, Chairman and CEO, the MKB Bank Plc. today donates 1 billion HUF to support government efforts related to the protection of the coronavirus,...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States decreased less than expected in March

Consumers’ sentiment in the United States in March decreased less than expected, according to a routine monthly survey by the University of Michigan. According to preliminary data released on Friday,...

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Retail sales in China dropped significantly

Industrial production and retail sales in China dropped significantly as a result of the precautionary measures introduced in the first two months of the year as a result of the...

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German inflation is on six-month high

Inflation in Germany reached a six-month high in February, according to final data released Friday by the German Federal Bureau of Statistics, Destatis. In February, consumer prices in Germany rose...

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Almost all shops are closed in Slovakia

The Slovak government has ordered emergency response from hospitals on Monday because of the spread of the new type of coronavirus, which has also decided to close the stores with...

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Magazine: Fresh and creative solutions at the display design contest for students

Essity Hungary Kft. started the Zewa Designer Contest back in 2017, and this year was the first that POPAI Hungary Association – with the sponsorship of Zewa and SPAR –...

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The twilight of selling just products

‘Phygital’ solutions were in the limelight at the EuroShop trade fair 2020 in Düsseldorf: the combination of physical and digital solutions. For five days 2,300 exhibitors from 57 countries were...

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Diageo and Budweiser end cooperation in Ireland

Diageo Ireland and Budweiser Brewing Group UK&Ireland have decided to end their partnership after their contract expires on 30 June 2020. The sales and distribution of Budweiser Brewing Group’s beers...

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Netto’s private label tuna fillet earns MSC certification

Netto’s private label tuna fillet range – sold under the Dreimaster name – has acquired MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certification. The MSC certification ensures that the product uses tuna from...

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