Tag "mezőgazdaság"

1457 companies received support in the National Food Crisis Management Program

In the National Food Crisis Management Program launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, 1,457 enterprises received support worth 6.8 billion HUF – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Friday...

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Chamber of Agriculture: EU citizens view the common agricultural policy more favorably

Both European citizens and the Hungarian population have a more favorable view of farmers and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) than in recent years, according to the latest report from...

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K&H: agriculture needs modern technologies

There is a growing need for modern technologies in agriculture due to consumer, environmental and economic changes, K&H told MTI on Wednesday. Climate change and the transformation of consumer expectations...

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Nagy István: agriculture is the most important bastion of the country

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that agriculture and the domestic food industry based on it are the most important bastions of the country – the Minister of Agriculture said at...

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The rise in agricultural producer prices began to accelerate again in November,

As a result of a 15.5 percent rise in prices for crop and horticultural products and an average fall of 6.2 percent in the prices of livestock and animal products,...

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This is how global apple and grape production will develop in 2020-21

According to a report issued by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), world apple production will decrease by 4 percent in 2020-21, while global grape production will remain at the...

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AM is constantly creating irrigation communities

The number of irrigation communities is constantly expanding: by the end of last year, 25 people had been recognized for their operation, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. With...

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Bird flu has appeared in Bács-Kiskun county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has also confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus in another area, in Bács-Kiskun county, the eradication of the...

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This year’s harvest depends on this

Grain growers welcome the snow in Transdanubia – agrarszektor.hu wrote. They say if the crops are covered with snow for a few weeks in the second half of January or...

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AM: one can join to the new risk management system from 1 February

Building on the legal bases adopted by the Parliament in 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) introduces a new risk management tool for farmers exposed to economic and market risks...

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Minister of Agriculture: The government spends more than four thousand billion forints on the development of the Hungarian countryside

Through the rural development pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the government can spend a historically large amount of 4,265 billion HUF on the development of the Hungarian countryside,...

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It was an outstanding year for agriculture

Hungarian agriculture was able to adapt to the changed conditions, and the sector was able to produce outstanding results even in the crisis period – napi.hu wrote. According to preliminary...

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This is how the agricultural university works from February

From February 1, 2021, the former Szent István University will continue to operate as a foundation and under a new name, the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences –...

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The government supports food businesses through a supplier program

A thirty-five billion forint supplier development program for food companies will be launched – the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) announced at a press...

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KSH: agricultural output increased by 4.1 percent

The volume of agricultural production fell by 2.1 percent and prices rose by 6.3 percent. The total output value of agriculture increased by 4.1 percent in 2020, according to its...

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Chamber of Agriculture: a new era in agriculture

In November, the Parliament passed without a vote a law that will put the tax and structural foundations of the Hungarian agricultural economy on a whole new footing – the...

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The MCS Vágóhíd Zrt. expects significantly better results and higher sales revenue than last year

It is expected that the MCS Vágóhíd Zrt. of Mohács, which is optimistic about the future, will close the year with a significantly better result and higher net sales than...

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This is the only way to get the Hungarian food industry back on its feet

The need to renew Hungarian agriculture and the food industry is not a question. However, there are several ideas as to what are the biggest weaknesses in the sector and...

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Secretary of State for Investment will contribute to the development of agriculture

Not only has survived, but despite the difficult year this year, the agricultural and food economies have strengthened and even steps have been taken through investments and regulatory systems that...

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AM: This year’s corn yield is a historical record

Maize yields in 2020 are a historic record, an increase of more than 14 percent from the average of the past five years – Feldman Zsolt, secretary of state for...

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AM: field crop production closed a challenging but successful year

Despite this year’s challenges, the results of field crop production have been particularly positive, with a historic record breaking corn yield in 2020 – FeldmanZsolt, Secretary of State for Agriculture...

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Director-General highlights the potential of the bioeconomy to promote sustainable agri-food systems

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today highlighted the importance of bioeconomy to help promote sustainable agri-food systems and also address...

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AM extends the commitment period of several rural development calls by one year

Due to the length of the legislative procedure for the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM extended the commitment period of three calls for proposals by...

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The agricultural organizations in Central and Eastern Europe have taken a position on the new Common Agricultural Policy in a statement

The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád countries, including the National Chamber of Agriculture and Economy, the Czech Agricultural Association and the Romanian Association for Agriculture and Cooperation have formulated their...

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Chamber of Agriculture: concerns about pesticides are exaggerated

In the European Union, there has a typically unfounded opposition to pesticides – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) said in a statement on Friday. The rules for the authorization...

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80 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala County

Almost 80 percent of the corn produced on 29,000 hectares was harvested in Zala County, with an average yield of 8.6 tons per hectare – the county president of the...

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The Hungarian and Moroccan seed associations have concluded a cooperation agreement

A co-operation agreement has been concluded between the Seed Association and the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) and the Moroccan Seed Producers Association, which will work closely together to...

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The Hungarian ice mitigation system is also unique in Europe

The national ice mitigation system operated by the National Chamber of Agriculture for three years protects not only agriculture but also residential, industrial, state facilities, real estate and movables. This...

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There was a record harvest of corn this year in Békés county

Corn has become one of the largest crops of the last ten years in Békés County this year – the secretary of the Békés County Farmers’ Association told MTI on...

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