Tag "infláció"

Analysts: the rate of price increase is decreasing, but core inflation is increasing

The 2.2 percent inflation rate in April is much lower than the 2.7 percent measured in March and slightly lower than the market expectations – analysts told MTI. According to...

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Inflation declined to 2.2 percent in April

Consumer prices were on average 2.2 percent higher in April than a year before, inflation slowed down by 0.5 percentage points from the annual 2.7 percent of March. Compared to...

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Inflation slowed in the euro area and in the EU

In March, the annual rise in consumer prices slowed in the euro zone and in the European Union. Eurostat confirmed inflation in March in the 19 countries sharing the euro...

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Analysts: inflation rate this year may be around the purpose of the MNB

Inflation decreased to 2.7 percent in March, lower than the expectations of the analysts, after the 2.9 percent in February. In the rest of the year, inflation will temporarily exceed...

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NGM: the growth in household incomes is faster than growth in retail

The strengthening of Hungary is indicated by the increase in household income that exceeds the growth of retail. The data indicates that the propensity to save of the households remains...

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German consumer sentiment worsened in April

The increase in inflation decreased the consumer sentiment index in April below the expected level – according to the GfK market research institute. In April, the GfK German consumer sentiment...

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Inflation increased in the euro area and in the EU in February

Euro area’s annual inflation became 2.0 percent in February 2017, up from the 1.8 percent in January. In February 2016 the rate was -0.2 percent. European Union annual inflation was...

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Inflation accelerated as expected

Inflation accelerated in February in Hungary by 2.9 percent, in line with the analysts’ expectations. In the coming months, inflation may exceed 3 percent, but the macroeconomic analysts interviewed by...

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Inflation has jumped

In February, consumer prices were an average 2.9 percent higher than a year before and rose 0.4 percent in a month – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday....

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GKI: economic growth can be around 3 percent this year

This year the GDP growth can be about 3 percent or slightly higher in Hungary – GKI Economic Research Co. told in its latest forecasts. In their communication sent to...

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Inflation is accelerating in Europe

Consumer prices in the Euro Area increased 1.8 percent year-on-year in January of 2017, following a 1.1 percent rise in December and in line with preliminary estimates. It is the...

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Analysts: Inflation may continue to accelerate in the first quarter

Inflation may continue to accelerate in the first quarter, but analysts interviewed by MTI do not expect to exceed the central bank’s inflation target of 3 percent this year. According...

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Consumer prices grew by 2.3 percent in January

Consumer prices increased by an average of 2.3 percent in January, comapred to the previous year – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced. Compared to December last year, consumer prices...

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Euro area inflation strengthened in January

According to the preliminary data of the European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat), euro zone’s inflation became 1.8 percent in January, after the 1.1 percent of December. The 8.1 percent annual...

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KSH: the increase in earnings has accelerated

In November, the average gross earnings amounted to 285 800 HUF, which is a 8.2 percent increased over the year, while due to changes in average net income of the...

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Euro zone’s inflation is on a nearly three-year peak

Because of the increase in energy prices, the highest inflation of nearly three years occured last December in the euro zone – according to Eurostat’s statement, published on Wednesday. According...

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Analysts: this year’s expected inflation rate exceeds 2 percent

Macroeconomic analysts who responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) fresh data told MTI that they expect more than 2 percent inflation this year. According to the report, consumer prices...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 0.4 percent last year

Consumer prices rose by an average 0.4 percent in 2016, compared to the previous year and in December were an average 1.8 percent higher than a year ago – the...

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Inflation increased in the euro area and in the EU

Inflation increased in the euro area and in the EU in November, both the euro area and in the European Union, compared to October, according to the data of Eurostat...

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There is still no inflationary pressure in the economy

The November inflation data did not cause a surprise – according to the analysts interviewed by MTI. Despite the wage increases there is still no inflationary pressures in the economy....

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The inflation rate was above 1 percent in November

In November, consumer prices were on average 1.1 percent higher than a year before. Compared with the previous month, prices increased by an average of 0.1 percent – the Central...

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Consumer prices increased in the euro area and in the EU

Annual consumer prices in October increased for the fifth month in the euro area and in the European Union. According to the data published on Thursday by the statistical office...

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The KSH measured a one percent inflation

Consumer prices were on average 1.0 percent higher in October than a year before, while compared with the previous month, prices increased by an average of 0.6 percent – the...

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Raiffeisen: 2.3 percent GDP growth for this year and 2.7 percent for the next year

Raiffeisen Bank’s analysts say that this year 2.3 percent, for next year 2.7 economic growth is expected in Hungary – Török Zoltán, senior analyst of the financial institution said at...

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Consumer prices increased in the euro area and in the EU in September

Consumer prices increased in the euro area and in the European Union in September for the fourth consecutive month in an annual comparison. According to data published by Eurostat on...

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NGM: inflation will be below 0.4 percent this year

The government's convergence program expects an average inflation of 0.4 percent for the whole year. According to recently published data it will be slightly below it – Balogh László, Deputy...

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KSH: inflation was 0.6 percent in September

Consumer prices were on average 0.6 percent higher in September than a year before, while compared with the previous month increased by an average of 0.2 percent. The Central Statistical...

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Consumer prices increased in the euro zone and in the EU in August

Consumer prices in August increased by 0.2 percent in the euro zone and by 0.3 percent in the European Union in annual comparision – European Union statistical office (Eurostat) announced...

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Analysts: this year's inflation will be around half percent

The macroeconomic analysts, interviewed by MTI expect an average inflation of 0.5 – 0.6 percent this year. The National Economy Ministry (NGM) in connection with the statistical data highlighted that...

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