News and articles
SPAR Albania launches “Tell Us First” customer feedback campaign
Date: 2023-09-12 09:17:47
SPAR Albania has launched an interactive campaign titled “Tell Us First”, which offers customers the opportunity to provide feedback on their instore experience. The campaign aims to gather valuable insights...
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Older adults are drinking more in the US, research finds
Date: 2023-09-12 09:07:37
The percentages of 18- to 34-year-olds who report that they either drink at all, drank in the past week, or sometimes drink more than they should are all lower than...
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The Ukrainian grain import ban must be maintained
Date: 2023-09-12 09:00:57
The extraordinary measure banning the import of grain from Ukraine to neighboring member states must continue to be maintained, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Florin-Ionut Barbu,...
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HULALA LAKTÓZMENTES tejszínhabspray, habtejszín és GRAN CUCINA LAKTÓZMENTES főzőtejszín
Date: 2023-09-12 08:34:23
A Hulala egy új termékcsaláddal belép a teljesen állati eredetű habtejszínek és főzőtejszínek piacára is! Kifejlesztettük a Hulala Laktózmentes tejszínhabspray-t, a Hulala Laktózmentes habtejszínt és a Gran Cucina Laktózmentes főzőtejszínt,...
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EU forecast: with falling inflation, the growth momentum of the economy will ease
Date: 2023-09-11 14:43:38
In addition to the expected further decrease in inflation, the European Union’s economy will remain on a growth path, even though its momentum is easing, which is expected to last...
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The demand for spicy food is growing dramatically in our country
Date: 2023-09-11 13:56:24
For Hungarians, cuisine without a spicy flavor is unimaginable, and its popularity is also growing. Almost exactly three quarters of the population eat spicy food at least once a week....
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Márton Nagy: food production is also more efficient with the help of AI
Date: 2023-09-11 13:01:54
Minden területen hatalmas változásokat hozhat a mesterséges intelligencia (AI), amelyet már a távközlésben, iparban, energetikában és a mezőgazdaságban is használnak, alkalmazása évi 1,4 százalékponttal járulhat hozzá a növekedéshez világszinten –...
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Pogátsa Zoltán: A kapitalizmus definíciója a növekedés – Folytatódik a Trade magazin Business Podcastja
Date: 2023-09-11 12:20:22
Fontos lenne újrafókuszálni a magyar társadalom beszélgetéseinek, vitáinak a tartalmát, mert mindössze hét évünk maradt a klímaváltozás megfordítására – véli Pogátsa Zoltán, közgazdász, akivel Krizsó Szilvia beszélgetett legújabb könyvének megjelenése...
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This year, VAT returns and transfer pricing documentation are in the crosshairs of the tax authority
Date: 2023-09-11 12:20:05
In recent years, the audit methods of the tax authority have changed radically: while in previous years the auditors “knocked” with a mandate letter, this has been replaced by the...
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Szeptember végéig is eltarthat a hazai dinnyeszezon
Date: 2023-09-11 12:13:07
Július elején indult a hazai dinnyeszezon, amely kedvező időjárás esetén akár szeptember közepéig-végéig eltarthat. Részben az exportpiacok beszűkülése okán a termelők jelentős változtatásokat vittek végbe a fajtaválaszték és a termelési technológia...
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“You pay 1, you can take 2!” ALDI is launching a campaign against imported meat
Date: 2023-09-11 11:42:55
ALDI Hungary remains committed to supporting the Hungarian meat industry. Since 2021, the company has only Hungarian-raised, slaughtered and processed fresh meat in its permanent offer. The supermarket chain, together...
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Cheap foreign poultry also appeared in Lidl stores
Date: 2023-09-11 11:41:27
Cheap poultry from abroad has also appeared in Lidl’s Hungarian store network – the Poultry Product Council (BTT) draws attention. According to the professional organization, the store chain is causing...
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You can save food in another 18 PENNY store with MUNCH
Date: 2023-09-11 11:35:17
From September 11, Munch’s increasingly popular food rescue service is now available in PENNY stores located in the Southern Great Plains, in the counties of Békés and Csongrád-Csanád. With the...
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Nem üres frázis, hogy egységben az erő
Date: 2023-09-11 11:33:49
Mennyire fontos ma az emberek számára a fenntarthatóság személyi és vállalati szinten? Hogyan működnek a jelenlegi rendszerek, és milyen további előrelépések várhatók ezen a színtéren? Egyebek mellett ezekről a témákról...
