Tag "Japán"

“Taste of Japan in Budapest,” The Japanese government's first culinary seminar in Budapest

The Japanese Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry (MAFF) organized a special practical seminar and tasting in Budapest titled “Taste of Japan in Budapest”, which gave an insight into the peculiarities...

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Japan bans Hungarian poultry

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture forbade the importation of certain Hungarian poultry products on Saturday – index wrote. The ban on chickens, ducks, turkeys and other poultry products was brought...

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Seafood from waters near Fukushima was smuggled to China for two years

Customs inspectors in Qingdao have arrested a group of people for smuggling, saying they brought potentially radiation-tainted seafood from Fukushima, Japan into China, state television reported on Monday. As much...

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Robot farmers in Japan

Human-like robots and self-driving tractors are the future to replace the agricultural labor force in Japan – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The reason is that the Japanese farmers are getting too old...

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Japanese are interested in the Hungarian agricultural products

Serious interest was shown towards the Hungarian agricultural products in Japan – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told at a press conference in Budapest. He added that the negotiations he...

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Budai Gyula: other Hungarian wines have place on the Japanese market in addition to the Tokaji wines

The most famous Hungarian wine is Tokaji in Japan. A significant amount is purchased from Tokaji in the Far Eastern island country, but several other high-quality Hungarian wines also have...

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Japanese-Hungarian agricultural negotiations at the Grüne Woche

The Hungarian Minister of Agriculture negotiated with his Japanese counterpart on a possible cooperation in the research of short-term bred rice varieties and sour cherry cultivars among other things in...

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The export of Hungarian acacia honey to Japan may increase

The Hungarian acacia honey exports to the Far East may increase after Japan's largest department store chain, the CGC Japan included the Hungarian Aranynektár Ltd. into its supply line. The...

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Japan terminated the ban on Hungarian poultry meat imports

Japan terminated the ban on Hungarian poultry meat imports from 2 June. The measure was introduced because bird flue was detected in Békés county in February. According to the communication...

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A pair of spotlessly mangoes were sold for 300,000 yen in Japan

A deep pocketed Japanese department store shelled out an eye-watering 300,000 yen (2,500 USD) Monday for a pair of mangoes, a record price for the second year in a row....

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The ‘tigers’ of the Far East like Hungarian meat

Japan’s population is 127 million and it is an aging society, as only 8 children are born per 1,000 people a year. The Japanese economy is growing between 2 and...

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