Tag "USA"

Wine and marijuana pairings in Denver

From now tasting marijuana with wine is also possible in the US – agrarszektor.hu wrote, after borravalo.hu. The owner of a winery in Denver believes that some forms of cannabis...

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Weak first quarter for Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, posted first-quarter earnings that missed analysts’ estimates after U.S. sales grew more slowly than projected and currency fluctuations ate into profit. The retail...

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42 percent of US bee colonies died in the past one year

More than two out of five American honeybee colonies died in the past year, and surprisingly the worst die-off was in the summer – according to a federal survey. Since...

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Hungary’s first North American trading house was opened in New York

The Hungarian government in the new EU development cycle lasts until 2020 puts a highert han ever emphasis to strengthen the corporate sector. MTI Photo: Pogár Demeter The North American...

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Vegetable production in soil-free system

A covered farm was set up in the US without soil, that can serve as an example that crops can be produced economically even in cities – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According...

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Powdered spirits may be marketed in the US stores in the summer

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau on Tuesday approved labels for a powdered alcohol called Palcohol. Arizona-based Lipsmark LLC, the maker of a booze powder that can be...

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U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder would strenghten the security of the malls

Eric Holder, who will be leaving his post in the coming weeks, sat down for an interview with CNN at the U.S. Department of Justice headquarters Thursday in Washington D.C....

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Changes were made to the proper diet guidelines of children's nutrition in the U.S.

New guidelines released today by a leading U.S. pediatricians group urge a more practical, commonsense approach toward nutrition to help improve children's diets and health, both in school and at...

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Retail sales declined further in the United States

The retail sales in the US declined by 0.8 percent, more than expected 0.5 percent in January, compared to December – the US Commerce Department announced on Thursday. The retail...

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A paprika grist called Szegedi was withdrawn in the United States

Because of the possible allergy content of peanut, the Szegedi Sweet Hungarian Paprika was withdrawn in the United States. The product was sold between September 18, 2014 and October 13,...

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The Kinder eggs are prohibited in the USA

” The Kinder eggs are prohibited just like narcotics in the USA” U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer Mike Milne told the National Post after two American tourists were caught...

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