Magazine: Programmes at Sirha Budapest
Bocuse d’Or Hungarian selection
5 February 2020 – Pavilion A, competition stage
On the second day of Sirha Budapest it will be decided who is going to represent Hungary in the European final of Bocuse d’Or from the chefs that qualified for the final at the end of October: István Veres, Eszter Palágyi, Zsolt Haraszti, Gábor Csik, Tibor Huszár and Roland Kelemen.
International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Hungarian competition
4 February 2020 – Pavilion A, competition stage
Sirha Budapest will host the international young chef competition of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Association for the first time. The competition seeks to give young chefs the opportunity to prove their talent and creativity.
Public Sector Catering Cook Competition (KÖSZ) 2019-2020 Hungarian final
6 February 2020 – Pavilion A, competition stage
This time the competition’s theme will be summer dishes, and its mandatory elements are Hungarian vegetable stew lecsó made from fresh ingredients and honey. Competitors will have to prepare ten 3-course menus for adults in 3 hours, from a budget of HUF 550/menu.
Sirha Budapest Desssert Competition
4 February 2020 – Pavilion G, competition stage
In 2020 the Sirha Budapest Dessert Competition will be part of Sirha Budapest’s programme for the fourth time, organised by Zoltán Kolonics, Hungary’s most famous creative confectioner. The competition’s goal is to give up-and-coming talents of the trade the chance to show their knowledge, skills, preparedness and creativity.
Guild of Hungarian Confectioners
Programmes – Pavilion G
Award-winning Hungarian artisan ice creams will be presented on the stage. The János Pataki memorial competition will be organised again. Live jurying of the Cake of Hungary will return to the programme, too.
Hungarian Baker Association
Programmes – Pavilion G
As a professional partner of the trade show, the Hungarian Baker Association will be waiting for representatives of the food industry with showcases and a conference. The association’s trade fair presence will concentrate on the future and its technologies – and not only in theory, as the technological solutions presented will be used in practice to prepare various products!
Sirha Business Café
Pavilion G
A new programme at Sirha Budapest, the Sirha Business Café will be waiting for participants with not only good café, but business workshops as well – with a different topic on each day of the trade fair. Well-known representatives of the sector will be the discussion panel members.
Future Store
Pavilion A
Trade magazin brings the latest retail technology solutions to the shop of the future, so that visitors can learn about the latest trends that they can adopt by their own stores. In the Future Store the No.1 trade magazine of the FMCG sector presents the retail concepts of the near future for professional visitors. You can already register for the guided tours around the Future Store at
Conferencies, programmes
Pavilion A
Besides various showcases and competitions, Sirha Budapest visitors will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of conferences, so that they learn about the latest market trends and innovations. Conferences will be organised in connection with the Public Sector Catering Cook Competition, about sustainability topics by the Responsible Gastro Hero Foundation and packaging trends by the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling.
The trade fair’s programme is regularly updated at
Sirha Budapest Innovation Product Competition
Pavilion A
Hungexpo Zrt. and Trade magazin will organise the international competition of innovative products for the fourth time. The goal is to introduce innovative products and services launched between two Sirha Budapest trade shows.
Categories: Food and drink / Baking and confectionery industry products / Technologies (kitchen appliances, baking industry devices, food industry technologies, hygiene technologies, software) / Hotel industry products, furniture, fabrics, decorations, table settings / Packaging industry and logistics
Hasznos információk
Hungexpo Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási Központ
1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10. (Expo tér 1.) A’ és ’G’ pavilon
2020. február 4–6. Mindennap 10.00 és 18.00 óra között
A Sirha Budapest Nemzetközi Élelmiszeripari és HoReCa szakkiállításra csak a szakma képviselői léphetnek be – számukra a belépés díjmentes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. A regisztráció során a látogatónak meg kell adnia vállalata adatait, melyet a szervezők, a szakmaiság biztosítása érdekében ellenőriznek és szükség esetén szűrnek. A rendezvényre belépőjegy is vásárolható a kiállítás honlapján előzetesen, illetve a helyszínen. A díjmentes regisztrációs felület, illetve bővebb információ a kiállítás honlapján található: //
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