News and articles

Angol cím teszt cikk

Angol szöveg – Kormányzati segítséget kérnek: bér- és járuléktámogatást valamint 5 százalékos áfát – olvasható a Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol szöveg Angol...

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SPAR Group’s fresh meat sales highest among retail chains in Hungary

Market research by Scores Group finds that the SPAR Group’s outlets are the preferred retail chain when it comes to purchasing fresh meat products. SPAR has been operating its own...

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A significant part of the annual fish consumption can be attributed to Christmas

A significant part of Hungarian fish consumption traditionally falls during the Christmas period, according to expert estimates, fish producers sell about 40 percent of the total annual amount of fish...

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Kopint-Tárki expects a 6.6 percent GDP decline in the fourth quarter of this year

Due to the recurrence of the pandemic, Kopint-Tárki Zrt. Expects a 6.6 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of this year in its latest business...

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The residents of children’s homes receive a donation of almost 100 million forints from XIXO

Through one of the largest charitable offerings of outstanding total value this year, all children living in domestic social orphanages will receive a valuable and useful gift from XIXO. In...

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Varga Mihály: government agrees to invest 18.5 billion HUF and protect 1,500 jobs with 3 food companies

The government has agreed on an investment of 18.5 billion HUF and the protection of 1,500 jobs with 3 Hungarian food companies, which will receive a total of 7.6 billion...

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Most young people are already opting for self-service checkouts this Christmas

The pandemic also rewrote this year’s Christmas preparations. Security came first in the purchases, the time spent in the stores decreased, and in parallel, this year’s shopping plans are more...

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The traffic monitoring website has also been extended to rural malls

In just a few days, the LocSight site, which aggregates shopping mall traffic, attracted tens of thousands of visitors. The developers of Helix Consulting and CBRE Hungary, in response to...

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We spend as much on gifts this year as we did last year despite the crisis

59 percent of domestic users will spend less than 40,000 forints and 41 percent more than 50,000 forints to buy Christmas presents this year. The vast majority of them spend...

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Christmas tree made from recycled household waste and recycled clothes hangers at Tesco

Before the holidays, two Christmas trees made of waste were set up in Tesco stores. The unusual installations, aimed at drawing attention to the importance of recycling and the government’s...

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Used cooking oil can also be dispensed selectively at ALDI

ALDI is introducing another green solution in Hungary. Thanks to the agreement concluded with the Biofilter Környezetvédelmi Zrt., it will be possible to collect used cooking oil at some designated...

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Hungarian Red Cross: disinfectant is one of the most useful gifts this Christmas

It is also worth supporting the Hungarian Red Cross with a disinfectant and a mask this Christmas, as this is one of the largest unexpected editions for the humanitarian organization...

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The Hungarian Red Cross’s food collection campaign in mid-December was successful

For the first time this year, the Hungarian Red Cross, in cooperation with PENNY Market, organized a large-scale, long-lasting food and hygiene product collection weekend in the supermarket chain’s 125...

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Amway masks for you and for them

Amway in Hungary helps the small patients of the Bókay Children’s Clinic with an unusual initiative. The company introduced a new product, disposable masks, in November, doubling the proceeds from...

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Nestlé supports the renovation of a children’s hospital

The rooms, corridors, common areas and water blocks of the Children’s Rehabilitation Department of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Central Hospital and the University Teaching Hospital will also be renewed next summer...

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Magyar Posta: this year’s Christmas package season is stronger than before

This year’s Christmas package season is stronger than in previous years, the number of packages is significantly higher than a year ago – Magyar Posta told MTI. The announcement reminds...

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Not everything green that looks like – GVH helps with legitimate advertising

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has published a so-called A “Green Marketing” brochure to support businesses in developing good advertising practices for environmental friendliness and sustainability. In recent years, there...

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Companies may be suspected of antitrust infringements even if they do not communicate with each other

Companies may be suspected of antitrust infringements even if they do not communicate with each other – was said at an online event organized by the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce...

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Laboratory results: The fiber content of poppy and walnut is remarkably high

We still don’t know everything about dietary fiber, although their beneficial physiological effect is almost immeasurably complex – Soltész Erzsébet dietitian says, who, together with an independent laboratory in Hungary,...

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Retail sales in the United States declined more significantly than expected in November

In the United States, retail sales declined more than expected in November on a monthly comparision. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Census Bureau announced on Wednesday that the seasonally and...

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A year-end corporate gift can easily become a nightmare

A Christmas gift received from a company or a business partner can be a very serious complication. It’s just a seemingly simple question of what can be given and what...

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(HU) Ne csak a fenyőfa, legyen az egész karácsony zöld!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Tesco Expands Plant-Based Christmas Centrepiece Offering

UK retailer Tesco has announced that it has expanded its private-label, plant-based offering for Christmas showstopper dishes this year. The retailer has ‘nearly doubled’ its plant-based Christmas showstoppers to ten...

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Doc Morris commercial: Hearts ‘broken’ by touching Christmas ad – VIDEO

A tear-jerker Christmas ad is going viral around the world. The two-minute commercial follows a grandfather who, isolated by the coronavirus pandemic, starts his own solo fitness quest with nothing...

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When Satan met a girl named 2020… the disaster has begun… VIDEO

Still wondering why this year has been like hell? Well, no more guessing!...

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GKI expects a more moderate 6 percent decline in GDP this year

Based on favorable third-quarter data, the decline in the fourth quarter will reduce the rate from the previous 9 percent to 7 percent and the annual GDP decline from 7...

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From 1 January, information obligations for eggs will be stricter

Information obligations regarding eggs are being tightened – wrote based on the Wednesday issue of the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny). The changes published are: From 1 January 2021, in...

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Hungarian households throw away more than half a million forints a year

Proper storage of foods that require refrigeration could save up to 600,000 forints a year, according to Samsung’s European research. • Research shows that appropriate refrigerated storage of certain foods,...

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The concept of the butcher shop was rethought by the Pápai Hús Kft.

The Pápai Hús Kft. opened a four-hundred-square-meter new butcher shop before the holidays, and as one of the largest suppliers of cod meat to domestic stores, it also wants to...

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Takarékbank: strong customer authentication extends online shopping by a few seconds

When shopping online with a credit card, all credit institutions must introduce strong customer authentication from 1 January 2021, in line with EU legislation – Takarékbank drew attention on Tuesday,...

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