Tag "Magyar Olimpiai Bizottság"

Coop: serving the future with secure business development

In 2023 the Coop Economic Group continued to implement its development goals as planned. We spoke to László Pekó, chairman of the board of CO-OP Hungary Zrt. and Géza Tóth,...

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The Hungarian Olympic Committee and Pöttyös are launching a joint campaign

In 2024, all sports fans can experience the taste of cheering! As part of the renewed partnership between Pöttyös and the Hungarian Olympic Committee, the card package of the Pöttyös...

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The Szentkirályi Talent Program is starting for the fifth time

The Szentkirályi Talent Program is starting for the fifth time, which, with the professional support of the Hungarian Olympic Committee and the ambassador of the program, the Olympic champion gymnast...

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Coop sales increased by 16% last year

László Pekó, a member of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and CEO Géza Tóth talked to our magazine about what 2022 was like for the retail chain. – How...

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Let’s do sports!

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/5 SPAR Magyarország has been the name sponsor of the SPAR Budapest Marathon® Festival, one of the biggest leisure sport events...

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Magazine: Consumers want sporting events

The Mastercard Sport Economy Index has revealed that Europeans are looking forward to visiting sporting events again in 2022. Four from 10 people lose their interest in sports if they...

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Liu brothers returning from Beijing Olympics present winners of first Winter Holy King Talent Program

Young talents of short-track speed skating and figure skating were awarded at the announcement of the results of the first Winter Szent királyi Talent Program, which was established with the...

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Olympic champion Liu starts first Winter Holy King Talent Program with brothers

The first winter edition of the Szent királyi Talent Program will be launched with the hungarian stars of short track speed skating, Liu Shaoang and Liu Shaolin Sándor. The program,...

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Magazine: Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy: ‘We are in an accelerating time spiral’

Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, former president of the Budapest Stock Exchange was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in Trade magazine’s podcast series, Future Talks. You can watch/listen to the full interview at futuretalks.hu –...

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Standing firm during the crisis – with progressive development projects

Our magazine interviewed László Pekó, chairman of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and Géza Tóth, the CEO of CO-OP Hungary Zrt. How did 2020 go for the Coop Group?...

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(HU) Újabb olimpiai ciklusban folytatódik a COOP és a MOB együttműködése

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Szentkirályi Talent Programme relaunched

This year is the third that the Szentkirályi Talent Programme is organised: 14-18 year old kayak-canoe, fencing and pentathlon athletes can have their preparations sponsored from a budget of HUF...

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Co-op Star is 20 years old

Jászberény-based retailer Co-op Star Zrt. celebrated its 20th birthday on 29 January 2019. At the moment the company operates 131 shops in 102 towns and villages – from these 121...

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Once again: Szentkirályi Talent Programme

Szentkirályi Talent Programme continues this year. Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Mineral Water Kft. started the programme last year to search for talented 14-18 year old athletes. In cooperation with the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB), the HUF...

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Szentkirályi Talent Program with Olympic champions

Hungary's award-winning mineral water, the Szentkirályi launches a program to support young athletes in professional cooperation with the Hungarian Olympic Committee. To the Szentkirályi Tehetségprogram (Szentkirályi Talent Program) athletes bewteen...

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The Masped Group is the official logistics provider of the Hungarian Olympic Team

The cooperation agreement betwen the MASPED Csoport (MASPED Group) and the Magyar Olimpiai Bizottság (Hungarian Olympic Committee) was signed on 4 August 2015, within a press conference. According to the...

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