Tag "szakképzés"

A package of proposals has been prepared by the factory industry alliance for the renewal of vocational training

A Comprehensive Proposal Package has been developed by the National Association of Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) for renewing vocational training – Futó Péter, president of the organization told at a...

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The quality of VET should be further increased

In the development of vocational training, special attention should be paid to the rapidly changing economic environment and the labor market expectations – the Deputy Minister of State of the...

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Tens of thousands of new jobs are needed in the agriculture and in the food industry

Over the past six years, 50,000 new jobs have been created in agriculture and in the food industry, and in the coming years a same amount of new labor force...

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Nestlé helps young people to get a job with dual training

In just two years Nestlé would like to triple the number of young people participating in the company’s training programme. In 4 school years Nestlé wants to involve 44 confectionery...

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MGYOSZ for vocational education

On 31 May 2017 the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) announced at a press conference: in the autumn they will organise a series of programmes in every county, to learn...

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The MGYOSZ launches a national series of events for the development of vocational training

The National Association of Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) is launching a national series of events for the development of vocational training in September. The National Association of Employers and Industrialists...

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The competitiveness of agriculture also depends on vocational training

The competitiveness of Hungarian agriculture depends mainly on the professional skills of the sector, the lack of professionals and the quality of education – emphasized the Minister of Agriculture on...

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Magazine: Most important tasks in 2015

Having the representation expenses tax revoked, possibly in cooperation with other organisations. Developing the level of education. Recommendations in connection with the master’s exam: let’s not make passing the master’s...

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