Tag "magyar termék"

Most domestic companies already use artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence significantly increases the competitiveness of domestic companies – this is supported by the latest research of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft., which was conducted in August among companies using...

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MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of Education

MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of Education, so Magyar Product and its trademark system will be part of the public education curriculum. This cooperation...

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Loyalty site magyaranyero.hu is dedicated to customers looking for domestic products

 was more than two years ago that Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its loyalty site www.magyaranyero.hu. The website was created with the goal of having a platform through which manufacturers...

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In March, Hungarian products play the main role in METRO

Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. launched last August, and the March stop of its campaign series entitled THERE IS MORE IN HAZAI, is a joint promotional collaboration with METRO Nagykereskelim. As...

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The METRO Gastronomy Academy is coming

The Easter period is an outstanding season in terms of consumer shopping, for which both manufacturers and commercial chains are preparing. Get in the mood for the holiday this year...

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The”There’s more in the domestic!” campaign just began, which Terran also joined

Choose your home team and win! – began “There’s more in the domestic!” campaign, which was also joined by the 100% Hungarian-owned Terran group of companies. Choosing your home country...

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The annual sales of users of the Hungarian Product trademark exceeded expectations

As a result of the economic developments of the last period, the price sensitivity of domestic consumers rose to a higher level than before. This trend will definitely continue for...

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Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century

Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century, thanks to the development resources it can return to the forefront of Europe within a few years – said...

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„A hazaiban több van” üzenettel indul idén a hazai termékek hónapja

Az idei már a harmadik év, hogy augusztusban kiemelt, integrált kommunikációban részesülhetnek azok a védjegyes ter­méket gyártó és forgal­mazó partnerek, akik részt kívánnak venni a hazai termékek hónapja akcióban. Ennek keretében...

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Magyar Termék védjegyes termék is bekerült az idei Hungaricool győztesei közé

A globális kereskedelembe való betagozódás közel sem zökkenőmentes a kisebb gyártóknak. A 2023-as SPAR és a K&H közös szervezésében létrejött Hungaricool termékverseny egyik győztes vállalkozása a Magyar Termék védjegy használat mellett...

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Price wave hits toilet papers too

Innovations catered to consumer needs Value sales of toilet paper grew by 36% from 2021 to 2022, but volume sales were down 4 %. While moist toilet tissue sales increased...

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The companies using the Hungarian Product trademark system had a big break

The total revenue of companies using the Magyar Termék trademark system exceeded HUF 2,650 billion last year – said the managing director of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. on Thursday in...

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Autumn prize avalanche with trademarked products

Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Kft.: “Shoppers who purchase products bearing the Hungarian Product trademark can participate in exciting prize games this autumn. Our loyalty website, www.magyaranyero.hu serves...

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The pensioner from Szeged bought a Hungarian product and received a grand prize of one million

87 trademarked products of five manufacturers participated in Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. “Buy Hungarian products, spin and win!” in a spring community raffle. The promotion broke all records so far:...

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Aldi plays a significant role in the month of domestic products

As we wrote about earlier, the month of domestic products will be organized this August with the participation of nine domestic manufacturers. The message of this is that Hungarian Product...

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August is also the month of domestic products this year

On the initiative of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft., August is also the month of Hungarian products this year, the organization announced on Tuesday. The campaign this year is for Abonett...

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“Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards presented

Trade magazine presented the “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards to the winners in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre on 26 May. Managing director and editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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Lidl participated in the export of 81 billion HUF worth Hungarian goods

With the help of Lidl, domestic companies and SMEs exported a record amount of Hungarian products last year, totaling 81 billion HUF, which is 26.5 percent more than in the...

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Nébih: the proportion of Hungarian food has increased in stores

The proportion of Hungarian products in the supply of the most important and sought-after foods increased last year, said the head of the department of the National Food Chain Safety...

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NMHH: more and more new advertisements promoting Hungarian products are being made

The share of new advertising spots promoting Hungarian products increased to almost nine percent in the second half of last year, the communication directorate of the National Media and Communications...

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Nagy István: food safety must be preserved even in the most difficult situation

Food security must be preserved even in the most difficult situation, to which customers can also contribute by purchasing Hungarian products, the Minister of Agriculture said at a press conference...

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The most popular brands are also trademark users

Savencia Fromage & Dairy Hungary Zrt.’s brands first joined the ‘Buy Hungarian! Protect domestic products!’ campaign of Hungarian Product, and based on their positive experiences they trademarked popular cheese brands...

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ITM: more and more social cooperatives can use the Hungarian Product Trademarks

Across the country, 17 social cooperatives can offer 120 types of goods with the Hungarian Product or Domestic Product trademark, while the same number of different goods are waiting to...

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(HU) Magyar Big Mac-ben magyar csirke

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Hungerit realises one development project after the other

In August Szentes-based poultry company Hungerit Zrt. completed building its new breaded product factory. With the new unit production capacity will increase by 30 percent to reach 12,000 tonnes –...

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(HU) Áttöri az álomhatárt a Magyar Termék, új hazai márkát vezet be a SPAR

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(HU) Sikeresen lezajlott a 11. Magyar Termék védjegyeket népszerűsítő promóció

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Beyond poppy seed noodles and after a price increase

One of last year’s winners is the pasta category, but the rapid sales growth seems to have come to a halt this year – we learned from Gábor Bokros, deputy...

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Research: we tend to purchase several Hungarian products during the epidemic

Recent research has revealed that more than a third of shoppers are willing to pay 10 per cent more for a product if it is made in Hungary. During the...

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(HU) Országos közvéleménykutatás a hazai élelmiszeripari termékek vásárlásáról

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