Tag "Magyar Marketing Szövetség"

Hungarian Marketing Association elects vice presidents

At the first meeting of the new Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) presidency on 12 June, Zsófia Bánhegyi, chief commercial officer of Szerencsejáték Zrt. was elected vice president in charge of...

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This year’s Green Pledge trademarks were awarded

For the second time this year, the trademarks of the Green Pledge application launched by ÖRT, MMSZ and MAKSZ were awarded. This year’s winners of the initiative, which emphasizes the...

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“Employer Branding: the love affair of marketing and HR”…

In June the first joint Employer Branding Conference of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) and Marketing Art was held. Trade magazin was the event’s media partner. This article is available...

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Symbol of Sustainability 2024 winners

Trade magazine announced the Symbol of Sustainability competition for the fifth time. Out of the entries received for the competition, 14 applicants won the prize in the seven announced categories...

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The MMSZ HoReCa and Event department is preparing for a new event

On June 11, the HoReCa and Event section of the Hungarian Marketing Association held its current quarterly meeting at the METRO Gastro Academy, where the membership evaluated the results of...

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“Employer Branding: the love of marketing and HR”…

In June, the first joint employer branding conference of the Hungarian Marketing Association and Marketing Art was held under the title “employer branding in the age of AI and GenZs”....

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Employer Branding Conference

On June 5, the Hungarian Marketing Association and MarketingArt will organize the first joint Employer Branding conference in the Pasarét Community Hall. Retention still resonates as the best form of...

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The Hungarian Marketing Association elected new board members

The defining organization of the profession, the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ), organized its renewal general meeting on May 15 in Haris Park, at which the members elected an expanded, now...

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How to find the best Hungarian brands? The MagyarBrands Programme will help you!

The MagyarBrands Programme has been assessing Hungarian brands for fourteen years. Its logo is a trademark that marks only the best Hungarian brands. This article is available for reading in...

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Norbert Katona has been the professional and operational director of MMSZ since March

In recent years, the Hungarian Marketing Association has had professionally and commercially successful years behind it. In the last period, the number of projects, initiatives, and events increased spectacularly, and...

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First Marketing Trendbook published!

What is the Marketing Trendbook? A compass for business and social value creation. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 Marketing Trendbook 2023-24 features the thoughts of...

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Association of professional organizations for the future of hospitality

A cooperation agreement was signed by the HoReCa and Event section of the Hungarian Marketing Association and the Gastronomy Committee of FIVOSZ. The HoReCa and Event section of the Hungarian...

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The first Marketing Trendbook has been published!

What is the Marketing Trendbook? Compass in business and social value creation. The Hungarian marketing profession has been enriched with this unique publication, which is expected to be published every...

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MMSZ joined the network of national marketing associations

The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) is pleased to announce that the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) has joined the cohesive European network of national marketing associations as the 11th member. The...

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You can once again apply for the OMÉK Marketing Award

For the eighth time, the Hungarian Marketing Association is announcing its application for the Exhibition Marketing Award at the OMÉK. The growing value of the Exhibition Marketing Award is proven...

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Dr. Mária Törőcsik is the lifetime achievement awardee of the Hungarian Marketing Association

In addition to annually awarding the best marketing and digital solutions, the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) also awards the organization’s most important recognition, the Tonk Emil Lifetime Achievement Award, in...

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The HoReCa Heroes 2023 awards were presented

On 25 September the HoReCa Heroes Awards were presented to the sector’s crisis-resilient actors at the Business Days conference.  The HoReCa and Event Chapter of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ)...

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Green Club meeting at DDC

Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. (DDC) was a guest of the Green Section of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) at the last green club meeting. The participants were able to learn about...

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HELL Energy – On a sustainable path

In April HELL Energy hosted the meeting of the Green Chapter of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ). This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. First CSR manager...

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You can apply for the HoReCa Heroes competition for a few more days

The HoReCa Heroes competition, founded in 2021 by the HoReCa and Event Section of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) and Trademagazin, is waiting for those who want to enter and...

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Already 36 companies have joined the Green Pledge initiative

On 30 January 36 companies ceremonially signed the declaration of intent to join the Green Pledge initiative of three advertising federations – the Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT), the Hungarian Marketing...

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Prestigious awards for Trade magazin

Trade magazine was showered with awards at the end of January. It was the first time that we participated in the “Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year 2022” contest, and our...

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Growing trust in Hungarian brands – the MagyarBrands Programme has been offering guidance for 13 years now

The MagyarBrands Programme has been searching for and rewarding exceptional brands for 13 years. MagyarBrands has become a logo that serves as a trademark, guiding consumers in their purchasing decisions,...

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Another step towards sustainability: Danone has also joined the Green Pledge

Danone Magyarország Kft. also acted in support of the enforcement of environmental protection and sustainability in the market of the marketing and advertising industry, when it joined the Self-Regulatory Advertising...

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36 companies have already joined the Green Pledge

In a ceremonial setting, 36 key players in the marketing and advertising industry made a commitment to better enforce environmental protection and sustainability by joining the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT),...

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A master’s degree in marketing can already be completed in English at BGN

From September 2023, a practice-focused master’s degree in marketing, which can be completed in English in up to one year, will be launched at the Faculty of Trade of the...

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These are the marketing and communication pillars of 2023

Founded at the end of 2016 and operating as an exclusive professional community of the Hungarian Marketing Association, the Marketing Decision Makers Club summarizes for the seventh time this year...

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Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to share my Christmas poppy seed roll baking experiences with you, but I do want to tell you something personal. This is...

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Dr. János Rákóczi became the new vice-president of the Green Section

The last meeting of the MMSZ Green Section this year was held in the all-green Velux office in mid-November. At the end of the meeting, the members discussed the plans...

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Grandiose sustainability plans at VELUX

In the middle of November, the last meeting of the Hungarian Marketing Association’s Green branch of the year took place at the VELUX regional office, where we learned about VELUX’s...

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