News and articles

This can be the year of colza

European farmers have already turned their attention to the growing demand for colza. The Agricultural Economics Research Institute in its analysis pointed out that the growing area of colza increased...

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British American Tobacco buys its competitor

The British American Tobacco (BAT) has agreed a 49.4 billion USD takeover of U.S. rival Reynolds American Inc, creating the world’s biggest listed tobacco company after it nudged up an...

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The Prime Minister’s Office suspends the application for the development of sheep and goat farms

The Prime Minister’s Office suspends the application for the development of sheep and goat farms, from 20 January due to the depletion of the availability of resources. For the almost...

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Hungary’s leasing market expands above the European average

Although the economic performances of several European countries are rather poor, the leasing market expanded by 10 percent on average by the end of the third quarter, while in Hungary...

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New small-scale farmer IDs from January

From January only the new type small-scale farmer IDs are going to be valid. The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) informed that already 190,000 small-scale farmers had received their new,...

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Agricultural producer prices decreased by 5.2 percent

Agricultural producer prices fell 5.2 percent in October, compared to the same period of the previous year. The decrease consists of the 9.7 percent price decrease of the crops and...

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FM: the winter seasonal food chain control was concluded successfully

The results of the winter seasonal food chain control improved significantly last year, compared to the previous years – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Monday. According to...

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Hungary’s pig exports declined

Hungary’s exports of live pigs decreased by 7 percent in the first nine months of 2016, compared to the year before. The main partners were Romania, Austria, Slovakia and Serbia....

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Decline in agricultural producer prices

Agricultural producer prices decreased by 5.5 percent last November, compared with a year before, as the prices of crop products decreased by 11.4 percent and the price of live animals...

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FAO’s food basket in negative territory

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged almost 171.9 points in December 2016, unchanged from November with strong gains in the prices of vegetable oils and dairy largely offsetting a...

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Poultry Product Council: duck and goose meat lack can come to an end only gradually

The lack of duck and goose meat can come to an end only gradually after the end of the bird flu outbreak – the CEO of the Poultry Product Council...

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Analysts: this year’s expected inflation rate exceeds 2 percent

Macroeconomic analysts who responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) fresh data told MTI that they expect more than 2 percent inflation this year. According to the report, consumer prices...

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Peanuts can be grown economically in Hungary

Peanuts can be grown economically in Hungary ¬ the Agrársszektor agricultural trade portal states. At the beginning of the last century peanuts were added to the Hungarian agricultural flora, but...

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NGM: 30 thousand credit card acceptance terminals will be built by the enterprises from government support

This year, the number of debit card terminals will increase by 30 percent, due to the support program initiated by the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) – the ministry told...

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Mandatory nitrate reporting

Those farmers who live in nitrate polluted areas have to report detailed action program rules for the protection of waters against nitrate pollution between 1 January and 31 March. The...

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A growth in the euro zone’s merchandise trade surplus

The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat calculated that in November 2016, the exports of goods of the euro zone to the rest of the world increased by 6 percent to...

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Serbian agricultural subsidies to expand

The Serbian government plans to spend 43.78 billion dinars instead of last year’s nearly 40 billion dinars. (1 dinar = 2,48 HUF) This is 8.11 percent of the budget- the...

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Interpack is a huge success

Markus Kosak, Exhibition Director of drink technology India, is pleased about the event’s success: “These results take this event to an entirely new level. dti has developed into the number...

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The EU is acting against the sales of dangerous products

The European Commission has tabled two legislative proposals to help businesses, and SMEs in particular, to sell their products within the European Union and to strengthen the controls of the...

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The food VAT cut is part of a process

The food VAT cut is part of a process that – depending on the performance of the economy – can continue in the future – Nagy István, the Minister of...

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Nutritional database on the Web

The nutritional database of distributed food products is not only available to professionals on the Ministry of Agriculture’s website, but it is available for the public. An important element of...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 0.4 percent last year

Consumer prices rose by an average 0.4 percent in 2016, compared to the previous year and in December were an average 1.8 percent higher than a year ago – the...

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Ipsos: the volume of domestic online purchases may expand by ten percent

In Hungary, the volume of online spending will increase by 10 percent in 2017, while the value of orders from foreign webshops is expected to increase by 19 percent –...

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The EU sold 76 percent more pork to China

According to the data of the European Commission, the European Union sold 26 percent more pork in the international market in the first ten months of 2016, compared to a...

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The NAK offers more services

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) intends to continue to expand their services this year, such as IT developments will help the economists in nutrient management and in pest management. The...

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GKI: recruitment issues in Hungary

The GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. economy researcher in its November representative (987 respondent companies) survey revealed what are those issues for a company that is not able to recruit the right...

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Companies with billion HUF revenues are deleted weekly

Although the vast majority of the deleted companies are micro-enterprises, we should not forget about the terminated large companies, that have a small number, but play more significant role in...

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Vincent’s Day wine competition and wine tour in Somlószőlős

On the last Saturday in January, Vincent’s Day traditions will be revived on the Somló Hill. Saint Vincent is the patron saint of winemakers. On the occasion of Vincent’s Day...

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Only the plastic card is the valid ID card

The primary producers need to replace their paper IDs with plastic cards. From January, the new cards will be valid only. The National Agricultural Chamber considers the replacement of the...

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Retail sales in the USA increased less-than-expected

A less-than-expected increase occured in retail sales in December in the United States – according to the report of the U.S. Census Bureau released on Friday. In December, the seasonally...

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