Tag "Szupermenta"

The test results of the sharp-strong pepper seeds are not spicy

Specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined the seeds of hot peppers in the latest test of the Supermenta program. The product test ended with a satisfactory...

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Mindenhol vegán!

A húsmentes vagy teljes mértékben növényi alapú ételek egyre több kiszállítással is foglalkozó vendéglátóhely kínálatában megtalálhatóak, ezért a Nébih szakemberei novemberben házhoz szállított vegán készételeket vizsgáltak. A cikk a Trade...

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Nébih: none of the tested plant-based protein powders met the labeling requirements

None of the plant-based protein powders among those examined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in cooperation with the Sports Nutrition Science Center of the Hungarian University of...

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Nébih: grocery stores were certified in the Supermenta program

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) inspected the frozen food sections of commercial units in the Süpermenta program, the office informed MTI on Thursday. According to...

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Supermint – Video of the day in pursuit of vegan ready meals

he experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined vegan ready meals delivered to the home. A total of 13 ready meals, five pizzas, five hamburgers and three...

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Brainstorming and playing on World Food Safety Day

In 2023, the World Food Safety Day will be based on the key message “Food standards save lives”. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) launched a social campaign for...

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Microgreen producers were checked in the Supermint program

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined microgreens in the latest test of the Süpermenta program. The microgreens of peas and radishes were collected from 11...

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Potatoes were put to the test at Supermenta

The Supermenta packaged potato product test has already revealed that commercially available potatoes are safe. As a continuation of the test, the specialists of Nébih carried out further tests. They...

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Are potatoes safe?

In the latest test of the Supermenta program, experts from the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined the packaged potatoes by measuring, among other things, almost eight thousand laboratory...

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NÉBIH found labeling errors in most of the seasonings

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) found labeling errors in more than two-thirds of the 35 condiments tested, and the authority withdrew five condiments containing celery at the beginning...

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Nébih found no problem with the quality of the baby sponge cakes, but marking errors were found

In the Supermenta product test, 24 baby sponge cake and baby sponge cake-type products were examined by experts from the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih). According to Nébih’s information...

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Nébih found marking and tracing errors on cherry beers

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined sour cherry beers. Everything was OK in terms of laboratory, food safety and quality, but four products were subject to food control...

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Nébih’s inspection found problems in nine out of twenty-three pepper seeds

Twenty-three “fillable” sweet pepper seeds were examined by experts. Two products have problems with germination, and seven have initiated a consumer protection procedure with the involvement of the competent partner...

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Nébih: marking errors were found in the examination of glassy horseradish

Due to the upcoming Easter, glass horseradish was examined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), everything was fine from the food safety point of view, however, due to...

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(HU) Filmen a termékteszt – A nap videója

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Sour results in the Super Mint Sweet Cucumber Test

The Supermenta program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested 32 sweet cucumbers this time. The results can be said to be sour, as official proceedings had to...

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Nébih: quality and labeling problems have also been found at cheese products

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) has tested 31 cream cheese products in its latest Supermenta product test, and 20 cases have been subject to regulatory action due to...

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The Nébih is satisfied with the sconeries near the Lake Balaton

Although Nébih found shortcomings during the inspection of the sconeries near the Lake Balaton, the experience gained there is generally positive – according to a report published on Wednesday on...

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Nébih: all the bitter liqueurs tested met the standards

From a food safety point of view, every bitter liqueur was in compliance with the requirements of the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih). The authority had to take action...

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(HU) Peruból érkezik az ALDI bio banánja

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Nébih tested milk chocolates in February

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested milk chocolates in February within its Super Mint product test – the food chain safety authority told MTI on Monday. According to...

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The Nébih strengthens its product test program

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is strengthening its product testing program and introduces the Szupermenta (Super Mint) logo to products achieved good results during testing and also renews...

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