Tag "Tej Terméktanács"

Innovation Day for the fourth time this year

This year’s Innovation Day event and the awards ceremony of the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2024 competition was organised at Hungexpo on 16 May. This article is...

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The Hungarian dairy industry is in crisis: dramatic losses and rising costs

In 2023, the Hungarian dairy industry faced significant challenges, and this resulted in serious losses for several large milk processing companies. The taxable profit of Alföldi Tej Kft. deteriorated from...

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An efficient and competitive dairy industry is needed

The time has come to develop the domestic dairy industry, we need investments that improve efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the sector’s players. The goal is to regain the...

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NAK: Hands off the butter!

The domestic animal product sector has been hit by another indiscriminate attack. This time, dairy products, including butter, were targeted. The slogans “*leave the cows alone” and “skip the cow*”...

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The cheese judge training will start this year as well

This year, the cheese judge training is being launched for the third time by the Hungarian Cheese Makers’ Association with the support of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the...

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K&H and the Dairy Board renew cooperation

In order to promote the future development of the dairy sector and innovative investments, K&H and the Milk Interbranch Organisation and Dairy Board have renewed their cooperation. This article is...

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Rögös túró – The Milk Product Council has once again conducted a comprehensive research

In 2019, Rögös túró was recognized and registered as a traditional special food by the European Union. The Tej Product Council launched a two-year marketing campaign in January 2022 in...

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Tejet iszunk, de desszertre már nincs pénz

A tejágazatban korábban megkezdődött trendek, amelyek egyértelműen a prémium és magasabb hozzáadott értékű tejtermékek népszerűségére mutattak, az elmúlt egy-két év gazdasági hatásainak eredményeként megfordulni látszanak. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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Even by drinking a glass of milk a day, we can do a lot for our health

Milk plays an important role in a balanced diet. Milk and milk products contain essential micronutrients that contribute to the healthy functioning of the human body – draw attention to the...

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It is important to introduce children to all the physiological effects of milk

It is important to familiarize the younger generation with all the physiological effects of milk – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Friday at the Tej Terméktanács school education...

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It is important to introduce children to all the physiological effects of milk

It is important to familiarize the younger generation with all the physiological effects of milk – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Friday at the Tej Terémettánács school education...

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Cheap foreign boxed milk and semi-hard cheese have reappeared on the market, making it impossible for the domestic dairy industry to operate

Domestic milk production and processing companies are not in an easy situation. While the purchase price of milk is constantly decreasing, the demand for dairy products is decreasing due to...

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Choosing a Hungarian product guarantees quality and safety

Hungarian producers benefit from customer awareness, but this needs to be reinforced with attitude-shaping campaigns and trademarks. It is important to know that if you “choose a Hungarian product, you are...

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The report of the GVH on the examination of the dairy sector is final

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) has published its final report on the accelerated sectoral investigation of the dairy products market. On April 20, the GVH released the draft report for...

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This year, the Tej Product Council is organizing its World Milk Day event on June 6

Due to the positive physiological effects of milk, as well as to draw people’s attention to the importance of calcium intake, the International Dairy Federation appointed the last Tuesday of...

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A comprehensive research was carried out by the Tej Terektánács

On behalf of the Tej Terméktanács, Trend International Market Research Kft. carried out the research entitled “Rögös turó as quality system recognition in Hungary”, the focus of which is on...

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The cooperation between the Tej Terektánács and the National Association of Hungarian Dietitians continues

From the very beginning, the Tej Terméktanács has been committed to providing authentic information to Hungarian consumers about dairy products and their role in a balanced diet. In order to...

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Milk Product advice: new rules apply to Trappist cheese

With the increase in consumer awareness, there is an increasing social demand for high-quality food, as a result of which the Hungarian Food Book (MÉ) may soon be expanded with...

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This happened at the World Milk Day event of the Dairy Product Council

Due to the positive properties of milk and to draw people’s attention to the importance of calcium intake, the United Nations World Food and Food Organization (FAO) has designated June...

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The increase in producers’ costs is behind the rise in dairy prices

In recent months, dairy prices have risen sharply. The increase in prices is due to the increase in the general costs of dairy farmers, as without the price increase the...

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The Bumpy Cottage cheese was also among the obligatory elements in the Final of the Bocuse d’Or in Hungary

Az Európai Bizottság döntése alapján 2019-ben hagyományos különleges termék elismerést kapott a Rögös túró, mint hagyományos különleges élelmiszert felvette nyilvántartásába az EU. Ezt a fajta védettséget csak olyan termékek kaphatják...

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(HU) A Tej Terméktanács számos aktivitást tervez a következő két évben

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New routes on the Milky Way

On 23 February the Milk Interbranch Organisation and Dairy Board held its tenth annual conference – this time online.   Managing director Zoltán Harcz welcomed the participants and the first...

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AM aims to increase competitiveness and added value by supporting dairy farms

The market demand for milk and dairy products is becoming more and more important, and milk production has a perspective in the coming years as well – said the State...

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The National Chamber of Agriculture is launching a training for cheese judges

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), with the support of the Dairy Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, is organizing a cost-effective cheese judge training organized by the Hungarian Cheese Makers’...

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Which way are you going, dairy sector?

Hungarian dairy companies purchased 3 percent more cow’s milk in both 2019 and 2020, while in the first eight months of 2021 the like-for-like growth was 6.5 percent. In 2020...

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The Milk Product Council is calling for swift action due to rising producer costs

The significant increase in costs ruins dairy farmers, so quick action is needed, the Dairy Product Council told MTI. The rise in prices seems unstoppable and affects almost all production...

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(HU) A Tej Terméktanács tejtermelő képviselőinek sajtóközleménye

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Milk Product Council launches national sweepstakes again

This year, the celebration of milk and dairy products can’t be left to the fore, so on the apropos of World Milk Day, your organization, like last year, has an...

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Milk Product Council: we should prevent the decline of Hungarian dairy products on the market

In the interest of the future of the Hungarian dairy sector, it is necessary to prevent domestically produced products from being pushed out of their own markets, the Milk Product...

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