News and articles

The Berger & Co marketed a coffee called Reviczky Gábor

Gábor Reviczky has long been a domestic ambassador for quality coffee, who loves delicious roasted, perfect coffee. However, even he himself did not expect that the Hungarian coffee distributor with...

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The Hungarian snack won in Paris and in Dubai

Caramoon, the self-developed, caramel-coated popcorn of Mogyi has also been awarded at the Yummex Expo Best Snack Innovation in Dubai and won the Best Snack category in Paris. The Caramoon...

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Bordeaux November Great Tasting with the wines of sixty wineries

Almost two hundred wines of sixty Carpathian Basin Exhibitors await the winelovers to the Corinthia Hotel Budapest on Saturday at the Bordeaux November Wine Tasting of Winelovers on Saturday. Cabernet...

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Fazekas: helping farmers is the goal of the V4 Agricultural Research Cooperation

Those researches would help the farmers that would be conducted by the agricultural research institutes of the Visegrad countries – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel. According...

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Moody’s: the external vulnerability of the Hungarian economy has declined significantly

The external vulnerability of the Hungarian economy has been reduced significantly. This is one of the pillars of the sovereign Hungarian debtor profile registered with a rating of “Baa3” –...

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Eggs contaminated with fipronil were found at local producers in Slovenia

The Slovenian veterinary office will check for every registered egg producer in the next month after it has been found that two producers used banned fipronil-containing insecticides, the Slovenian POP...

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The Markó Offices to be handed over soon

One of the most special “A” category office building in the downtown will be handed over this year under 9 Markó Street, which originally served as a transformer house, but...

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Magazine: Retailer of the Year competition organised for the second time

Mastercard organised the Retailer of the Year competition for the second time. There were 30 entries in 3+1 categories, which were evaluated by a jury of six independent experts. One of the...

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GfK: Per capita purchasing power grew by more than 10 percent in Hungary

The per capita purchasing power increased by more than 10 percent, from last year’s 5549 to 6204 euros in Hungary, with which the country continues to be ranked 30th on...

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The Hungarian countryside could be more profitable according to the mountain communities

The Hungarian countryside could be more diverse and more profitable by making better use of local values, which could increase profitability and attract young people – Légli Ottó president of...

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A tripartite cooperation agreement was reached to develop the data service for the dairy sector

A cooperation agreement was signed on 14 November, in Velence by the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI), the National Food Chain Security Agency (NÉBIH) and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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Black Friday is coming: Nearly 3.5 million people count on it

Black Friday has taken Hungary last year and this year it will continue to grow: in 2017 more than 3.3 million adult Hungarian Internet users are planning to buy during...

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Lenor launched a new, inspirational product line

Fleeing from the fast-paced everyday modern lifestyles, four out of five, 81 percent of people would like to spend more time outdoors. Our dense, often chaotic schedule does not always...

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Self-service cash registers help the purchasing at SPAR

The custmers can use self-service cash registers in four SPARs this year, while by the end of next year in 24 SPAR stores. In addition to cash, one can pay...

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Chinese container traffic to Hungary can increase significantly

The Chinese container traffic to Hungary can be increased many times thanks to an agreement on the development of the Chinese-Hungarian logistics cooperation – the Hungarian Logistic Service Centers Association...

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Tesco supports dozens of charity programs

The third round of Tesco’s “Your choose, we help” contest has been completed. 47 nationwide projects won 400,000 forints each. The chain’s customers voted more than two and a half...

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The Italian Gastronomic World Week will be launched on 20 November

Among other things, the Italian cuisine will be promoted with seminars, conferences, meetings, film screenings, tastings and dinners, from 20th to 26th November at the 2nd Italian Gastronomic World Week....

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Mitiszol: A festival of natural drinks and food in the Millenáris Park

More than 100 natural wines of nearly 30 producers from eleven wine regions can be tasted at the 7th Mitiszol (What You Drink?) Festival on Saturday at the Millenáris Park,...

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The Fashion Days are counting on huge shopping rush

Fashion Days expect a huge shopping rush in Hungary at this year’s Black Friday – Világgazdaság Online wrote. According to the fashion portal, the Hungarian sales could grow by 95...

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28,000 food and beverage vending machines should be equipped with the automation monitoring unit

It is still unclear how many beverage and food vending machines will be operating in the country after 1 December, because the automation monitoring units need to be installed in...

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Brand awards are proven and tested tools for building consumer and business trust

It is an ever-bigger challenge for brands to differentiate themselves from competitors, and it is also a difficult task for them to earn the trust of consumers successfully. Brand awards can...

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Nielsen: the turnover of Hungarian retailers is silver medalist in Europe

In the third quarter of 2017, the retail trade in Hungary grew by 5.3 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, on the food and chemical market...

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Students have decided: P&G Magyarország received FMCG – Workplace Award for Excellence. Now you can join the team!

PwC Magyarország and Trade magazin handed over the best FMCG – Workplace Award for Excellence for the first time this year at the Business Days conference. The Procter & Gamble...

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Internet users plan to buy Christmas gifts for 35,000 forints this year

Árukereső.hu surveyed the donation plans of the Internet users for this year. The survey revealed that as Christmas is approaching, we are much more open to shopping online. By utilizing...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices have continued to accelerate

In September, the prices of plant products increased by 4.0 percent, while the livestock prices increased by 7.9 percent. The agicultural producer prices were 5.5 percent higher than in the...

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A Hungarian innovation, the TájGazda quality certification system can participate at an international application

The Veritas Cultural Association’s Origin and Quality Certification Scheme received a national award at the Quality Innovation Award 2017 application of the European Quality Organization’s (EOQ) Hungarian National Committee, so...

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The largest winery in the Eger wine region was built in Feldebrő

The Varga Winery’s new winery was inaugurated in Feldebrő in the Eger wine region. With the development, the storage capacity of the winery was increased to 8.1 million liters, of...

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Harvesting is coming to an end soon

This year’s harvest is about to end. Slightly more than 10 million tons of autumn crops were harvested this year, compared to last year’s 12.3 million tons – the Minister...

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Fornetti has a turnover of about 31 billion HUF

The Fornetti Group reached nearly 40 percent growth since the owner change took part in the summer of 2015, reaching a turnover of 100 million euros (ie 31 billion HUF)...

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