Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Agriculture is the least indebted sector

According to the National Bank of Hungary, the data of the past five years suggests that the national economy’s overall failure rate for the second quarter of 2016 can be...

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This can be the year of colza

European farmers have already turned their attention to the growing demand for colza. The Agricultural Economics Research Institute in its analysis pointed out that the growing area of colza increased...

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The Prime Minister’s Office suspends the application for the development of sheep and goat farms

The Prime Minister’s Office suspends the application for the development of sheep and goat farms, from 20 January due to the depletion of the availability of resources. For the almost...

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Agricultural producer prices decreased by 5.2 percent

Agricultural producer prices fell 5.2 percent in October, compared to the same period of the previous year. The decrease consists of the 9.7 percent price decrease of the crops and...

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Peanuts can be grown economically in Hungary

Peanuts can be grown economically in Hungary ¬ the Agrársszektor agricultural trade portal states. At the beginning of the last century peanuts were added to the Hungarian agricultural flora, but...

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The NAK offers more services

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) intends to continue to expand their services this year, such as IT developments will help the economists in nutrient management and in pest management. The...

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Only the plastic card is the valid ID card

The primary producers need to replace their paper IDs with plastic cards. From January, the new cards will be valid only. The National Agricultural Chamber considers the replacement of the...

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The competitiveness of agriculture also depends on vocational training

The competitiveness of Hungarian agriculture depends mainly on the professional skills of the sector, the lack of professionals and the quality of education – emphasized the Minister of Agriculture on...

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The number of Hungarian ewes is reducing for four years

The number of Hungarian ewes is reducing. The trend is lasting since 2012, and during that time about sixty thousand ewes fell off the register – Kukovics Sándor, Managing Director...

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Sunflower exports expanded, wheat exports fell

The export value of agricultural and food products reached 5887 million euros, while the value of imports amounted to 3764 million euros in the first three quarters of 2016, so...

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MAGOSZ: cereals and industrial crops closed this year with a near-record harvest

Thanks to the abundant rain, cereals and industrial crops closed this year with a near-record harvest – the chairman of the Hungarian Farmers' Societies and Co-operatives Association (MAGOSZ), told at...

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Good poultry export data

According to the European Commission's latest November data, the total poultry meat output of the European Union is expected to rise 2.5 percent to 14.6 million tonnes compared to 2015....

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The plow factory to be relaunched

The bankrupted plow factory of Vogel & Noot in Mosonmagyaróvár was purchased by the Amazone Group. Photo: amazone/facebook Previously the German company was unable to offer much rotational tillage tools,...

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NAK’s first Service Center was opened in Hajdúböszörmény

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) opened its first Service Center in Hajdúböszörmény on Thursday; after the evaluation of the experiences, the organization plans to establish a number of similar centers...

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Don’t forget to submit the poultry and pig animal welfare grant applications!

The poultry and pig animal welfare grant applications should be submitted between 7 and 31 December 2016. On the basis of the 139/2007 (XI. 28.) FVM regulation on the conditions...

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FM: the EU Agriculture Ministers urged to strengthen the bargaining power of producers

The agriculture ministers of the EU Member States have adopted a political resolution on Monday, inter alia, about the suppress of unfair distribution practices – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Agriculture’s environmental opportunities are expanding

The Hungary’s Environmental Status in 2015 publication was published, which deals with issues including soil quality, water status, the use of water resources, wildlife and landscapes status, changing climate, agriculture...

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The farmers affected by frost and ice can expect generous compensation

Until the November deadline 5005 compensation applications were submitted by farmers to the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency. Proportionately, the most compensation applications (2014 and 800) arrived from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and...

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The new generation has arrived: a record year in corn business

The experts are basically optimistic about the Hungarian corn situation and this year's records also support this – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Many people emphasized during the Agricultural Sector 2016 conference that...

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FM: 324 billion HUF to adapt to the climate change

In Hungary, almost 324 billion HUF can be spent on the elimination and adaptation to the effects of climate change, from the 1174 billion HUF source of the Environment and...

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The Chamber of Agriculture collects the membership fees

The National Agricultural Chamber collects the membership fees that have not been paid yet, with the help of the Tax Authority. The Chamber wishes to recover a total of 4...

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The number of smallholders is decreasing

More and more organizations appear as land users in the statistics of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Mainly due to regulatory legal reasons, but the proportion of the land area...

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European Commission: EU's agriculture face major challenges

The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is facing serious challenges – Joost Korte, Deputy Director General of the European Commission’s Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate said in Siófok, on...

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Three-quarters of the crop depends on pollination by animals

In the world, one and a half billion jobs and the existence of the three-quarters of the crop depends on pollination by animals, so if we do not stop the...

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KSH: 60 percent of the country's agricultural land is used by individual farmers

Hungary has 6 million hectares of productive land area of which 4.5 million hectares are farmlands, of which 60 percent is used by individual farms – the Central Statistical Office...

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Drought causes forty billion HUF damages each year

The drought causes about forty billion HUF damages everyyear in Hungary – Láng István, Technical Deputy Director General of the National Directorate of Water Resources told M1 news channel. Láng...

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The agricultural sector is characterized by high investment activity

The majority of the decision-makers of agricultural businesses expect improvement in their management environment in the next twelve months – according to the Agricultural Economy Mood index of the Savings...

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The agriculture and market services contributed most to GDP growth

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the agriculture and market services contributed to the 2 percent GDP expansion in the third quarter in the greatest...

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NÉBIH: a growing number of European countries are affected by the epidemic

The European bird flu pandemic is affecting a growing number of countries: in recent days after Austria, Germany, Croatia, Denmark, the Netherlands, the presence of the disease was detected in...

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What grows on the web? A good product needs a digital signboard

The What grows on the web? conference – held on 22 November was focusing on the communication channels of agricultural marketing and the digitization of the agricultural sector. Bolyki Bence,...

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