Tag "Lengyelország"

More and more Dealz stores are opening in Poland

The discount chain Dealz is increasing its number of shops in Poland at a rapid rate – origo wrote after a Polish newspaper. Dealz belongs to the Poundland discount network,...

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The majority of Poles plan domestic holidays

Nearly two-thirds of the Poles, about twenty million people are preparing for summer travel, most of them are planning domestic holidays – the spokesperson of the Polish Chamber of Tourism...

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Carrefour store in Poland urges shoppers to bring their own bags

Carrefour Polska has announced that customers in its store in Bydgoszcz can now bring their own containers and bags for grocery purchases. It is the first store in the network...

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The Czech Republic abolishes the laboratory testing of Polish beef

The Czech Republic will cancel the strict control of Polish beef from midnight after Warsaw has given Prague assurances that it has taken appropriate measures to ensure the quality of...

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Polish, Hungarian and sweet

The so-called Little Eagles (Sasfiókák) programme has come to an end. Its objective was giving Polish and Hungarian students the chance to learn about culinary connections between the two countries,...

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Hungarian wine show in Warsaw

A Hungarian Wine Show will be held in Warsaw on Tuesday. At the event organized by the National Council of Mountain Regions (HNT), the winners of the last National Wine...

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The Czechs do not trust the Polish food controls

According to the Czech Minister of Agriculture, Prague continues to consider it necessary to strictly control Polish beef, because they do not trust the Polish food control system. In his...

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The inspection of beef from Poland was tightened in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic tightened the inspection of beef imported from Poland on Wednesday with immediate effect. Miroslav Toman, Minister of Agriculture at an extraordinary press conference in Prague, announced that...

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Slovenia withdrew 12 tonnes of infected Polish meat from the market

The Slovenian Food Safety Authority withdrew 12 tonnes of infected Polish beef from the market, which arrived to Slovenia in processed kebab form – the local press wrote on Wednesday...

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Carrefour optimises logistics operations in Poland

Carrefour’s Polish affiliate has announced that the company’s vehicles had driven 2 million kilometres less last year, after the introduction of a new transportation management system. Thanks to thy system...

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Agricultural advisors can help food export at Polish embassies

Poland strongly intends to stimulate food exports. The Minister of Rural Development urges to hire agricultural advisors to embassies – agrarszektor.hu wrote after syngenta.blog.hu. Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, Minister of Rural...

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The Czechs will check the imported Polish food more strictly

In the future, the Czech Ministry of Agriculture wants to check the foods imported from abroad more closely if they have previously experienced problems with the manufacturer. If they find...

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Poland would raise a fence on its eastern border due to African swine pest

The Polish government would build a fence along Poland’s eastern borders to prevent further spread of African swine pest (ASP) – Krzysztof Jurgiel Polish Minister announced at Press Conference in...

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The Polish president signed the law restricting the shops to open on Sundays

On Tuesday, the Polish President Andrzej Duda signed the law restricting the opening hours on Sundays. The law enters into force on 1 March. The stores have to be closed...

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From large to small in Poland

Polish wholesale chain Eurocash took over 188 Mila stores, for which they paid EUR 82 million. The move forms part of the wholesaler’s strategy to establish a supermarket chain that...

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Spar’s success in Central Europe

Spar opened 4 stores in Poland, in the autumn another 4 shop will start and in September a Eurospar supermarket opened in Kokoszyce. This year Spar appeared with 21 new...

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Hungary is the guest of honor of the international food trade fair opened in Warsaw

Hungary is the guest of honor at the Warsaw Food Expo 2017, an international food fair opened in Nadarzyn, near Warsaw on Thursday. The Warsaw Food Expo was organized on...

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The Nova Park shopping center was sold

The joint company of the MAS Real Estate and the Prime Kapital Holding bought the Nova Park shopping center of Futureal group in Poland. The value of the transaction was...

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Polish egg shipments will be checked by the NÉBIH

An alert arrived into the EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) about Polish eggs infected with salmonella. Because of the high food safety risk, Zsigó Róbert, Minister...

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Poland suspends retail tax collection

Poland in response to the action launched by the European Commission suspends the retail tax collection and adopts a new, tax law amendment taxing large-area stores – Pawel Szalamacha Polish...

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The Polish Solidarity would restrict the Sunday opening hours of shops

The Solidarity submits a bill for the limitation of the Sunday opening hours of shops, after collected the necessary signatures – Piotr Duda, president of the largest trade union in...

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The Polish Sejm adopted a law on special tax on retail

The Polish Sejm voted the bill on Wednesday on the special retail tax. The European Commission has not raised an objection against the introduction of the progressive surtax. According to...

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The Polish government adopted a draft law on special tax on retail

On Tuesday, the Polish government adopted a bill on the special retail tax. The special retail tax was previously presented by the Polish Finance Minister in the parliament. It will...

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New tax in Poland

Poland’s Minister of Finance Pawel Szalamacha announced that the government imposes a new tax on retail chains. For chains with a turnover below EUR 67 million will have the rate...

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Unverified Polish potatoes were found again

An entrepreneur in Újfehértó was caught once again, after unverified, Polish potatoes were found at the fruit and vegetable wholesaler again. The National Food safety Office and the National Tax...

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A new surtax may come

Designed along the lines of the Polish retail surtax, the Hungarian government may decide about a new measure during the spring, which would provide a more proportional burden sharing for...

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The retail surtax would be progressive in Poland

The Polish Ministry of Finance published its draft law on the retail special tax on Monday evening. According to the draft released on the ministry's website, the special tax would...

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