Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Strong investment activity among the agri businesses

The majority of the agricultural business decision-makers expects an improvement in their management environment in the next 12 months – according to the Savings Group’s Savings Agricultural Economy Mood index...

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FM: the harvest results are very favorable

This year's summer harvest and autumn harvest results are outstanding in case of a number of crops, such as corn – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Fazekas Sándor: the Hungarian agriculture reached a historic record this year

The production of the Hungarian agriculture in 2016 reached a historical record – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Wednesday. As an example he mentioned that...

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The termination of the sugar beet quota creates sharp competition

The termination of the sugar beet quota on 30 September 2017 will create a very sharp competition – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Rural Development said in...

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KSH: the number of farmer organizations has increased

According to the preliminary data of the Agrárium 2016 (Agriculture in 2016) economic structural survey, 9 thousand agricultural enterprises and 416 thousand private farms carried out agricultural activities in 2016...

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The National Stud Farm and Educational Farm was established in Mezőhegyes

On the basis of the government’s decision, the government repurchased the Mezőhegyesi Ménesbirtok Zrt. (Mezőhegyesi-based Stud Farm Ltd.) that was privatized in 2004. The government paid more than 2 billion...

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Corn yields decreased in Romania

Corn yields decreased in Romania by 5.6 percent to 8.47 million tonnes this year, compared to last year – the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture said on Monday. Experts expected a...

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130 billion HUFresources will be available this year inthe Rural Development Programme

About 130 billion HUF resources will be available this year in the Rural Development Programme – Madari Őrs, Agriculture and Rural Development Policy Advisor of the Prime Minister's Office said...

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Production-linked subsidies and the terms of greening will change in 2017

Production-linked subsidies and the terms of greening will change in 2017 to make them easier and more transparent – the Deputy Minister of State for of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in September

The agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in September, compared to the same period of the previous year. The 3.8 percent decline is due to the 7.3 percent decline...

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Recommendations were submitted to the EC to improve the situation of farmers

The European Commission will consider the report's recommendations and an appropriate policy response in line with its continuous support to the agricultural sector. The Agricultural Markets Task Force (AMTF), chaired...

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FAO: we can expect better than expected grain harvest and stable stocks

The prices of the basic agricultural crops increased by 0.7 percent in October (172.6 points), which is almost 10 percent higher than the level recorded this time last year. The...

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The planting of vineyards is a strategic issue

In terms of the future of the grape and wine industry, the planting of vineyards is a strategic issue – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) believes. Czerván György, Minister of...

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Serbia can be a major agricultural partner of Hungary

Serbia can be one of Hungary’s most important agricultural partner in the coming years – the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture told on Monday in Budapest, where he negotiated with Branislav...

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Sichuan is interested towards Hungarian agricultural products and agricultural technologies

China's third largest province Sichuan is highly interested in the Hungarian agricultural products and agro-technologies – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Friday. According to the communication, the...

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More effective action is needed in the case of non-cultivated vineyards

The wine law amendment – submitted last week to the National Assembly – will provide more effective actions in the case of non-cultivated vineyards. The wine law amendment among other...

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Fazekas Sándor: we can triple the Hungarian agricultural exports to Ukraine

According to the Minister of Agriculture, due to the emerging relations the Hungarian agricultural exports can be tripled to Ukraine. Summarizing the results of his two-day visit to Kiev, Fazekas...

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MAGOSZ President: the rural food production begins to regain its rank

The rural food production begins to regain its rank – the president of the Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Co-operatives Federation said in Veszprém, at the opening ceremony of the third...

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Hungary produced the majority of sunflowers in the European Union

In terms of sunflower production, Hungary is in first place in the European Union. The harvested volume is more than 1.8 million tons this year – Czerván György, Minister of...

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The MVH paid 60 billion HUF advance fundings to the farmers so far

So far, the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) paid out 60 billion HUF down payment to the farmers from European Union and national agricultural support – Gyuricza Csaba, president...

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Corn average yield is over nine tonnes in Tolna county

In Tolna county, the average yield of corn is over nine tonnes, after the harvest is carried out on nearly half of the arable land. According to the 24 October...

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FM: the Hungarian food industry’s potential is 60 percent higher than its performance

The Hungarian food industry’s potential is 60 percent higher than its current performance – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Wednesday at a...

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Csányi Sándor: agriculture is a key area of the OTP Bank's activities

The Hungarian agriculture is one of the OTP Bank’s key area, therefore the Bank seeks to increase market share in this area – the Bank's CEO said on Tuesday in...

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Agriculture ministers joined forces against the EU’s proposal

The agriculture ministers of the Visegrad Four countries and Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania adopted a joint declaration in Warsaw on Wednesday, in order to withdraw the European Commission’s proposal that...

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Agricultural Logistics industrial park in Tiszasziget

An agricultural logistics industrial park will be created in Tiszasziget, in which a plastic processing plant will be built in a value of about 2 billion HUF – Ferenczi Ferenc...

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Hungarian National Day in Antalya

At an event of the World Expo taking place in Antalya, Turkey a Hungarian National Day was held on 24 October 2016. At the opening ceremony, Kiss Gábor, Hungary’ ambassador...

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Hundreds of billions of dollars to strengthen China's agriculture

The Agricultural Development Bank of China, one of the main credit institutions of the country has agreed with the Government's policy to provide at least 3 trillion yuan (450 billion...

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Pears will be expensive this year

Every year an average of 23-28 thousand tons of pears are produced in the country, and this year the amount is only expected to be half of this volume –...

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The Hungarian exports give more than 10 percent of the world’s seed trade

The Ministry is proud of the Hungarian seed sector’s performance. The Hungarian seed exports give more than 10 percent of the world’s seed trade – the Deputy Minister of State...

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Seed Association: the European seed industry is at the forefront in breeding

The European seed industry has a leading role in the breeding of varieties and annual yield could be increased by 15 percent to 22 million tons with breedings and developments...

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