Tag "Metro"

Nébih: Metro recalled a beef product

Metro Kereskedelmi Kft. recalled fresh beef shanks, beef loin and beef ribs from the market due to higher than permissible levels of PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid), the National Food Chain Safety...

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Wines and wine connoisseurs

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/11. “METRO keeps developing and systematically introducing a multi-channel wholesale selling model based on professional buyers, in every product category and...

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Még tart a szüret a METRO-ban!

Az ünnepi asztalról nem hiányozhatnak a kiváló borok és pezsgők. A METRO októberben megjelent borkatalógusában mutatta be új borválasztékát, amelyet a vendéglátóipar kínálati igényeit szem előtt tartva alakított ki. Novemberben pedig...

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This is the easiest way to help the needy at Christmas

From Friday to Sunday, the biggest food collection campaign of the year will take place organized by the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület. A total of 6,500 volunteers will collect the donations...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Spoon Machine 2023 – Picture of the Day

On November 8, METRO Nagykereskelim held its traditional annual partner conference among its prominent supplier partners. As in previous years, the purpose of the event was to present the strategy...

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The METRO store with the largest turnover has been renewed

As the eighth in line, the METRO store in Ferencváros was also renovated in order to better serve professional customers. The Ferencváros member of the department store chain stands out...

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The best in free-from

At the website menteshelyek.hu, consumers can search for paleo, vegan, sugar-free, reg-enor, milk protein free, lactose-free, low-carb and gluten-free places that produce, serve and distribute free-from foods.   This article...

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Nébih: METRO recalled Morbier cheese

METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. has recalled Morbier A.O.P. cheese because it may contain Escherichia coli bacteria, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI. The agency asks customers not to...

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Bence Dalnoki is also involved in the development of METRO products

On October 24, the Bocuse d’Or bronze medalist Bence Dalnoki presented himself at a special “chef’s table” program as the ambassador of METRO Nagykereskelem’s new own brand. The young chef...

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Through a glass darkly…

The past period has put a mirror in front of domestic wholesalers, who have been forced to look at what they are doing right and wrong. Experts say the key...

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Festive preparations with METRO

Saint Martin’s Weeks It is really good news that demand for catering services, and especially for delicious food, is likely to remain high at the end of the year too....

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Dr. Beáta Kápolna is METRO’s new procurement director

From October 1, 2023, a new female manager in the person of Dr. Beáta Kápolna will join the five-member Board of Directors of METRO Wholesale. This also increased the number...

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Most van soha!

Adott egy világ, amelyben nemsokára 9 milliárd embert kell táplálni. Egy világ, amelynek fenntarthatóságát veszélyezteti a természet erőforrásainak kizsákmányolása, amiben óriási szerepe van az állattenyésztésnek is. Ebben a világban a...

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Új témakör a SIRHA Budapest szakkiállításon

2024. március 5–7. között ismét várja a szakembereket a SIRHA Budapest szakkiállítás, Közép-Kelet-Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa-rendezvényén. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. A rendezvény az üzletkötés lehetőségét nyújtó...

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Best places for clean food

Menteshelyek.hu is a search page for places that offer paleo, vegan, sugar-free, regenor, milk protein-free, lactose-free, carbohydrate-reduced and gluten-free meals and for units that manufacture, cater and distribute free products....

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Tanulható, tanítható!

Mit tehet egy étterem a fenntarthatóbb jövőért? Nagyon is sokat! Mivel minden harmadik ételt étteremben fogyasztanak el, a fenntartható éttermek társadalmi és környezeti hatása igen jelentős. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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Fenntartható hatékonyságért a METRO-áruházakban

Hazai áruházainak immár több mint felét átalakította a METRO-nagykereskedelem, és még az év vége előtt további megújult áruházakat ad át a vásárlóknak. Az átalakítás alapvető célja a professzionális vásárlók beszerzéseinek...

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METRO has started delivering the MICHELIN glory plates

On September 14, the veil was lifted on the identity of this year’s MICHELIN Guide award winners – restaurants recommended by MICHELIN’s anonymous inspectors are included in the popular gastronomic...

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METRO’s educational mission

METRO, which has 13 domestic stores, is more than wholesale: it also has a long history of educational and professional supply activities. As part of this, the company also filmed...

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Medicine in grass, wood, functional

Fizikai és mentális egészség, nyugodt alvás, hangulatjavítás, energiapótlás – jólléte biztosításához, egészsége megőrzéséhez a ma embere már nem feltétlenül a gyógyszertárban keresi a segítséget, inkább az élelmiszerüzletek polcain. És még...

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METRO has changed its strategy: monthly promotions instead of weekends

The German retailer Metro, which was a significant player in Hungary’s retail sector in the 1990s and 2000s, has faced challenges in recent years. Despite experiencing the 2008 financial crisis,...

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…and it is ready!

It isn’t easy to define convenience products, which constitute up to half of the food selection available in the shops of grocery retailers. If they can afford it, shoppers like...

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Metro AG Rebrands Human Resources Department As ‘People & Culture’

Metro AG has announced a ‘transformation’ of its human resources department, which will change its ‘focus, self-image and corporate culture’. The wholesale giant said finding and retaining skilled workers and...

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Premium ingredients at the 28th Chaine Youth Chef Competition

Again this year, the Chaine Association organized the 28th Chaine Youth Chef Competition at the METRO Gastro Academy: the prestigious competition, which took place on June 30, had no less...

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The Székesfehérvár METRO has been renewed

The remodeled METRO store offers more efficient purchasing options to catering establishments in the Balaton and Lake Velencei surroundings. With the handover of the remodeled Székesfehérvár store, METRO Wholesale has...

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We know what you will eat this summer!

Róbert Szabó, own brand specialist of METRO talked to our magazine about the wholesaler’s “workforce-saving” products for the summer peak period in bars and restaurants. He told that demand remains...

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Violife offers vegan alternatives with a diverse portfolio

In May Violife appears on the shelves of Hungarian stores with a wide range of plant-based, dairy-, gluten- and preservative-free products. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Sustainability forum and prize distribution at METRO

The METRO Sustainable Gastronomy Award 2023, launched last year, was won by independent food policy analyst Réka Szöllősi in the individual category, vegan canteen “The Planteen” in the restaurant category,...

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This year’s “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards were presented at the Innovation Day conference

For the third time, Trade magazine organised the award ceremony of the contest that first took place in 2021, as part of the programme of a one-day conference. This article...

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