Tag "Unilever"

The Unilever stopped dumping of hazardous waste at its European sites

Among the world's leading companies, Unilever is the first whose factories do not sell non-hazardous waste sent to landfill. Nine months after Unilever formulation of this objective, the company announced...

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Unilever has joined the UN initiative

The United Nations (UN) published the Global Goals document on 25 September in which the 17 global goals were formulated. Bearing this in mind, the United Nations would eliminate extreme...

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The Hungarian Government and Unilever have signed a strategic Cooperation Agreement

The Hungarian Government and the Unilever Hungary Kft. signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement. At the same time in Unilever’s Nyírbátor plant new production lines were put into operation, with an...

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Unilever releases first-of-its-kind Human Rights Report

The report outlines Unilever’s goal not only to respect Human Rights but to actively advance them across all areas of its business. It documents areas where the company has taken...

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Unilever partners with global sustainability movements

Unilever has recently announced plans to join the Global Citizen and the Live Earth: Road to Paris movements, in line with its ambitions to reduce its environmental footprint and fight...

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The domestic ice cream market is growing

According to the sales indicators of Unilever, the Hungarians consume a significant part of their annual ice-cream dose during the summer months. The favorites of the domestic consumers are the...

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The Unilever incites for sustainability in Hungary

Non-hazardous waste dumping has been terminated in all three domestic Unilever factories. The Mintafarm program has started for the Hungarian farmers. A research has also started to assess and change...

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Zero waste to landfill in the factories of Unilever

Unilever today announced it has achieved a key sustainability target of sending zero non-hazardous* waste to landfill from its global factory network. Believed to be a global first for delivering...

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Uniliver welcomes the trans-fatty acid regulation

The grace period of the trans-fatty acid regulation expired on 18 February 2015.Since then the stores cannot market products that contain too many trans-fatty acids. The trans fatty acids adversely...

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The year starts with a SPAR prizeshow

The point of prizeshow is that the customer needs to purchase at least 3 Alföldi, Mondelez, Mizo, Nestlé, SCA, Sió, Tchibo, Unilever products at Spar....

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