Hungarians consume domestic melons

Ninety percent of the domestic melon consumption are Hungarian melons – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the Fifth National Melon Forum on Wednesday in...

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Nébih: low-fat milks were withdrawn from circulation

Several 1.5 % UHT milk with Slovak and Czech origin were withdrawn from circulation, because according to the laboratory tests, their fat content was lower than indicated – the National...

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Roundtable discussion in honey case

The first round-table discussion was held in honey case, organized by the National Food Chain Safety Office – Magyar Nemzet wrote. The negotiations are expected to continue in the near...

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Nébih: fake pálinka was sold at a club in Budapest

Fake pálinka was offered at a popular club in Budapest; the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) held a control at the club – the authority responsible for food chain...

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The Nébih controls maize seeds

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested the GMO contamination (genetic modification) of 110 sweet corn seeds and 21 popcorn seeds this year. The authority found genetic modification in...

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Nébih: the freshly squeezed orange juices meet the standards

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested the production and quality of the freshly squeezed orange juices in ten catering units. The products have met the food safety standards...

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Nébih found a piece of metal in a 7days croissant

A piece of metal was found in the Polish-produced 7days croissants. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) received an alarm on Friday on the case. The Nébih told MTI:...

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Nébih: a large amount of cabbage and potatoes were withdrawn from circulation

Eight tons of potatoes with Polish origin and 450 kilograms of cabbage with rot bacterial infection of unknown origin were found in Heves county. Both items were destroyed – the...

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Ten thousand tons of food products and one million liters of drinks were seized within an international action

The Hungarian experts seized 243 tons of food products and 17 thousand liters of drinks in the action called Opson – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on...

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Nébih: 45 million HUF fine in the spring inspections

Several hygienic but less quality problems were found by the specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) during the spring seasonal checks than in previous years. According to...

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The Chamber of Agriculture helps the farmers to fill the farmers’ log with a software

The National Agricultural Economics Association (NAK) helps the farmers with a free software to fill in the farmers’ log – the NAK told MTI on Wednesday. The program, which is...

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Nébih: national dairy inspection to start

Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture ordered the nationwide inspection of milk products, in the wake of the milk producers’s Monday demonstration in Budapest – the...

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The President of the Nébih is waiting for the milk producers' representatives on Monday for conciliation

The President of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) receives the dairy farmers' representatives on the occasion of Monday's demonstration. In addition to receiving the petition Oravecz Márton awaits...

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Nébih withdrew five out of the nine grass seed mixtures from the market

Due to quality problems and shortcomings in indication, the Nébih withdrew five out of the nine grass seed mixtures from the market. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) stressed...

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NÉBIH inspections in the dairy market

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) examined unfair market practices by retailers against suppliers in selling 1.5-percent fat UHT milk. NÉBIH performed 41 inspections and in more than 30...

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Five new table grape varieties were bred at the University of Nyíregyháza

Five new table grape varieties were given state-recognized variety ratings that were bred at the University of Nyíregyháza – the institution told MTI on Friday. The Adria, the Bíró kékje,...

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Nébih: large quantities of unmarked eggs were withdrawn from circulation

More than 125 thousand unmarked eggs were withdrawn from circulation in Bács-Kiskun county. The entrepreneur wanted to sell them to “small producers” – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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Conference about the Hungarian game management

A conference will be held titled “The current issues of domestic wildlife health and wildlife management in 2016” will take place on 5 April 2016, att he Szent István University’s...

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Aldi buys the contaminated breads back

The Aldi Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. takes the contaminated breads back. Those buyers who bring the ochratoxin molds contaminated Korngold 250 g rye and crisp breads back will refund the price...

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The Seed Association and the GOSZ are experimenting with corn hybrids

Twenty-nine hybrids are taking part in this year's post-registration variety experiment of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board, and the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ). The post-registration...

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Nébih: contaminated Romanian sheep cheese has not arrived to Hungary

Contaminated Romanian sheep cheese has not transported to Hungary, on which a European food safety alert was issued on Friday – the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI....

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The Nébih has not yet met with extreme cases

The seasonal food chain control series of the spring has not yet revealed extreme cases – Pleva György food and feed safety director of the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The Nébih uncovered irregularities in a bakery

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) uncovered irregularities in a bakery in the 13th ditrict of Budapest earlier this week. While investigating the foreign-owned plant the National Food Chain...

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Nébih imposed fines for the unfair distribution of milk

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found unfair distribution practices in more than 30 percent during its dairy market distribution controls. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) imposed...

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Nébih tested milk chocolates in February

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested milk chocolates in February within its Super Mint product test – the food chain safety authority told MTI on Monday. According to...

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Nébih: illegal pickles producers was found in Vecsés

A small producer inVecsés produced pickles without a license among extremely poor sanitary conditions. The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized about 38 tons of products...

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More than 100 pallets of withdrawn Mars products arrived to Hungary

More than 100 pallets of withdrawn Mars products arrived to Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told M1 news channel on Thursday. The Nébih told that those...

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Changes in the Food Codex

The regulation of the Hungarian Food Codex on breads and pastries is changing: the continuously refreshed rules is a guarantee to produce high-quality products . Among the changes Zsigó Róbert,...

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Measures against honey forgers

The European Commission developed a control plan in order to eliminate industrially created import honey imported to the EU. In Hungary the fake honey have been basically eliminated. The NÉBIH-...

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Winter inspections: good results

Winter inspections in the food supply chain ended with positive results in most cases. In December 2015 precisely 4,997 checks were performed by experts, 8.4 tons of products were ordered...

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