Tag "kkv"

„Everyone is a retailer and every digital device is a payment point”

Three years ago Mastercard launched its Doppio programme in Hungary, with the goal of doubling the number of card payment terminals by the autumn of 2022. Our magazine asked business...

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K&H: the exchange rate change is a bigger problem than the lack of people, the companies say

According to 53 percent of SMEs, exchange rate fluctuations, lack of professionals, cost increases, inflation and material shortages together affect the operation of domestic businesses more than the coronavirus epidemic,...

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K&H: SMEs are already forced to save on this

Businesses are planning for the next year with fewer new employees: the proportion of those planning to hire has dropped by half, while the last time so many people thought...

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Generali: despite the unfolding crisis, 46% of Hungarian SMEs are actively engaged in sustainability

46% of Hungarian SMEs have already prepared their own sustainability action plan or plan to do so in the near future, due to inflation and the climate and energy crisis,...

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BNI has collected crisis management tips for businesses

As a result of the domestic and global economic events of recent months, the prospects of the domestic SME sector are increasingly deteriorating. This is shown, among other things, by...

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K&H: Domestic SMEs cannot exploit inflation

The financial expectations of domestic businesses for the year ahead have fallen significantly, according to the results of K&H’s research among SMEs. The companies expect an average increase in sales...

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BDO: Significant company succession risks in the domestic SME segment

In the current, unpredictable macro environment, many companies are and may be in a difficult situation, but the risks may be magnified in the case of domestically owned companies that...

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K&H: Refinanced loans drive the economy

In the highly changing economic environment, state-supported corporate loans with preferential interest rates play a major role in the financing of companies. K&H actively participates in this, so last year...

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This is the true cost of phishing attacks for SMEs

The range of threats is constantly evolving and expanding as more and more employees choose to work remotely. In particular, the number of phishing attacks has increased exponentially since the...

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The honour of the trade

Hereby the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) declares that the guild condemns the fraud, which has been committed recently in a bar in Hajós Street in Budapest. Acts like this...

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EXTENDED! Local communities can apply again: they can win a total of HUF 42 million in support from Tesco

For the 12th time, Tesco is launching its “You choose, we help” tender program to support local community initiatives, the deadline for which has been extended until November 11. In...

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K&H: The SME sector is not expected to be too good

After the downward trend so far, the confidence of the SME sector has now been shaken even more: the K&H SME confidence index, starting from the positive range never seen...

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Hungarian SMEs were also included among the “Sustainability Heroes” of the Generali Group’s EnterPRIZE application

This year, the Generali Group launched its successful SME sustainability competition, EnterPRIZE, for the second time, in which it recognizes those pioneering European SMEs that stand out with their performance...

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Rented IT speeds up the reaction time of companies

The crisis directed companies’ attention to rented IT services (SaaS) again. The IT resources and tools used in this way can not only be scaled immediately and flexibly to current...

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With these tech solutions, companies can save on utility bills

According to a recent survey, more than 40% of domestic businesses are only now facing rising energy bills. And in several European countries, such as the United Kingdom and Italy,...

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Let’s invest energy in the solution!

Hungary’s largest environmental NGO, the Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers, is organizing an online conference on October 26, 2022 (Wednesday) starting at 10:00 a.m., entitled “Current energy issues...

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Chambers of commerce also play a role in fine-tuning the SME support system

The transition to flat-rate taxation and the administration of flat-rate taxpayers will continue to be simplified, announced Finance Minister Mihály Varga at the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK)...

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The SPAR and K&H Hungaricool product competition is starting

In 2022, the Hungaricool product competition will be launched for the fourth time, to which, in addition to the originator SPAR, K&H will join this season with an even more...

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This year, these companies won the Effekt 2030 award

This year’s competition for the Effekt 2030 – Community Investments award was characterized by a prestigious field and close competition. The recognition was once again awarded to the companies applying...

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42 percent of Hungarian SMEs do not have a sustainability plan – Generali’s EnterPRIZE program encourages good examples

The Generali Group recently published the first results of its SME survey with Bocconi University. While a quarter of businesses keep environmental and social sustainability aspects in mind during their...

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BDO: The EU’s “green” obligations are a serious burden for companies

The EU’s green transition strategy imposes significant tasks not only on large companies, but also on companies in the SME sector and their managers, which essentially has not eased despite...

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Good news for companies: energy subsidies also come for central heating

The energy subsidy also comes after the district heating bills: in addition to their electricity and gas consumption, manufacturing SMEs can apply for non-refundable subsidies to partially offset the increase...

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Exchange rate, inflation, energy, labor shortage: these were the main topics of the Northeast Hungarian Regional Economic Forum

On September 27, business leaders from a total of 6 counties met in Debrecen to discuss the elements of the economic environment affecting companies, as well as the most fundamental...

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This is how SMEs can save the most on investments and developments

Managers of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are mostly concerned about rising purchase prices, transport costs and higher overhead costs, as well as predicting a drastic increase in their...

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The Vojvodina economic development program continues

Everyone is feeling the effects of the economic crisis affecting Europe and the world, as well as the war in Ukraine, despite this, the Hungarian government is determined to continue...

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Sustainability and Hungarian companies

GKI Economic Research did a representative survey in May 2022, with the participation of 964 companies that employ more than 5 people. The topic was the environmental consciousness and the...

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The Agricultural Széchenyi Investment Loan Program MAX

The new, highly state-supported loan product can be widely used for agricultural investment credit purposes and for the acquisition of related working capital. A loan with a particularly favorable interest...

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K&H: The lack of professionals and exchange rate fluctuations hinder the operation of SMEs the most

Exchange rate changes are causing more and more problems for domestic businesses, according to the results of the second quarter of the K&H SME confidence index. After the shortage of...

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Four fifths of Hungarian small businesses consider sustainable corporate operations to be important

Four fifths of domestic micro and small businesses consider sustainable corporate operations to be important; their main motivation is internal conviction, and not social expectation or some perceived advantage –...

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Government information: companies working in energy-intensive industries receive state support

SMEs working in energy-intensive industries, as part of production chains, can receive state support for the purpose of job protection in order to prevent the government from major problems that...

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