Tag "Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium"

The increase in real wages affects consumption, which is important for stimulating the economy

The increase in real wages means that more money remains in people’s pockets, more money is left for consumption, which is very important for stimulating the economy – the state...

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NGM – Why is the tip not tax-free in practice?

In an interview with Radio Kossuth on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán explained that the government’s intention is to make tips tax-free, as this is currently not the case, the...

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The unexpectedly low inflation in June surprised analysts

The Hungarian inflation data published this week caused a pleasant surprise: according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH), consumer prices in June 2024 were on average 3.7% higher than a...

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NGM: the government has suppressed inflation, the mandatory promotions will end on July 1, 2024

With the mandatory sales – thanks to which families were able to get basic food such as bread, meat, milk or various vegetables at a cheaper price – the government...

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NGM: the performance of the tourism sector is growing dynamically

The performance of the tourism sector is growing dynamically, the number of guests and guest nights also increased significantly in March – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI...

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NGM: innovation means the future of the food industry, State Secretary Gergely Fábián handed over new developments

In the framework of the Food Supplier Development Program (ÉLIP BFP), the company received nearly HUF 500 million in support, which was used, among other things, for the purchase of...

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Sándor Czomba: 566 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises receive capacity-building support

566 people successfully applied for the capacity expansion support aimed at micro, small and medium enterprises, the budget of the program, which started in January this year, is HUF 6.5...

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NGM: the lives of families are significantly affected by food and health expenses and fuel prices

According to the surveys, the most significant expenses of the population, in addition to food and health expenses, are fuel expenses. This means that in the case of the population,...

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NGM: tourism demand is increasing, the SZÉP Card was also a popular means of payment in March

The SZÉP Card also generated strong traffic in March, which remains the engine of tourism, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Monday. While 2.6 million users had...

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Gergely Fábián: integrated, data-based development in the food industry improves competitiveness and security of supply

In the food industry, the competitiveness of the sector can be increased with the integrated, data-based development of the product path, which also contributes to security of supply and sustainability,...

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NGM: The Tourism Advisory Board held its inaugural meeting under the leadership of Márton Nagy

The Tourism Advisory Board was established and held its first meeting on Tuesday, which will function as an advisory and consultative body of the Ministry of National Economy in matters...

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Márton Nagy: the collapse of inflation intensively supports the growth of real wages

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), inflation decreased to 3.7 percent in February 2024. The government reduced the rate of price increase to single digits...

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NGM: There are HUF 5 billion of dormant money on SZÉP cards

A megnövekedett költési kedv ellenére hozzávetőlegesen 5 milliárd forintnyi “alvó pénz” ragadt benn a SZÉP-kártya tulajdonosoknál. A kártyákon lévő kedvezményes források felhasználása, továbbá a gazdaság támogatása érdekében a kormány felkéri...

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NGM: the government supports increasing labor market activity with more than HUF 460 billion

By 2030, more than HUF 460 billion in EU funds can help increase labor market activity, mobilize labor reserves, train those at work and improve working conditions, the Ministry of...

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Due to the weakness of foreign markets, industrial performance decreased in December

The negative effects of the war and sanctions caused significant damage to the economy, and the weak demand associated with the weak European economy also negatively affected the performance of...

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NGM: State Secretary Gergely Fábián received a delegation of Italian agricultural and food industry associations

Gergely Fábián, the State Secretary responsible for industrial policy and technology of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), received the representatives of the Italian agricultural and food industry associations Coldiretti...

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The number of employees increased by 21 thousand, we took another step towards reaching the 85 percent activity rate

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of employees increased to 4.723 million in December 2023, so there are 21 thousand more people working than...

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Márton Nagy: more and more French companies can come to Hungary

Hungarian and French economic cooperation is exemplary, trade relations are unwaveringly strong, and French businesses are a significant building block of the Hungarian economy – stated the Ministry of National...

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NGM: customers must be informed if the packaging of a food is reduced

In order to protect families, the government has adopted a new measure, so food retailers with a turnover of over HUF 1 billion must post a warning notice if the...

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This compromise was sweet

The Sweet Compromise project has come to an end: last October the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners started a programme to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867,...

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Magazine: Anyone can afford having a bank card terminal

According to Ágnes Hornung, secretary of state at the Ministry for National Economy (NGM), in Hungary the proportion of electronic transactions is still much smaller than the European average. The bank...

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The expansion of the seasoning pepper industry in Kalocsa

Kalocsai Fűszerpaprika Zrt. – the market leader in Hungarian paprika production, processing and selling – has invested HUF 267 million in technological development. The Ministry for National Economy granted HUF 133 million...

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Sectoral Skills Council

Upon request from the Ministry for National Economy, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) has recently started developing the so-called Sectoral Skills Council (ÁKT) system. With these councils the...

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Univer’s capacity increasing investment

Kecskemét-based Univer Product Zrt. invested HUF 4.3 billion in expanding its production capacity, from which HUF 2.1-billion was non-refundable state support from a programme of the Ministry for National Economy. With the...

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International actions by NAV

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) regularly requests information from foreign authorities, in order to be able to catch those foreigners who commit VAT fraud in Hungary. Csilla Tamásné...

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Would you like to avoid workplace accidents? This is what you should do!

In the first half of 2016 there were 10,276 workplace accidents in Hungary – 27 percent more than in the same period of 2015 – and many of these could...

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NGM Minister of State: earnings will also rise in the higher wage brackets

Earnings will also rise in the higher wage brackets due to the introduced tax cuts – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State for National Economy Ministry (NGM) told M1 news channel...

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Protected pálinka

The Hungarian government does everything they can for Hungarian pálinka, and the results include the public body National Pálinka Council, pálinka becoming a Hungaricum product and having a protected designation...

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Two Hungarian chefs are in the world finals for Global Chefs Challenge

The Global Chefs Challenge is where the worlds best chefs meet to compete. The competition is held in three different categories, Global Chefs, Global Pastry Chefs and Young Chefs Challenge...

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2014: major investments and outstanding sales growth by MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt

Since 2011 MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt., a 100-percent Hungarian-owned family company, has invested HUF 1.15 billion in technological and product innovation. The biggest step was taken last year, when the company...

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