News and articles

The development of agro-economic relations with Ukraine is primary

The development of agro-economic relations between Ukraine and Hungary is primary – Bitay Márton, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Friday in Kisvárda, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county....

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Mercator can be saved

The Slovene Parliament is preparing a bill to rescue the Mercator retail store chain, which is the largest privately owned company in Croatia, the subsidiary of Agrokor that has serious...

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Cigarette smugglers were caught in Ásotthalom and Röszke

The finance officers found several million HUF worth cigarettes without tax stamps in the converted cars of smugglers in Ásotthalom and Röszke – the National Taxation and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Família frankfurters are made from pork

Família frankfurters are made from pork and they are characterised by balanced spicing and a pleasantly smoky taste. From this year this PICK SZEGED Zrt. product is also available in...

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Nielsen: it’s better if it’s green

Environment-conscious aspects are increasingly gaining ground in the consumers’ choices are. Local goods and sustained companies are gaining ground in retail – Nielsen reveals. One third of the Hungarians are...

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KSH: earnings rose further

In February, gross and net average earnings were 10.7 percent higher than a year before, following a 10 percent rise in January, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Thursday....

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FruitVeb: rain was good for the horticulture and the orchards

The rainfall of the past two days was good for the agriculture and the orchards. The rain partially replaced the lack of moisture in the soil, while snow caused only...

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Analysts: gross wages can increase by 10 percent this year, real wage growth can be between 7-8 percent

Gross wages may increase by around 10 percent this year, while real wages – calculated with a 2.4 to 2.5 percent inflation rate – may rise between 7-8 percent, according...

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Tesco is also celebrating Earth Day

Tesco is committed to environmental protection, and in February this year drastically reduced the number of shopping bags for online orders. Before February, the supermarket chain supplied more than 400,000...

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Varga Mihály: No plans to amend the retail law

There is currently no plan to modify legislation affecting retail trade – the National Economy Minister announced on Thursday. Varga Mihály, at a press conference organized on other topics, added...

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The best wines of the country

The entry period has started to the National Wine Competition. The 38th domestic competition not only offers positive feedback to the producers of quality wines, but also offers a unique...

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Nestle’s sales were over 21 billion francs

The sales of the Swiss food company Nestlé grew by 0.4 percent year-on-year, to 21.07 billion francs in the first quarter of March. In the first month of this year,...

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Fifty wineries at the Kékfrankos Grand Tasting in April

The Winelovers Kékfrankos Grand Tasting in April presents more than a hundred gamays and bull’s blood wines of about fifty wineries from twelve Hungarian wine regions on Saturday at the...

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e-Bay: nearly 21 billion USD in three months

The company was able to increase its turnover compared to the same period of last year. This year the turnover of the site increased by two percent to 20.9 billion...

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Horticulture sector to be better-organised

For a 5-year period the government has earmarked HUF 150 million for making the horticulture sector better-organised. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the proportion of production cooperatives needs to...

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EU funding for improving the conditions of habitats

By 2020 the quality of natural habitats will improve on more than 100,000 hectares of land, thanks to HUF 3,400-billion EU-funding in the current budgetary cycle – calculated together with...

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Italiagro recruits farmers for buffalo breeding

Mezőtúr company Italiagro Kft. is recruiting farmers for buffalo breeding, in order to get milk for mozzarella production. Italiagro’s consultant Zoltán Takács told that in the soon-to-be-launched Young Farmer Grant...

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Magazine: Passion. Strategy. Content.

What does it take to turn a small project company into a key market player in 15 years? Morpho thinks all you need is passion, a strategy and quality content...

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Online retailing is unstoppable

Today’s consumers do not go shopping. They buy always and everywhere – quotes the International online shopping habits survey of KPMG. Not surprisingly, young people dominate online shopping. “Today’s...

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The IMF has improved Hungary’s and the world economic’s growth prospects

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved Hungary’s and the world economic’s growth prospects in its World Economic Outlook (WEO) study that was published on Tuesday. The IMF increased its...

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The EU is fighting against food waste

By 2030, the European Parliament wants to reduce the amount of food waste to the half of the current volume – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The report of the European Parliament’s...

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Coca-Cola Zero appears with a new taste

More and more people can meet the “new taste” marked sugar-free version of Coca-Cola on the store shelves and in restaurants in April – wrote. The taste of Coca-Cola...

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The second vintage of BalatonBor was presented

The second vintage of BalatonBor, the first community wine brand of the region was prepared with the participation of twenty-four wineries; The 2016 Riesling of the producers will be bottled...

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The national hail mitigation system to be completed in a year

The national hail mitigation system will be completed for 1 May next year. The system will be operated by the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) – Győrffy Balázs, president...

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Hungary can transport beef and meat products to Saudi Arabia again

After sixteen years Hungary can transport beef and meat products to Saudi Arabia. The Middle Eastern country opened its doors in late March for the Hungarian products – the Ministry...

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Modern information technology in agriculture

A new agricultural task management and database management system (DBMS) was developed by a Hungarian-owned company – wrote. The (smart) devices can be used for different applications and terrain....

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The strenghtening of the social economy raises regulatory questions

Thanks to the spread of the Internet and smart devices, we can hear more and more about a whole new business model, the sharing economy. The names of Uber, Airbnb...

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Unchanged interest towards agricultural training

Unchanged interest surrounds the jobs in the agricultural industry. The number of agricultural training participants grew 2.7 percent last year – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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Inflation slowed in the euro area and in the EU

In March, the annual rise in consumer prices slowed in the euro zone and in the European Union. Eurostat confirmed inflation in March in the 19 countries sharing the euro...

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