Tag "tudomány"

Agricultural Research Center: The fruit research center in Cegléd was refurbished from about 250 million HUF

The Cegléd Research Station of the Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research Institute of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAIK) was renovated from about 250 million forints –...

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The University of Debrecen is researching the health effects of Mádi wine

The health effects of Mádi wine are being researched at the new laboratory research facility of the University of Debrecen. According to a statement of the university sent to MTI...

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Researchers are working on vaccines against swine fever

African swine fever (ASF) is predominantly devastating in Asia, where it causes serious economic damage and rising food prices. Researchers are working to develop a vaccine against swine fever that...

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130 scientific academies are seeking solutions for global food problems

The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), an organization representing the world’s scientific academies, is seeking to put agriculture on new foundations, reduce food waste, treat obesity, malnutrition and starvation and introduce climate...

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It is possible to breed cattle that emit less methane

It is possible to reduce the methane emissions of cattle according to scientists. The genetics of cattle have a strong effect on the composition of microorganisms in the rumen of...

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Coffee is not as bad for your heart as previously thought

The research from Queen Mary University of London has shown that drinking coffee, including in people who drink up to 25 cups a day, is not associated with having stiffer...

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A night with the boys is good for any men

Male Barbary macaques form social bonds similar to human friendships to protect against disease and death, an international study has revealed. This study shows that changes in everyday stressors such...

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Laboratory meat, such as cattle breeding, can cause more damage to the environment in the long run

Meat products that grow in the laboratory over the long term may contribute to global warming more than some ways of cattle farming – researchers of the University of Oxford...

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They want to roast the perfect coffee in outer space

Anders Cavallini and Hatem Alkhafaji, two entrepreneurs want to use rocket technology to roast the coffee. They plan to launch their coffee roasting capsules next year to space. The capsule...

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The breeding time of the carps was shortened to third

The researchers at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Debrecen shortened the breeding time of carps to third – origo wrote after Debreceni Nap. The central specie of the...

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Planting flowering plants into the quarter of arable land could save bees

A research group proposes a new agricultural strategy for halting the decline of populations of bees and other pollinators. The group has successfully put its ideas into practice in Uzbekistan...

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Coffee consumption can protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

According to a Canadian research, coffee consumption can provide a certain degree of protection against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease – the ScienceDaily.com online science portal wrote. A new study out...

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A healthier diet helps reduce water consumption

If people change to healthier diet with more fruits and vegetables, the “water footprint” may drop by up to 55 percent according to a new study. “The main message is...

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An international research team explored the genetics of wheat

An international research team has uncovered the genetic resources of wheat, which opened the way to breed the wheat varieties that are far more nutritious and adaptable to the climate...

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The water demand of plants can be calculated

As a result of an interesting experiment in Lower Saxony, it was revealed that it is precisely possible to measure how much irrigation water is needed for a single potato...

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We can order artificial meat at restaurants in three years

Within three years, artificial food to be used in restaurants – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Five years ago, the Danish company Mosa Meat introduced the world’s first hamburger of which the...

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British scientists have developed an anti-aging chocolate

A daily 7.5g bar of the chocolate can change the underlying skin stucture of a 50 year old to that of someone in their 30s, say developers Its makers say...

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Artificial meat is here soon

In the United States and the Netherlands, scientists are close to create artificial meat, as evidenced by the fact that the US Congress is already addressing this issue – agrarszektor.hu...

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Salad is produced in an underwater glasshouse

Italian scientist produce plant species such as basil, lettuce and strawberries in a greenhouse eight meters under the sea level. The aim of the project that is in pilot stage...

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Bananas with edible peel was developed in Japan

A Japanese farm developed bananas with edible peel. The proccess was to slowly cooling the growth cells of the fruit to minus 60 degrees and then thawing them. The researchers...

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Agrosol’s solution can protect from bird flu

Bird flu caused 20 billion HUF losses last year, the disease control measures continue to exist, but a new solution will help to prevent from damages. According to the Poultry...

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Vegetable experiment in Antarctica

Antarctica’s nonstop winters make it impossible to grow food outdoors. Fruits and vegetables are instead shipped long distances from overseas, just a few times per year -businessinsider.com wrote. But in...

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New treatment was used to prevent nut allergies

It was possible to prevent nut allergies within a study involved a large number of patients. Within the research, sick children took a nut flour capsule each day for half...

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New bacterial strain in organic farming

Scientists from the University of Szeged (SZTE) found a new bacterial strain that can be used in organic farming. The patented strain is naturalized by one of the largest biocontrollers...

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The larger the seed mass, the smaller the spread

The larger the seed of a plant species, the narrower the area of distribution – this hypothesis was confirmed by the staff of the MTA-DE Impact Functional and Restoration Ecological...

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Syngenta’s drought tolerant maize tested in the desert is available in Hungary

This year, Syngenta’s new, worldwide tested drought tolerant corn hybrids are also available in Hungary. The Artesian Technology opens a new chapter in the company’s ever-growing corn portfolio. “Syngenta places...

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An unhealthy diet makes the immune system more aggressive in the long run

The immune system responds similarly to a high fat, sugar and calorie diet as to bacterial infections, and the body’s defensive system becomes proactive in the long run – according...

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Wheat can be harvested six times a year

In a new breeding process researchers are trying to speed up the creation of plant varieties that would allow the most important arable crops to produce crops up to six...

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Cocoa bean can be extinct

Chocolate may disappear by 2050 due to climate change, according to scientists – but the problem may be solved by genetically engineered so-called super chocolate – origo wrote. Cocoa tree...

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A daily dose of green lettuce can keep the brain young

A daily dose of green lettuce can help keep memory and keep the brain fresh from age, according to the authors of a US study. Researchers of the Health Center...

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