Tag "Maradék nélkül program"

Fighting food waste with funny posters

The National Food Chain Safety Office’s (Nébih) No Leftovers programme is launching another creative challenge for Sustainability Week: a poster design competition entitled “Let’s throw food waste in the bin”,...

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Another step towards sustainability: Hungarian households waste less and less food

We waste 24 kg of food per person every year, according to the fourth waste assessment of the No Leftovers program. The results of the survey, which took place in...

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A csapatban hiszek

Augusztus 23-ától a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih) elnöki tisztét dr. Nemes Imre tölti be. A korábban a hivatal elnökhelyettesi feladatait is ellátó szakember a Magyarországi Sertéstenyésztők és Sertéstartók Szövetségének szakmai igazgatójának...

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Az étel megbecsülése

Utcatárlatot mutatott be a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih), a Maradék nélkül program rajzpályázatának legkiemelkedőbb pályaműveiből. A „Nagyi szerint” pályázatra érkezett alkotásokból kiderül, hogy a gyermekek sokféle pazarláscsökkentő konyhai praktikát tanultak a nagyszülőktől....

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With excellent quality against hunger

How can we fight hunger and promote sustainability with quality food and a full stomach? Many would immediately say no. But the answer is simple: with awareness. On October 16, World...

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Another step towards sustainability: Hungarian households waste less and less food

We waste 24 kg of food per person every year, according to the fourth waste survey carried out by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). The results of the survey,...

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On the way to a sustainable food industry

By 2030, global food waste per capita at the retail and consumer levels must be halved, as well as food loss along the production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses,...

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Our country strongly supports sustainable agricultural livelihood systems

Our country assigns a special role to shorter supply chains, the promotion of local products, digitization and campaigns aimed at increasing awareness – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated at...

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Even more time for creativity: there is a new deadline for “According to Grandma” works

The staff of the Nébih Nothing Left program provide a longer deadline for applicants to the “According to Grandma” drawing competition, so they will have until August 31 to submit...

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We have one week left to tell in drawings what we learned from grandma

The staff of the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (Nébih) No Left Behind program are waiting until July 25 for the drawings of elementary and high school students for the...

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Nébih’s no food leftovers program has received several international awards

The food waste prevention program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has achieved outstanding success in several forums. In addition to being selected as one of the top...

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LIFE AWARDS 2023: Among the finalists is the program Without Remaining

Every year, the European Commission awards the most innovative, inspiring and successful projects implemented with the support of the LIFE framework program. This year, Nébih’s Without Remaining program can compete...

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The domestic food chain must be further strengthened

It is an important objective that the interests of all actors in the food chain can prevail, be it the agricultural producer, food processor, wholesaler and retailer, or the final...

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Safe care: What should we pay attention to when donating food?

During the Advent period, many people help to make the holidays more beautiful for their fellow humans with a more difficult fate by donating. Food donation is one of the...

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Nébih has collected information on safe food donation

The National Food Chain Safety Authority’s (Nébih) No Leftovers program has collected the most important information on safe food donation – the authority drew attention in a statement sent to...

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Serious question: do you know how much you waste?

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is waiting for applications from households for its fourth food waste assessment. Since 2016, the office has been monitoring the development of the...

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We are on the right track, our food waste has decreased by a quarter

Between 2016 and 2021, food waste in households decreased by 24%, it was revealed during the third waste assessment of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). According to the...

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(HU) Mondja el locsolóverssel! – A Nébih az élelmiszerpazarlás ellen

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Nébih: more than 300 thousand tons of food are wasted every year in Hungary

In Hungary, people waste more than 300,000 tons of food every year. The monetary value of the loss exceeds 170 billion HUF, which is 18,000 HUF per person. Food waste...

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