Tag "OKSZ"

Europe’s Day in Commerce: For each other and for the shoppers!

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) organised a programme to celebrate Europe’s Day in Commerce for the 17th time. From the Ministry for Innovation and Technology Péter Cserenyés,...

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(HU) Adomány, ajándék is lesz az áruházláncoknál az élelmiszerekből

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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About the retailer ranking – while wearing a face mask

Face mask wearing has been mandatory for customers and shop assistants for a year – I think this fact tells everything about 2020. There were ups and downs in the...

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Pentecost can give a boost to trade

Before the long weekends and holidays, the traffic in the shops usually picks up, but this year’s Pentecostal traffic can be strengthened mainly by the gradual easing of protection measures...

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OKSZ The vast majority of stores have opened

The vast majority of the stores opened on Wednesday because some of the tasks required for opening according to the law could be completed in advance by the shopkeepers –...

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Festive traffic in stores lags behind the traffic of the previous years

Turnover in stores will increase during the Easter period compared to the usual, but the festive upswing this year will not be as great as before the pandemic, the Secretary...

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Stores can open in weeks

The opening order that comes into effect after Easter can bring new problems in the life of shops. Professional organizations support any agreement that will allow them to open stores...

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If the pick-up point of the web store can be open, the product can be picked up by the customer, otherwise not

The OKSZ requested a resolution from the National Public Health Center on the issue of the 104/2021 on the temporary tightening of protection measures. (III. 5.) pursuant to Section 4...

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Another wave of the pandemic is already threatening grocery stores

In recent days, there have been indications from several places that another wave of pandemics in trade is already endangering daily operations – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. It is possible...

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The members of OKSZ help the development of the food industry

The National Trade Association considers government support for the development of the Hungarian food industry to be a key economic policy objective. It has already cooperated with the Ministry of...

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OKSZ member companies help with Christmas shopping and protection against the pandemic

OKSZ member companies anticipate a significant increase in family spending in commercial units before the Christmas holidays. In the current pandemic situation, in line with the Government’s strict measures for...

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Magazine: Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…

Even the coronavirius couldn’t beat our Business Days conference, which we organised together with the Chain Bridge Club in September. Thanks to the strict health protection protocol, the nearly 550...

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The transition to closing the stores at 7pm was smooth

According to a survey by the National Trade Association, on Wednesday, November 11, the stores transitioned smoothly to the 7 pm closing. Customers accepted the new opening hours and adapted...

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OKSZ together for customers – ask the elderly to buy in the least crowded hours

For the Members of the National Trade Association, ALDI, AUCHAN, dm, EURONICS, FRESSNAP, IKEA, LIDL, METRO, MEDIA MARKT, MOL, OBI, PENNY MARKET, PRAKTIKER, ROSSMANN, SPAR, TESCO it remains particularly important...

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Trade Alliance: trade climbed out of the pit in the summer

After the decline in the spring, the trade “climbed out of the pit” and reached the level of the same period of last year during the summer – Vámos György...

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OKSZ: the Pentecostal trade turnover exceeded the Easter turnover

In the days before Pentecost, retail traffic picked up compared to the past and compared to Easter, but it can only regain its former momentum in the fourth quarter –...

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More and more stores are reopening

There is nothing to prohibit the opening of shops selling non-essential items, but it is forbidden to enter such a shop. And that could put 50,000 stores in an impossible...

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OKSZ: Supply remains safe even during curfew

Prime Minister Orbán Viktor today announced that a curfew will be introduced from March 28, that which will expire on April 11. This restriction does not affect the security of...

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OKSZ: there is no point in stockpiling

There is no justification for stockpiles of food due to the coronavirus epidemic, because the goods will be in stores tomorrow and the day after tomorrow – the National Trade...

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OKSZ The demand for online shopping has increased significantly

Shopping patterns have changed as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, but delivery times for groceries ordered online are increasing due to sudden surges in demand. The food chains have...

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Itt az OKSZ legújabb felhívása

Az Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség (OKSZ) tagjai az elmúlt napokban számos megkeresést kaptak önkormányzatoktól, helyi intézkedéseikről. Erre reagálva a szövetség ma közleményt adott ki – olvasható az origo-n. Az OKSZ rendkívül...

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The trade association does not support the mayor’s proposal to close the stores

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) does not support the proposal of Mayor Karácsony Gergely about closing certain stores. On Sunday, Karácsony Gergely initiated an initiative for the government to allow...

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The call of OKSZ for the safe shopping of the families

On 11 March, 2020, the Government announced the declaration of an emergency. The member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) (ALDI, AUCHAN, LIDL, METRO, PENNY MARKET, SPAR, TESCO) continuously...

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The appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary did not cause any commercial shock

As the population was prepared earlier, the announcement of the coronavirus in Hungary did not cause much shock to the trade – the National Trade Association reported to the Hungarian...

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OKSZ: even though demand for durable food has increased slightly, the security of supply is not at risk

Turnover data for the last 24 hours show that demand for certain durable foods has slightly increased in the member companies of OKSZ, according to the OKSZ announcement. The Trade...

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The coronavirus is boosting demand for durable foods

Coronavirus disease is on the rise in Europe, prompting people to accumulate durable foods in Hungary as well – privatbankar.hu wrote. The National Trade Association, which includes members of Tesco,...

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OKSZ: year-end sales in stores broke all records

All records so far have been broken by year-end store sales, with total retail sales exceeding 1,200 billion HUF, of which more than 100 billion HUF has been spent on...

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Magazine: More stores can now use the SuperStore logo!

Trade magazin organised the SuperStore competition in 2019 too. It was an important criterion in the store design concept competition that retailers operating an online shop only weren’t eligible for...

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Europe’s Day in Commerce: Hungarian retail trade is more and more successful

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) organised a programme to celebrate Europe’s Day in Commerce for the 15th time. With this event the objective is to put retail...

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Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)

This year our magazine organised the Business Days conference in Tapolca under the name Trade Parliament, between 16 and 20 September. A record-breaking 750 FMCG experts and decision-makers came to learn...

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