Tag "infláció"

The food industry is a national strategic sector

We managed to put inflation, which had risen high due to the war and sanctions, onto a downward path, and we aimed for a further strong decrease, said Dr. Márton...

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Food prices continue to be the main driver of inflation in Germany

In Germany, inflation continued to slow down in May, according to the final data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) presented on Tuesday. Consumer prices increased by 6.1 percent year-on-year...

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Inflation in Spain fell to a 22-month low in May

The annual growth rate of consumer prices in Spain slowed to a 22-month low of 3.2 percent in May from 4.1 percent in the previous month, according to the final...

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What does not kill you makes you stronger

Today there is only one stable factor that is present in the daily lives of market players: CONSTANT change! However, as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill you only makes...

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Márton Nagy: For the first time since November 2020, inflation has decreased “visible” on a monthly basis

Inflation decreased noticeably on a monthly basis for the first time since November 2020, according to the data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), as highlighted by Minister of...

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KSH: in May, prices increased by 21.5 percent compared to the same month of the previous year

In May, consumer prices on average exceeded the previous year’s levels by 21.5 percent. Household energy and food prices saw the highest increases over the past year, according to the...

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The food industry is booming

The government’s goal is to protect Hungarian families and pensioners even in the economic situation affected by the sanctions, and to prevent recession and reduce inflation to single digits by...

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Retail turnover decreased by 12.6%

In April, the volume of retail trade fell short of expectations by 13.6% according to raw data, and by 12.6% when adjusted for calendar effects, while sales revenue rose by...

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K&H: It is difficult for companies to cope with double-digit inflation

Inflation above 20 percent affects large companies, the operation of 9 out of 10 companies is negatively affected, according to the latest measurement of the K&H large company growth index....

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As expected, Swiss inflation slowed in May

In line with analysts’ expectations, Swiss consumer prices rose by 2.2 percent year-on-year in May, according to Monday’s data from the Swiss Statistical Office. A month earlier, in April, annual...

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OKSZ: The Government should lift the price cap and abolish the retail tax

The member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) were outraged to learn that the retail tax in the sales revenue above 100 billion was increased from 4.1% to 4.5%...

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Industrial producer prices have risen, and export prices have already fallen

In April 2023, industrial producer prices rose by an average of 15.9 percent compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices increased by 41.9 percent, export sales by 3.3 percent,...

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Inflation in Germany also slowed down in May

In May, inflation continued to decelerate in Germany, according to data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on Wednesday. Based on the agency’s preliminary calculations, consumer prices increased by 6.1...

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What causes food price increases and how long will they last? György Raskó speaks

The continuous rise in food prices is a global phenomenon that has been causing concern among consumers for more than a year. But how long will this process continue? Haszon.hu...

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The prices of the best quality wines rose sharply

The price increase of high-quality wines surpasses inflation and even the performance of the world’s largest stock exchanges. Investing in the wine market can be both a pleasure and a...

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K&H: thinking was completely transformed by inflation

The decisions of Hungarian customers in their 30s, 40s and 50s are now fundamentally influenced by inflation, partly they pay more attention to what they buy, partly they have reduced...

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The proportion of companies planning to raise prices in Germany further decreased

In May, fewer German companies planned price increases in the next three months than a month earlier, according to the data of the survey published on Friday by the German...

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AM State Secretary: the government is spending HUF 750 billion in EU funds for the development of the food industry

Instead of the previous HUF 468 billion, the government will allocate 750 billion HUF of European Union funds to the development of the food industry, the State Secretary of the...

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GKI: Why should the MNB fight inflation with high interest rates?

The shocking rise in consumer prices last year and the expected peak this year raises the question of whether the MNB is doing the right thing by protecting itself against...

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Half of the companies are in a worse financial position than a year ago, mostly due to inflation

Despite high inflation, Hungarian businesses are in the European middle ground in terms of economic downturn. The majority of domestic companies are in a worse financial position than a year...

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Ipsos research: the Global Inflation Monitor is here

According to the Ipsos Global Inflation Monitor report, an increasing proportion of the world’s population, now the relative majority, 49%, perceives a recession. This rate among Hungarians is 78%, so...

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The bulletin is out: this is the mandatory poster for store promotions

The mandatory in-store action aimed at reducing wartime food price inflation now includes the creation of posters that specify who should display them and where. According to the decree issued...

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Eurostat: In April, food inflation in the Eurozone accelerated on an annual basis

In April, inflation accelerated in the euro zone on an annual basis, the statistical office of the European Union announced on Wednesday. According to Eurostat’s final data, inflation rose to...

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Márton Nagy: the online price monitoring system and the mandatory promotion will help to reduce inflation to single digits by the end of the year

International examples show that the online price monitoring system – as well as the mandatory sales – contributes to increasing market competition in the retail sector, and overall helps to...

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The Milk Product Council is revising the basic price forecast for raw milk based on the recommendations of the GVH

The Milk Trade Union and Product Council will revise the price forecast methodology that determines the price of raw milk – this was agreed upon by the leaders of the...

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The development of the food industry cannot stop, according to the vice president of NAK

The development of the domestic food industry cannot stop despite difficulties not seen for decades – said the national vice-president responsible for the food industry of the National Chamber of...

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VAN VOSZ VÁLASZ: Is it possible to reduce inflation and interest rates together?

A high inflation and high interest rates hinder business development, economic growth, and catching up. To sustain businesses and promote economic development, it is essential to reduce inflation and interest...

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The GVH negotiated with the food industry and trade professional organizations on the reduction of inflation

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) held a consultation with seven food industry and trade professional organizations and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture regarding its proposals aimed at reducing inflation...

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In Romania, inflation slowed to 11.2 percent in April

Annual inflation in Romania slowed down by more than three percentage points to 11.2 percent in April, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Friday. In March, Romanian inflation...

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Chinese inflation hit a two-year low in April

In April, inflation in China slowed down to a more than two-year low more than expected, according to a report from the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday. In China,...

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