Tag "praliné"

From me, to you

There was a secret hope among market players in the praline category that the end-of-year gift-giving season would put sales back on an upward trajectory, but this hasn’t been the...

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Üzenet a dobozból

Rugalmassága és a vásárlók erős igénye az újdonságokra – ez az a két tényező, ami segít átvészelni az édesiparnak (és ezen belül a pralinéknak) ezt a nehéz időszakot. Limitált szériák,...

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Chocolates in the spirit of caring

Last year was about premiumisation in the praline category, and this trend continued in early 2022 too. Lilla Kelemen, Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s brand manager – seasonal and gifting: “I think...

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Surprise, surprise!

In 2021 Easter was a strong period for seasonal confectionery products, and value sales increased by double-digit numbers before Christmas too.  Lilla Kelemen, Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s brand manager of seasonal...

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There is no festive season without chocolate

In 2020 the end-of-year confectionery market was rather eventful, as the second wave of the pandemic had a negative influence on sales, but the lifting of the restrictions for Christmas...

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(HU) Roshen Compliment pralinék

Stylishly packaged milk chocolate pralines in hazelnut, strawberry-milk cream, tiramisu and liqueur chocolate flavours. Their elegant look makes these products a perfect gift to our loved ones, friends and acquaintances....

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Will Santa’s bag be full of good things?

At the end of 2019 shoppers spent more money on more seasonal sweets than in the same period of 2018. We learned from Kitti Végh, Nestlé Hungária’s brand manager that...

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Magazine: So many good things

The praline category continues its good performance, with sales growing about the confectionery market’s average.   We learned from Orsolya Elek, brand manager of Storck Hungária that value sales had...

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Roshen Shooters Piña Colada pralines

A new light, cocktail-inspired taste captured in youthful and dynamic packaging. The new Piña Colada pralines contain alcohol and they can refresh you on any weekday! The combination of coconut...

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Nielsen: plush heart and praline on Valentine’s Day

The sale of praliné was close to 2 billion HUF in February 2017, which is a 14 percent increase in value and a 10 percent increase in volume, compared to...

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Witor’s product selection expands rapidly

Witor’s experts have been working hard for 50 years to offer consumers innovative sweets. The company’s delicious products are marketed in stylish packaging and their prices are affordable. Glatz Hungary...

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