Tag "Ipsos"

Most online shoppers are fed up with unpredictable parcel delivery times

According to a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by DODO, it has already happened to every second customer that they weren’t at home when a parcel was delivered, and nearly two-thirds...

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Ipsos: we love and fear artificial intelligence at the same time

According to a global AI monitor survey by Ipsos (published in June 2024, involving 32 countries and nearly 24,000 respondents), half of us are enthusiastic about AI and the other...

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With the spread of AI, everything that humans create can become premium

Let’s take look at consumption trends. In 2024 – just like last year – health will be at the forefront of consumers’ minds, but cost, value, the environment and sustainability...

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The commitment is there, but Hungarian companies experience sustainability as a constraint

A joint survey conducted by the Budapest University of Economics and IPSOS highlighted that Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not always consciously and strategically manage sustainability. The majority...

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Vendéglátás az inflációs válság árnyékában

A Business Days konferencia HoReCa napjának délelőttje a piacelemzésről szólt; első előadóként Feitel Balázs, az Ipsos ügyvezető igazgatója tartott előadást. A szakértő egészen friss, szeptemberi kutatási adatokat hozott. A cikk a Trade...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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More than half of the children know the European Fresh Team! The program of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy has completed three successful years

The final press conference of the program of the European Fresh Team, which promotes the consumption of vegetables and fruits of the National Chamber of Agriculture, was held at a...

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Mars unveils “accelerated, affordable and achievable” Net Zero Emissions Roadmap to reduce emissions by 50 percent across value chain by 2030

Mars Incorporated today released the Mars Net Zero Emissions Roadmap, a firm action plan that aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the entire value chain by...

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Előzd meg a kiégést!

A Trade Marketing Klub nyári találkozója idén is kitekintő jellegű témával várta a résztvevőket. A kiégés megelőzése sokakat érintő terület, amit a szakértő előadók és az aktívan kérdező egybegyűltek alaposan áttekintettek....

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The world is going in a plant-based direction, but Hungarians are meat eaters

At the “Which way are innovations going?”conference Balázs Fehér, marketing account director of Ipsos gave a presentation about the rising popularity of plant-based eating. This article is available for reading...

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Ipsos research: the Global Inflation Monitor is here

According to the Ipsos Global Inflation Monitor report, an increasing proportion of the world’s population, now the relative majority, 49%, perceives a recession. This rate among Hungarians is 78%, so...

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Ipsos Earth Day research: Hungarians urge changes

According to the Ipsos Earth Day 2023 report, an average of 31% of the world’s population agrees with the statement that their country’s leadership, companies, and citizens should have a...

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Busy schedule!

Competitions, events, new projects, new colleagues, team building programmes and restructuring… One task comes after the other. We have a busy schedule and the days and weeks are running away...

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The only way is up from here

A global survey by Ipsos – conducted in July 2022 – came to the conclusion that it is Hungarian consumers who are getting ready to face the biggest challenges. According...

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Ipsos: these were the most creative Super Bowl ads in 2023

This year, Ipsos also tested the advertising spots presented during the Super Bowl in real time. Here are the most creative ads: Best Happy CFO: PopCorners Best celeb-spotting: Dunkin’ and...

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K&H: What worries the citizens of the world?

The term “sustainability” has entered the vocabulary of everyday life. According to a research covering 34 countries, among the problems that concern people, the most frequently used concepts – such...

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Ipsos research: inflation is already our number one fear

Ipsos’ What Worries the World survey tracks public opinion on the most important social and political issues across 29 countries today, drawing on over 10 years of data to place...

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Ipsos: this is how consumers evaluate the year 2022

Based on an international survey by Ipsos, half of the population of the 36 countries surveyed (56%) characterize 2022 as a bad year for themselves and their families, and three...

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Ipsos: Completely new opportunities have appeared in the field of product testing

The Ipsos article shows how combining behavioral science with product testing can lead to a better understanding and use of test results, and how this can lead to new, innovative...

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Ipsos: moderate interest in Qatar World Cup

Ipsos’ study of the global reception of the upcoming soccer World Cup in 34 countries. The Arab world, Asia, and South America are visibly moved by the event, on the...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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The effects of climate change are unquestionable

According to the monthly tracking research What Worries the World by Ipsos, only 10% of Hungarians were of the opinion in the last six months that climate change was one...

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Magazine: We want to use less plastic

Plastic Free July is a worldwide initiative that is getting more popular year after year: its goal is to turn this month into a plastic-free one, when consumers don’t buy...

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People fear inflation the most, globally

Ipsos’ What Worries the World survey tracks public opinion on the most important social and political issues across 27 countries today, drawing on over 10 years of data to place...

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“Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards presented

Trade magazine presented the “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards to the winners in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre on 26 May. Managing director and editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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Ipsos research: Hungarians see the benefits of globalization

Ipsos’ latest international research has assessed public support for globalisation and world trade in 25 countries, including Hungary. The majority believe that cross-border trade is essentially useful, but a third...

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Inflation: 9 out of 10 Austrians already feel the rise in prices

According to a survey released by the Ipsos polling institute on Thursday, nine out of ten in Austria already feel the effects of inflation on their daily lives, especially when...

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Magazine: Young consumers shape the future of Hungarian hospitality

After the Covid-19 pandemic the hospitality sector has to satisfy new types of demand. According to an online survey conducted by Ipsos at Populacio.hu, about two thirds of adult Hungarians...

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Ipsos research: banning single-use plastics

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Restructuring affects more sectors

In December 2021 Ipsos did an online survey with 2,545 respondents from Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic (the respondents were minimum 16 years old). Digital daily life Only...

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