Tag "Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft."

You can win with domestic products at Rossmann

Rossmann and Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. are launching a joint prize draw to promote Hungarian products that can also be found in drugstores in July. You can win a cosmetic...

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MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of Education

MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of Education, so Magyar Product and its trademark system will be part of the public education curriculum. This cooperation...

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Promotion of the Year awards presented at a trade conference

This year the “Promotion of the Year 2024” awards ceremony took place on 18 April, organised by Trade magazin and bringing together key players from the FMCG sector for the...

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The pasta market is buzzing

Last year’s drop in real wages also led to a few percent decline in volume sales in the pasta market. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7...

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Loyalty site magyaranyero.hu is dedicated to customers looking for domestic products

 was more than two years ago that Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its loyalty site www.magyaranyero.hu. The website was created with the goal of having a platform through which manufacturers...

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Competing kitchen rolls

Last year was a difficult one for the paper towel category too. NIQ data shows that although the market expanded by 16.2% in value, it contracted by 11.7% in volume....

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Community in the community

The recent MasterWorks business workshop of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. has proved to be a real milestone: it was a sold-out event. With MasterWorks, the objective is to create a...

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One third of the products bearing the Hungarian Product trademark are private labels

In response to the needs of domestic consumers, retail chains have recently taken steps to further emphasise the domestic origin of their private label products. This article is available for...

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Hungarian Product trademarks underline the true value of AGROSPRINT products

For more than three decades Agrosprint has been a leading company in the domestic market for quick-frozen fruit and vegetables. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4...

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Money taps are to be turned on in horticulture

For the ninth time, on 29 February horticulturist met to discuss the latest issues affecting the sector at the Zsendülés conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. opened 2024 by carrying on with the “HUNGARIAN GIVES YOU MORE” campaign

Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. isn’t slowing down in 2024 either: the company started the new year with the continuation of the “HUNGARIAN GIVES YOU MORE” campaign, which had been launched...

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ChefGomba has a competitive advantage, thanks to Hungarian Product trademarks

With its ChefGomba products, Eurochamp Hungária Kft. also participated in the continuation of the “HUNGARIAN GIVES YOU MORE” campaign at the beginning of the year. This article is available for...

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Let Easter be based on domestic ham

From a commercial point of view, Easter is one of the outstanding periods of the year, for which both manufacturers and commercial chains are preparing. Speaking of which, we cordially...

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Only alternative, organic and free-range eggs sold in four SPAR stores

From the end of January 2024, on a trial basis four SPAR stores in Budapest sell only alternative, organic and free-range eggs, excluding cage eggs from the assortment. SPAR has...

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Hungarian Product trademarks: the “Hungarian gives you more” campaign continues next year

Our magazine interviewed Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 – What are the most important achievements of 2023...

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CBA: fókuszban a Magyar Termék védjegyes termékek! – A vállalat tovább erősíti a Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft.-vel közös együttműködését

A hazai kereskedelmi üzletláncok közül a CBA is kiemelten kezeli a kiváló minőségű magyar termékek széles körű forgalmazását. Ennek hátterében több fontos tényező áll, amelyek magyarázzák, miért helyez a vállalat...

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A várakozások fölött a Magyar Termék védjegyet használók éves árbevétele

Az utóbbi időszak gazdasági fejleményei hatására a korábbiaknál is magasabb szintet ért el a hazai fogyasztók árérzékenysége. Ennek következtében a vásárlók egyre megfontoltabban és tudatosabban választanak, aminek köszönhetően keresettebbé váltak...

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Új összefogáskampány indul a Magyar Termék védjegyes árucikkek népszerűsítésére

Újabb összefogáskampánnyal népszerűsíti partnerei védjegyes árucikkeit a Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. A hazaiban több van szlogennel indított több hónapos akciósorozat első etapja novemberben lesz, és 15 márka részvételével zajlik. A közösségi marketing eszközeit...

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PENNY Market wins this year’s Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products

Dr Márton Pál Nobilis presented the awards to the winners of the 2023 Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products, together with the founders of the competition, Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian...

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Future-proof strategies discussed at the Agóra conference

August was a special month for Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.: they not only organised the very successful Hungarian Product Month campaign, but also the 9th Agóra conference at the Rókusfalvy Estate...

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Lehet vonzó 13 éven keresztül a közösségi promóció? A Detki Keksz szerint igen

8 hazai gyártóval indult a Magyar Termék közösségi országos nyereményjátéka, amely ez alkalommal is a magyaranyero.hu oldalon fut egészen jövő év elejéig, amelyben csaknem 350 darab védjegyes termék vesz részt....

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Once again PENNY wins the Retail Award of Excellence in 2023

PENNY Market Kft. won the Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products again this year, based on the votes of the trademark users. Minister of Agriculture Dr István Nagy is...

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„A hazaiban több van” üzenettel indul idén a hazai termékek hónapja

Az idei már a harmadik év, hogy augusztusban kiemelt, integrált kommunikációban részesülhetnek azok a védjegyes ter­méket gyártó és forgal­mazó partnerek, akik részt kívánnak venni a hazai termékek hónapja akcióban. Ennek keretében...

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Magyar Termék védjegyes termék is bekerült az idei Hungaricool győztesei közé

A globális kereskedelembe való betagozódás közel sem zökkenőmentes a kisebb gyártóknak. A 2023-as SPAR és a K&H közös szervezésében létrejött Hungaricool termékverseny egyik győztes vállalkozása a Magyar Termék védjegy használat mellett...

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Al dente

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Under pressure Norbert Káhn, commercial director of Gyermelyi Zrt.: “Uncertainty continues to reign in the pasta market, and this situation...

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The cherry is ripe, the Agricultural Marketing Center has launched the promotion of seasonal fruits

Although the cold spring weather delayed the ripening of the fruits a little, the flavors of summer arrived irrevocably. That is why the Agricultural Marketing Center has timed the start of...

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Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. has come up with another inventive prize game

Those who participated in Magyar Termék and PENNY’s joint “A domestic is always a winner!” were able to enrich themselves with a 15-minute shopping experience. in his promotion. Almost 4,500...

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Growing popularity for the Hungarian Product loyalty website among manufacturers

It was in last March that Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its loyalty website, www.magyaranyero.hu. The website was created for the integrated implementation of prize games and it already has...

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“Most successful promotion of the year 2023” awards were presented to the winners

This year Trade magazin organised the “Most successful promotion of the year” competition for the 15th time, the results of which were announced as part of a one-day conference, titled...

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Hungarian product origin is important for consumers, but Hungarian Product doesn’t slow down even if survey results are good

Every Hungarian shopper shares the view that a large selection of Hungarian products should be available in stores – revealed an online survey by Hungarian Product, conducted at the end...

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