Tag "méz"

Co-operative co-operation can provide beekeepers better market opportunities

Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture, spoke about the advantages and possibilities of cooperative cooperation at the meeting of the Beekeeping Cooperative in Domonyvölgy. There are 1 200 000 bee families...

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Honey consumption more than doubled in seven years

Thanks to the honey promotional campaigns, honey consumption more than doubled in Hungary in the past seven years – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told....

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The subsidies contributed to the development of apiculture

From 2010, the beekeeping industry has received almost 10 billion forints. 50 percent from budgetary and 50 percent from EU funds. This amount has helped technological renewal, the development of...

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Apiculture Association: more than 300 apiaries reported bee mortality

More than 300 apiaries reported bee mortality in recent weeks. About 10 to 20 percent of the Hungarian beekeepers are affected by this problem, but the reasons are unknown at...

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Nagy István: Hungarian honey should be packed domestically

Hungarian honey intended for export has to be bottled in Hungary, because without packaging, foreign plants use it to repair low-quality honey from the Far East – Nagy István Minister...

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Bee World Day: the future of our food is at stake

The World Day of Bees will be celebrated for the first time this year. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) encourages the world’s nations and everyone to do...

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The legislations can be issued on the basis of a honey report in one and a half years

The legislations can be issued on the basis of a honey report adopted on 1 March in the European Parliament (EP) within one and a half years – Erdős Norbert,...

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The National Hungarian Beekeeping Association has launched an action against the destruction of bees

The National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME) and the animal friendly members of the Budapest Voices band launched an action against the destruction of bees – Bross Péter, president of the...

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A strategic agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Beekeepers’ Association

A strategic agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Beekeepers’ Association. The document on the cooperation of the further development of the sector was signed on Friday...

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The European Parliament voted on the report on honey

The most important result of the European Parliament’s resolution adopted taking into account the views of all interested parties is the focus of attention on honey counterfeiting – Erdős Norbert,...

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Despite the winter bee mortality, the beekeepers may have a successful year

In spite of the serious winter bee mortality the beekeepers can have a successful year. Rape and acacia honey were less, but the amount of sunflower honey was excellent –...

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The goal is to further increase honey consumption

Although more than doubled (to 70 dkgs a year for each person) honey consumption in Hungary is still far below the EU average of 1.7 kilograms – the Minister of...

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The low-grade Chinese honey will be controlled more strictly

In the future, the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association (OMME) and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) will pay more attention to the quality control of honeys sold in Hungary...

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The European Parliament is discussing the report on honey at the end of February

The European Parliament (MEP) will discuss the report on MEPs’ plenary session on 28 February, and the MEPs will vote on this document on 1 March – Erdős Norbert, MEP...

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FM: The annual support for Hungarian beekeepers have grown to more than 5 million euros a year

With the340,000 euros extension of the previous budget 5 million 35 thousand euros are available annually to support Hungarian beekeepers – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry...

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There is an enormous interest towards the Honey Report

There is an enormous interest in the European Parliament (EP) towards the Honey Report on the situation of the honey sector, Erdős Norbert MEP (Fidesz), the the rapporteur for the...

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More than 10 tons of inadequate quality honey were found by Nébih’s specialists

In two tests, more than 10 tonnes of inadequate honey were found by the experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) – the authority told MTI on Thursday....

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Fennel honey won the Excellent Hungarian Honey of the Year 2017 award

The results of the honey competition and the best honey of this year were announced at the 10th Honey and Gingerbread Festival in Gyula, on Saturday. The fennel honey of...

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The Honey and Gingerbread Festival to Jubilee in Gyula

The Honey and Gingerbread Festival in Gyula will be held for the tenth time between 8th and 10th December. The honey of the year will be announced at the event...

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A Hungarian initiative is being discussed on honey in the European Union

A Hungarian initiative is being discussed on honey, apiaries and bee keeping in the European Union, Erdős Norbert Fidesz MEP said at a press conference in Budapest on Sunday. According...

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Only 35 percent of the honey produced can be sold by Hungarian producers in the EU market

Because of fake Chinese honey, only 35 percent of honey produced by Hungarian producers can be sold on the EU market – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Association...

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Honey festival at the weekend in Kaposvár

Forty-five beekeepers are offering their products at the Kaposvár Honey Festival, which will be held on Friday and Saturday. Mészáros János, President of the Association of the Beekeepers in Zselic,...

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Counterfeit honey can be dangerous to health, according to professional organizations

Unknown origin fake honey can be a risk to health, according to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the National Hungarian Association of Beekeepers (OMME), so they propose to...

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FM: the number of bee families exceeds one million

The Hungarian honey is excellent, its production is based on traditions and production technology, Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told M1 news channel on...

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A quarter of bees have died in recent months

A quarter of the bee stock has died in recent months due to viruses spread by the Asian bee mite. Domestic honey supply is assured, but it is possible that...

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The bees suffered a great loss, less honey is expected

One-third of bees died in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County during the winter. Because of the less productive bees, it is likely that there will be less rape and acacia honey this year...

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The importance of beekeeping is unquestionable

The importance of beekeeping is unquestionable. Its direct economic impact can be measured in billions, and indirectly it has a main role through pollination in order to maintain ecological balance...

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Fifth of the bees in Békés county died

15-20 percent of the bees have died in Békés county in the winter. Because of the low number of bees it is likely that this year, lower amount of rape...

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Beekeepers proposed a honey data bank

There is a need to create a EU honey data bank, in order to reduce the counterfeit import products mainly from Asia – Bross Péter, president of the Hungarian National...

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Massive bee mortality in Somogy county

Although precise data has not been disclosed yet, but experts say that bee mortality is 30-40 percent in the apiaries in Somogy county – sonline.hu wrote. Who could not make...

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