Tag "Tesco"

Tesco: food emerency truck will be used in the fight against food waste

Tesco is committed to reduce food waste, and for years it has supported the work of the Hungarian Food Bank Association as a strategic partner. This co-operation now raises the...

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Tesco awaits community-building applications for two more weeks

Tesco awaits the applications of the interested organizations and informal group of friends to Tesco’s local community support program, the “You choose, we help” program for a further two weeks,...

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Tesco sells more than 1,000 tonnes of pumpkin during the season

For this season Tesco offers 11 types of pumpkin from Hungarian producers, with a total of about 1000 tonnes. You can also look for a halloween pumpkin produced in the...

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Auction sales have become a tradition at Tesco in the past 8 years

The auction is still the most efficient way to sell machines, parts and tools that have become dispensable. The British chain has extended its good practice used in Hungary for...

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Coface: 71 Hungarian companies in the regional top 500

A total of 71 major Hungarian companies are listed on the list of the 500 largest companies in the region, which are listed on a yearly basis, and Hungary is...

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150,000 more households can order online from Tesco

From 1 October shoppers living in Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, Hajdúszoboszló and Hajdúböszörmény can enjoy the benefits of shopping online on the Tesco website. Together with the Budapest, Szeged, Győr, Veszprém and...

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Tesco keeps training workers

Tesco trains and educates workers at the retailer’s own Tesco Academy. This year they already invested more than HUF 100 million in teaching employees. In 2018 no less than 2,843...

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Tesco doesn’t reject fruits and vegetables that don’t look so good

It was on 24 January 2017 that Tesco started selling so-called Perfectly Imperfect fruits and vegetables: the retailer also purchases those fruits and vegetables from suppliers which formerly didn’t meet...

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Another 150,000 households can order online from Tesco

From 1 October, the dwellers of Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, Hajdúszoboszló and Hajdúböszörmény can carry out their shopping online on the website of Tesco, anywhere and anytime, or through their smartphones. Tesco...

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Tesco supports local communities for the fifth time

On 8 October, Tesco launches its local community support program, the “You Choose, We Help You”. The chain has contributed to the implementation of more than 300 environmentally friendly, educational-catch-up...

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Tesco and Nestlé collaborate against food waste

Tesco and Nestlé jointly promote a new action to combat food waste. With the sales of selected products the two companies support the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Nestlé has offered...

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Tesco’s result increased significantly

Tesco’s result increased significantly in the first half of the 2018-2019 business year, but the Central European business branch declined somewhat due to a change in Sunday’s opening hours in...

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Once again Extreme Digital has the No.1 spot on the e-top list

GKI Digital published the ranking of Hungary’s 10 biggest online retailers for the fourth time this year. In 2017 the 10 companies featured in the list made up for 37...

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Tesco launches part time job scheme

Tesco’s ‘Fixed to be fix’ part time job programme offers flexible conditions to those who like their work time calculable. They can ask for 5 hours per week or only...

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Tesco has sold almost 850,000 packages of imperfect fruits and vegetables

It’s been two years since some of Tesco’s suppliers have been supplying vegetables and fruits that do not meet the aesthetic and size requirements, but they have high quality and...

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Tesco opened a discount store

The first unit of the Tesco Jack’s discount chain opened its doors to British customers on 20 September. Europe’s market-leading Tesco chain handed over its first discount in a 9,000-strong...

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Tesco delivered 150 million products in 5 years

Tesco Online Shopping is 5 years old. The home delivery service started in Budapest in 2013 and it is already available in 103 towns and villages. In the past 5 years Tesco...

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Tesco donation to children in need

Tesco shoppers contributed to the Happy Childhood donation collection programme of the Hungarian Interchurch Aid with almost HUF 34 million. The money will be used to organise summer camps for abused...

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Tesco awaits the students with 100,000 schoolbags

Whether children prepare to start 1st grade or higher class from September, school supplies need to be obtained before the start of the school year. The most important of these...

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Tesco donates food from three-quarters of its stores in Hungary

At the beginning of June, new stores joined Tesco’s multi-award-winning food-saving program, so 150 of the supermarket chain’s 205 domestic stores now offer food surplus from their daily operations. In...

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Tesco sells 18 thousand tons of Hungarian melons in Central Europe

In its stores in Hungary, Tesco sells about 10,000 tons of Hungarian melons in the summer season, and exports to the Czech, Polish and Slovakian stores a further 8,000 tons...

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Tesco’s food supply to expand with freshly prepared meals

Salads, sandwiches, wraps and pizzas ready to be consumed are also included in Tesco’s new product line introduced in the Central European market. In the self-branded offer, Czech, Polish, Slovak...

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Tesco collected nearly 34 million forints donations to support children in need

Tesco’s customers contributed with nearly 34 million forints to the fundraising program of the Ecumenical Aid Organization. The donations received during the collection are spent on organizing summer camps for...

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The Tesco store in Celldömölk to be renewed

Tesco’s store in Celldömölk is being built from mid-July, during which the customer and employee space as well as the supply will be transformed. The renewed Celldömölk store will open...

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Strategic alliance between Tesco and Carrefour

Tesco and Carrefour announced a long-term strategic alliance. The UK’s largest retail network and the French chain of stores, the largest retail conglomerate in Europe, published a joint statement of...

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Hungarian melons are already available at most chain of stores

Domestically produced melons are available at most of the Hungarian chain of stores, according to market participants. Lidl Magyarország in its communication sent to MTI stated that from last Thursday...

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Tesco UK to ban non-recyclable plastic packaging

Tesco UK has informed suppliers that from 2019 they will only sell products in recyclable plastic packaging. PVC, polystyrene, PLA and water soluble organic plastic packagings will all be banned....

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Tesco has performed well in the first business quarter

Tesco’s Group-level sales continued to grow in the first quarter of the 2018-2019 financial year, but Central European sales declined in spite of strong performance in Hungary, primarily due to...

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Milk Truck in Tesco’s parking lot in Budaörs

On June 18, the Milk Truck of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council arrives to its last stop. The roadshow called “The Way of Milk”, consisting of 80 stations...

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Tesco: together we are able to do more against food waste

On 7 June this year, Tesco held its conference focusing on the fight against food waste with the participation of non-governmental organizations, companies, governmental organizations and the media. The event...

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