Tag "munkaerőpiac"

ManpowerGroup: 30 percent of employers are looking for new labor

In the next quarter, 30 percent of Hungarian employers indicated that they were looking to increase their workforce, while 17 percent planned to cut it, according to ManpowerGroup’s labor market...

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Survey: The wage demand of Hungarian career starters increased by 29 percent

The average net wage demand of Hungarian career starters was 322,000 HUF, wich is an increase of 29 percent compared to last year, the Zyntern.com job portal told MTI on...

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Helix: New employer approaches are needed globally

The power-centric, past practice of employers has suffered many shocks in the last few years, and the usual system has become essentially unsustainable in the current circumstances, said György Dudás,...

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Profession.hu: The challenges of returning to the office and the employer’s answers to them

Two years ago, the forced and rapid introduction of the home office posed a challenge to employers and their employees, and now returning to the office is putting both sides...

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KSH: almost 4.7 million employees in Hungary

In April, the average number of employees aged 15-74 was 4 million 688 thousand, compared to 4 million 684 thousand in the three-month period February-April, 109 thousand more than a...

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Increasing labor migration, 43% of workers would be willing to resign within a year

Four out of ten employees would resign within a year, most of them switching to a higher-paying job, according to an international survey by EY involving more than 1,500 employers...

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Profession.hu: three-quarters of those who leave do not plan to return to their original profession

There are almost two million dropouts in Hungary, three-quarters of them are sure that they will no longer work in their previous profession, only a quarter of dropouts are planning...

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Profession.hu: Since 2020, the average net wage demand of employees has increased by 12 percent annually

Net wage demands of employees in Hungary have increased by an average of 12 percent year-on-year since 2020. Pest County is the first in the regional comparison, jobseekers request the...

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There are only 2,000 places left for state-sponsored free IT training

Today, you can apply for a 100 percent state-funded IT training called the Redesign Program, announced for the third time by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM). The free...

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You can apply for free IT training until midnight on Friday, one-third of the vacancies are already full

You can apply for a 100 percent state-funded IT training called the Redesign Program, announced for the third time by the Department of Innovation and Technology (ITM), until midnight on...

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Analysts: Hungary’s labor market could be close to full employment

Hungary’s labor market could be close to full employment and the already significant labor shortage will cause even more serious headaches for companies as production chains recover and supply constraints...

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KSH: the number of employees was 4,697,000 in March

In the three-month period of January-March, the average number of employees was 4,674,000, 107,000 more than in the same period of the previous year. In March, the average number of...

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The average number of employees in January-March was 4,674,000

The number of employees decreased by 10 thousand and the number of commuters abroad was 14 thousand more than in the same period of the previous year, so the average...

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ITM: the number of jobseekers drop by nearly 10,000 in one month

The number of jobseekers decreased by almost 10,000 in April, and after the first quarter of 2022, the number of registered jobseekers was much better in April than in the...

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Employing people with disabilities: value and opportunity

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K&H: the third of young people would test themselves working abroad

One third of young people would try themselves working abroad, according to a survey conducted by the K&H Youth Index. On Sunday, K&H sent MTI a report on the results...

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The number of job advertisements in Profession.hu increased by 66 percent in the first quarter

The number of job advertisements increased by 66 percent according to Profession.hu’s first quarter report. Based on its own data, the job placement portal stated that the intensive growth was...

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(HU) Jelentős munkaerőhiánnyal küzdenek a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei gyártócégek

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Analysts: employment continues to peak

However, the labor market is still close to full employment, but economic development is not constrained by a lack of hard work, but by war-torn production chains, raw material shortages...

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Employment increased, and the unemployment rate fell in the United States in February

In February, the number of people employed in the non-agricultural sector rose in the United States instead of the expected decline, and the unemployment rate fell more than expected, the...

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The labour market, as seen by the employers’ side, has received the latest results of the Randstad HR Trends Survey

According to the “Randstad HR Trends Survey 2022”, a significant proportion of Hungarian companies have partially or completely recovered from the crisis caused by the pandemic. As a result, the...

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The labor market is moving towards flexible working

In Hungary, the labor market is moving towards flexible working, according to a survey of the labor agency Randstad. The results showed that unrealistic salary expectations are the biggest obstacle...

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One-third of businesses are involved in rehabilitation employment, according to a study

33 percent of Hungarian enterprises employ at least one employee with a disability, according to an analysis by the MKIK Institute for Economic and Business Research (GVI), which examined the...

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83 percent of employees are committed toward the Best Workplace award winner companies

In Hungary, 61 percent of employees are committed to their employer, and in case of companies that have won the Best Workplace Award it is 83 percent, according to research...

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According to a survey, Hungarian workers feel stable in their jobs

The mood of domestic workers is gradually stabilizing, the labor market stability index was 71 points in the last quarter of 2021, which is an increase of 1-2 points compared...

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KSH: 4,687,000 employees in December

The average monthly number of employees aged 15-74 in December 2021 was 4,687,000. In the period of October-December 2021, the average number of employees was 4,688,000, which is 65,000 more...

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Profession.hu: companies started a strong recruitment last year

From the point of view of the labor market, 2021 was an unprecedented year, during the twelve months a visible, intense wave of recruitment went through the country, the companies...

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Every fourth job was lost in German gastronomy

One in four jobs was lost in the German gastronomic sector compared to before the crisis, mainly in the low-paid categories, and replacement training also deteriorated, according to a report...

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ManpowerGroup: 34 percent of employers plan to increase headcount in Hungary in the first quarter of 2022

34 percent of employers plan to expand their headcount in Hungary in the first quarter of 2022, while 17 percent expect a reduction; such optimism was last seen among market...

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Coca-Cola Magyarország has developed a new, free educational platform

From the beginning of November, the #énjövőm (#my-future) program of Coca-Cola Magyarország will move to a new, free-to-use digital platform, the company told MTI on Tuesday. The materials on the...

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