News and articles

Ariel PODS washing capsules are now available in cardboard boxes

Ariel also introduced its revolutionary new ECOCLIC® cardboard box in Hungary. The new cardboard packaging is FSC-certified and thanks to its pioneering technology, it is easy for everyone to use...

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Consumer confidence is at an all-time low across Europe, with Hungarian households among the most severely affected

Consumer confidence has hit rock bottom across Europe, and in most countries people are preparing for a crisis that will last for years, according to the Intrum European Consumer Payments...

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The Food Bank collected more than 240 tons of donations

Customers collected a total of 241 tons of durable food in the 17th Christmas fund-raising campaign of the Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület from Friday to Sunday in 334 stores in 160...

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The joint action of NOE, CBA and the Príma store network helps 350-400 families

This year, during the program called “Young people for families with small children”, 7.5 tons of donations were collected, from which 350-400 families in need will receive help in the...

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Pear makes an excellent compote, but also tasty when raw – here is the new campaign

In our country, pears are grown on nearly 2,000 hectares, including many landscape varieties. Pears are particularly healthy and can be used in many ways – the European Fresh Team,...

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BNI has collected crisis management tips for businesses

As a result of the domestic and global economic events of recent months, the prospects of the domestic SME sector are increasingly deteriorating. This is shown, among other things, by...

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How can Back Friday become Giving Friday for the benefit of all of us?

At the beginning of the preparations for Advent, thanks to a charitable initiative and the cooperation of customers, a really important cause is in the center: the Ecological Agricultural Research...

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Cultivated meat consumption is increasing in Western Europe

A recent survey has revealed that consumers are shifting to meat alternatives, often choosing plant-based products instead. In the survey 4,096 people were interviewed across Germany, France, Italy and Spain about their...

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Tourist agency: government measures support tourism-related businesses with 30 billion HUF

The government’s tourism subsidies are of historic importance, because the measures will leave HUF 30 billion for around a hundred thousand tourism small and medium-sized enterprises in the next six...

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There will be no shortage of Hungarian pork during the holiday season either

There will be no shortage of high-quality Hungarian pork during the festive season, and pig farmers can count on the support of the government even in the most difficult times...

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Consumer spending focuses on experiences and basic needs

Mastercard Economics Institute’s “Shifting Wallets” survey analysed how much consumers stick with their habits which give them comfort, experiences or both. The study sets out to answer three key questions...

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Only one thing, change is constant in the packaging industry

Béla Cservenka, local sales manager of DS Smith Packaging Hungary told our magazine that sustainability and the circular economy are in the centre of their operations. This is the reason...

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The Chamber of Agriculture draws attention to the consumption of domestic fish

The fishing industry is already preparing for the Christmas season, and this year you will also be able to get fresh fish of excellent quality and a large selection –...

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DélKerTÉSZ strengthens itself with an investment worth 17 billion HUF

In the case of vegetables and fruits on the market, we must also prepare for a higher price level in the future. One of the reasons for this is that...

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PepsiCo brings Doritos into dip category

PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay unit is rolling out dips under its Doritos brand, the company said. The dips will be available at retailers and on PepsiCo’s website for $4.49 starting later...

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Cinnabon launches delivery service across the UK

Cinnabon has launched its first delivery service across the UK, allowing customers to receive sweet baked treats within 48 hours of the order being placed. Following demand from ‘Cinnafans’, the...

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Carrefour Polska Expands Private-Label Christmas Offering

Carrefour Polska has announced that it is expanding its private-label Christmas food assortment to enable customers to shop within budget and not give up on their favourite festive treats. The...

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Wellbeing Association: Workplace “well-being” – natural in the wider world, even less important at home

Nowadays, not only a stable, secure income is one of the main determinants of a good workplace. It is important for more and more employees to feel good in their...

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K&H: the minority of working young people expect a wage increase that exceeds inflation

There are still a majority of young people who are generally dissatisfied with their lives in terms of several factors – for example, work or study, housing situation, financial security...

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K&H: Domestic SMEs cannot exploit inflation

The financial expectations of domestic businesses for the year ahead have fallen significantly, according to the results of K&H’s research among SMEs. The companies expect an average increase in sales...

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Tesco leader: the price cap causes us a loss of 11 billion HUF a year

Zsolt Pálinkás, the CEO of Tesco in Hungary, talked about the shortage of goods, a monthly utility bill of 2 billion, shopping with a scanner gun and home delivery by...

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There is already a quantity limit for Trappist cheese in SPAR

A staff member of discovered a strange price cap restriction: among other things, the customer can no longer buy any amount of Trappist cheese. According to the announcement, from...

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Survey: Black Friday is a compulsion to buy for many

Compulsion to buy, buying unnecessary products, overspending, shopping addiction, or Black Friday is upon us again. In the period of endless overconsumption, it becomes even more important to highlight good...

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Mars reduced its annual plastic consumption by 2,868 tons

One of the world’s largest manufacturers of confectionery, food and pet food has published the latest results of its Sustainability in a Generation plan. Published annually, the report measures the...

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The cooperation between the Tej Terektánács and the National Association of Hungarian Dietitians continues

From the very beginning, the Tej Terméktanács has been committed to providing authentic information to Hungarian consumers about dairy products and their role in a balanced diet. In order to...

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There will be enough Christmas trees this year too – it is worth choosing domestic pine

The harvesting of “Christmas trees” has begun in the domestic pine plantations, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Interprofessional Organization of Hungarian Ornamental Gardeners informed. Contrary to misconceptions,...

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The European Waste Reduction Week has started

The international event promoting responsible waste management, the European Waste Reduction Week, has started – the ÉMI Construction Quality Inspector Innovation Nonprofit Kft. told MTI on Monday. The Hungarian coordinator...

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Giving Friday: dm donates 5% of the turnover to charity

At dm, we will change the “Black Friday” shopping day to “Giving Friday” in 2022 as well, and instead of huge discounts, we will offer 5 percent of the total...

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There can also be a rush for groceries on Black Friday

While in previous years mainly household appliances and electronic devices were the hit products of Black Friday, this year, in the difficult economic situation, food sales will also come to...

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Spreading it thinner

András Benkő, sales and marketing director of Kaiser Food Kft.: “Thanks to having a steady buyer base, liver paté sales are stable. Still, even if COVID didn’t hurt sales, the...

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