It is important to introduce children to all the physiological effects of milk

By: STA Date: 2023. 11. 10. 10:00

It is important to familiarize the younger generation with all the physiological effects of milk – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Friday at the Tej Terémettánács school education program promoting dairy products at the Bolyai János Primary School of the Győr Vocational Training Center in Mosonmagyaróvár.

(Photo: AM/Csaba Pelsőczy)

The head of the ministry – who is also the Fidesz parliamentary representative of the region – emphasized that children should know how milk is made, because there is a lot of wrong information about plant-based milks. It is important to see that “milk is life, strength, health, one of the most nutritious foods, the most complete food,” he added. Regarding the school education program of the Milk Product Council, he said that children are sensitive to the world and that what they learn is taken for granted later on. He added: the lifestyle of today’s children has changed, they don’t have the opportunity to visit their grandparents or see how the cows are milked and taste the fresh, warm milk at country houses, so they are shown all this playfully with virtual devices. At these events, the children also learn through play what other dairy products there are besides milk, including lumpy cottage cheese, which is known and consumed only here in the world, he said. István Nagy also spoke about the fact that while the consumption of dairy products is decreasing in the world, the growth is slow here. Zoltán Harcz, the managing director of the Tej Product Council, said that the product council has been announcing a school program promoting dairy products for about two decades, as part of which a dietician talks to the children during a classroom teacher’s lesson, who can then try several games. He called it important that even the smallest children learn about the journey of milk, how it reaches their table. This fall, they will travel the country for 60 school days, teaching 6-8 hours a day until the Christmas break, he said, adding that the program is financed from the product council’s community marketing fund.


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