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Lidl will implement another 10 percent wage increase from September
Date: 2023-09-11 11:29:34
Lidl Hungary has decided on another wage increase, as of September 1, the company will implement a uniform 10 percent wage increase for employees working in stores, physical workers in...
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Equal chances at Aldi Süd
Date: 2023-09-11 11:06:50
Aldi Süd has signed the Women Empowerment Principles (WEP) of the United Nations (UN). The goal of the joint initiative of UN Women and UN Global Compact is to strengthen...
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Crisis support for Hungarian fish farmers
Date: 2023-09-11 11:00:01
About HUF 3.1 billion is available to compensate for the difference in feed price growth and to maintain the competitiveness of the fish farming sector. In the application submission period...
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Kivonul Olaszországból, Spanyolországból és Portugáliából a Getir
Date: 2023-09-11 10:35:42
A török élelmiszer-házhozszállító startup, a Getir kivonul Olaszországból, Spanyolországból és Portugáliából. A vállalat közlése szerint ezzel egyidejűleg lezár egy finanszírozási kört, és működését folytatja az Egyesült Királyságban, az Egyesült Államokban,...
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The farmers are waiting for the publication of the new precision application
Date: 2023-09-11 10:30:35
The domestic agricultural machinery market may achieve outstanding turnover this year, but after that, the sector may experience a downturn. Although manufacturers are waiting for farmers with a number of revolutionary...
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A fiataloknak fontos a gyorsaság
Date: 2023-09-11 10:28:55
A fiatalabb vásárlók számára különösen fontos a kiszállítás gyorsasága Magyarországon: a Z-generáció közel fele hagyta már félbe az online rendelés folyamatát a termékek kiválasztását követően, mert a felkínált kézbesítési időt...
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The international regulation of GMOs is 20 years old
Date: 2023-09-11 10:00:15
Today, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety of the Convention on Biological Diversity celebrates the 20th anniversary of its entry into force. The Cartagena Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity...
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Top 20 Dairy Companies In The World
Date: 2023-09-11 09:56:23
Rabobank has published its annual Global Dairy Top 20 report, which showcases the performance of the top companies in one of the world’s most valuable food sectors. According to Rabobank,...
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Tamás Flesch: autumn can still bring a boost in tourism
Date: 2023-09-11 09:50:15
The tourism data for July may initially seem concerning, with a decrease in the number of domestic guest nights compared to the previous year. However, Flesch Tamás, President of the...
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France To Spend €200m To Destroy Surplus Wine
Date: 2023-09-11 09:39:15
The French agriculture ministry is injecting €200m to help assist producers with a dramatic surplus in wine as consumer demand shifts away from the beverage. The cash pot is made up...
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Zsolt Feldman Each goose and duck product shows the performance of Hungarian agriculture
Date: 2023-09-11 09:30:30
Every single foie gras, goose and duck product shows Hungarian knowledge, the performance of the Hungarian farmer and the Hungarian agrarian industry – stated the Secretary of State for Agriculture...
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Aldi could take over Wilko stores and employ ex-staff as part of expansion drive
Date: 2023-09-11 09:12:02
Aldi boss Giles Hurley has said the retailer may hire workers from recently collapsed retail chain Wilko and take over its stores as part of its expansion drive. According to...
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There are only a few days left to pay the damage mitigation contribution!
Date: 2023-09-11 09:00:53
The Hungarian State Treasury (Treasury) draws the attention of agricultural producers who are members of the damage mitigation risk community to the fact that it is possible to legally fulfill...
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Espresso Barista Gran Crema
Date: 2023-09-11 08:34:13
Espresso Barista Gran Crema has rich and full taste, with notes of dried fruits, flower and walnut, and long-lasting aftertaste. This coffee is made with professional drum roasting and espresso...
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FAO Food Price Index rebounds in July
Date: 2023-09-08 13:57:42
With the exception of rice and sugar, the prices of international food commodities decreased in August, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported. The FAO food...
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Inflation moderated to 16.4%, the introduction of the food price cap did not significantly affect it
Date: 2023-09-08 12:58:56
Inflation decreased to 16.4% in August from 17.6% in July, exceeding expectations, which was primarily caused by the 54.6% increase in sugar prices and the 7.3% increase in pork prices...
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