Tag "készpénz"

Hungarians don’t really want to pay in cash anymore

In the first quarter of 2024, the number of Hungarian bank card cash withdrawals barely exceeded 20.6 million, which means an average of two transactions per card in three months....

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Free in-store cash withdrawals: a government idea that did not find understanding ears

Eight months ago, the government introduced the proposal that it should be possible to withdraw cash in stores even for minimal purchases. According to the idea, this would help people...

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K&H: cash is not cool

Young people basically stick to their Christmas customs, also from the point of view that they still buy the majority of gifts in person, in a traditional store, but there...

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Card acceptance also boosts business

Although many people want to pay by card, many merchants and service providers do not yet offer this option in Hungary. As a result, shoppers still often find themselves in...

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K&H: saving money in cash is a dead end

In today’s inflationary environment cash savings are losing their value the fastest. According to data from the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB), Hungarian households have about HUF 7,000bn saved in...

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Brits are turning back to cash – says Post Office

According to new research by the Post Office, people are increasingly turning back to cash as they look to control their spending during the cost of living crisis and soaring inflation....

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A significant amount of cash remained with the population, according to central bank experts

Since last year, a significant amount of cash has remained with the population, said the participants of Tuesday’s online book presentation of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB). The head of...

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Walmart makes cash payment options more efficient

Mega retailer Walmart has partnered with bill payment fintech PayNearMe and bank technology company Green Dot to provide its customers a new way to pay their bills in cash at...

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Does cash payment go or stay?

UK sees resurgence in cash use. The UK has seen a resurgence in the use of cash in the past week, according to cash management company Loomis UK. Consumers like...

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Next year we can pay out even 1 forint with a credit card

From January, it will be possible to pay out even a single forint with a bank card, no cash will be needed, the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry...

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The deadline for card terminal placements will be extended

It seems that in two years the payment service providers have not been able to place the 30,000 card terminals to which the government provides 80,000 HUF in support –...

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The number of cash payments decreasing

Landslide-like changes have been brought in everyday life, including measures related to the coronavirus pandemic in banking and shopping, such as curfew restrictions – napi.hu wrote. The average value of...

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Nearly half of the Hungarians pay with cash by routine, according to a research

Nearly half of the Hungarians pay with cash by routine, while most households have credit cards and are familiar with credit card payments – according to a national, representative survey...

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Cashless trend catching on in Japan

Japan is taking steps toward becoming a cashless society, with all transactions paid in cash expected to decline from 76.2% in 2018 to 71.4% in 2022, according to data and...

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Amazon Go goes with cash in New York City

The first Amazon Go store in New York City opened for business this week and is taking cash as well as offering a cashierless checkout customer experience. The store is...

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More than half of the Hungarians pay in cash according to a survey

Cash is still popular in Hungary, as more than half of people pay on a daily basis pay with cash – according to a representative survey of Intrum’s debt management....

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The amount of cash in circulation is on top in Hungary

Although cash in circulation increased to 6,117 billion HUF in Hungary, and 74 percent of daily purchases are still carried out with cash, more and more innovative payment solutions are...

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The amount of cash in circulation has increased in Hungary

In recent years, the amount of cash in circulation in Hungary has increased – Németh Dávid, analyst of K&H told M1 news channel. According to the analyst, although cash is...

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The government supports the spread of cash-friendly payment methods

The government supports a number of programs to promote cash-friendly payment methods and to boost financial awareness in Hungary – Varga Mihály Finance Minister emphasized in the Árpád Óbudai Gimnázium...

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It is getting harder for banknote counterfeiters

The MNB (Hungarian National Bank) has started the exchange of forint banknotes in 2014. The security features of the renewed banknotes now provide much more complex protection against possible counterfeiting,...

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Cash accumulation is slowing down

Cash accumulation of the households has slowed down somewhat last year, due to the decline in savings in foreign currencies – Világgazdaság Online wrote. However, the volume and proportion of...

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Hungarians support the reduction of cash

Sixty percent of the Hungarians agree that the shadow economy can be reduced in Hungary by increasing electronic payment solutions and reducing cash – portfolio.hu reported the latest Mastercard research....

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Huge amount of cash in the economy

On 1 January 2016, 425 million banknotes and one and a half billion coins were in the economy in Hungary. The government could also gain one hundred billion HUF amount,...

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The MKIK would turn cafeteria into cash

A new discount rule would be included into the public burden sharing specifications. The new rule would declare in case of all employees that the employee have to pay only...

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The traders already urged to give cash instead of cafeteria

If the cafeteria benefits would be changed into cash, it would be good to the participants of trade – Népszabadság wrote after hirado.hu. Vámos György, Secretary-General of the National Retail...

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CIB Research: half of the tourists use cash and credit cards in the same proportion

According to CIB Bank's recent research, half of the summer travelers use cash and credit cards in the same proportion. 22 percent of them choose the credit card payment when...

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E-money from cash

From now, we can change our cash to e-money at forty-terminals in Budapest. The e-money can be used immediately, you can park with it, it can be sent to someone...

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