Tag "Magyar Állattenyésztők Szövetsége"

In alliance with agriculture: MBH Bank responds to the challenges of the market together with professional organizations

MBH Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Milk Trade Organization and Product Council, and the FruitVeb...

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In alliance with agriculture: MBH Bank responds to the challenges of the market together with professional organizations

MBH Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Milk Trade Organization and Product Council, and the FruitVeb...

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Let’s dispel misconceptions about animal husbandry and meat consumption!

The National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders consider it a priority task to create balance in the debates surrounding the livestock sector, as well as...

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The livestock sector can count on the government even in times of difficulty

Last year’s century-long drought, the lack of feed, the increase in input costs, and animal diseases did not make the situation of the livestock industry any easier. The decreasing output...

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The central issue of agricultural policy is the management of the effects of price increases

The central issue of the domestic agricultural policy is the management of the effects of the extreme price increases on the crop, gas, electricity and fertilizer markets, which started earlier,...

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The fauna of lawns is in danger due to bad legislation

The Association of Hungarian Animal Breeders considers it important that the Hungarian population encounters realistic and professionally based news in all kinds of media content. It is particularly important for...

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“Meat” is meat, “milk” is milk

The Poultry Products Council, the Meat Association, the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, the National Chamber of Agriculture, the Dairy Products Council and the Interprofessional Organization for Slaughter Animals and...

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Strategic investments can be made in Hungarian agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture is helping farmers, producer organizations and food businesses to manage the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the form of non-refundable support – Nagy István,...

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Podcast: Győrffy Balázs and Zászlós Tibor discussed on domestic animal husbandry

Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture and Zászlós Tibor, President of the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, discussed the situation of domestic animal husbandry.  ...

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The Takarék Group and the Hungarian Animal Breeders Association extended cooperation

The Takarék Group and the Hungarian Animal Breeders Association extended cooperation (MÁSZ) renewed their cooperation agreement. According to the Communication of the Takarék Group sent to MTI on Wednesday, the...

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AM: The new Animal Breeding Act serves the interests of Hungarian breeders

It is an important aspect when creating a new livestock breeding law to defend and assist Hungarian breeders as well as to help to strengthen the domestic breeding organization within...

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The number of sheep has risen

The Association of Hungarian Livestock Farmers has published the sheep and goat sector status report – agrarszektor.hu wrote. As it is written, the number of sheep farms and sheeps increased...

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The Savings Bank and the Hungarian Association of Animal Breeders signed a cooperation agreement

The TakarékBank Zrt. (Savings Bank) and the Magyar Állattenyésztők Szövetsége (Hungarian Association of Animal Breeders) signed a cooperation agreement – the bank told MTI. The objective of the agreement is...

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Milk producer organizations ask for immediate measures

The most affected professional associations in domestic raw milk production, the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board, the Hungarian Animal Breeders Association the Holstein-Friesian Breeders Association the Hungarian Simmental Cattle...

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